Bank of Africa s’associe à dltledgers afin d’accompagner la digitalisation des opérations de commerce international au travers de la Blockchain.

SINGAPOUR and CASABLANCA19 décembre 2022 /PRNewswire/ — BANK OF AFRICA franchit une nouvelle étape dans l’accompagnement de ses clients dans la digitalisation des flux commerciaux internationaux à l’aide de la technologie blockchain de #dltledgers. La technologie est un facteur différenciateur dans l’environnement concurrentiel actuel, autant pour les entreprises que pour les banques. #dltledgers permettra à BANK OF AFRICA d’offrir à ses clients un nouveau canal digital pour le traitement des opérations de Trade Finance. Ce partenariat stratégique permettra au groupe bancaire de faciliter les échanges internationaux, d’améliorer la visibilité des flux sous-jacents et d’améliorer l’expérience client. En effet, la création de réseaux privés et sécurisés sur la blockchain permettra une collaboration et une confiance plus étroites entre la banque et ses clients. BANK OF AFRICA s’engage résolument à offrir une expérience client de pointe et à digitaliser les échanges documentaires des opérations de commerce international en utilisant la technologie blockchain de #dltledger ; la banque ouvre ainsi cette nouvelle voix en Afrique.

À propos de BANK OF AFRICA

Fondée en 1959, BANK OF AFRICA est un groupe panafricain de services financiers de premier plan. Capitalisant sur son appartenance au groupe O Capital, leader régional impliqué dans divers secteurs d’activité à fort potentiel de croissance, BANK OF AFRICA est une banque universelle dont les activités sont très diversifiées : banque de détail, commerciale, d’investissement et services financiers spécialisés tels que le leasing, l’affacturage, le crédit à la consommation et le recouvrement de créances. Présent dans 32 pays dont 21 en Afrique, le groupe se développe à travers une stratégie continentale tout en conservant une vocation internationale puisqu’il est bien positionné en Afrique, en Europe, en Asie et en Amérique du Nord.

À propos des dltledgers

dltledgers est une société technologique internationale dont le Siège social est basée à Singapour. Nous sommes une plate-forme centrée sur le client pour l’exécution des transactions transfrontalières. Plusieurs banques régionales et mondiales se sont inscrites et opèrent en tant que partenaires du réseau en offrant des services de financement du commerce sur la plateforme. Outre l’affectation de contrepartie dans la blockchain, nous mettons en réseau l’expédition, la logistique, les ports et d’autres partenaires de réseau dans un réseau commercial de confiance pour nos clients. Avec la digitalisation et la blockchain, le commerce transfrontalier se transforme comme jamais auparavant. La plateforme de blockchain #dltledgers est en tête du peloton avec plus de 4 milliards USD d’échanges exécutés dans le monde.”

A Graphenea lança a subsidiária de produtos químicos especiais KIVORO

Quality Control

Analysis of a specialty chemical

SAN SEBASTIAN, Espanha, Dec. 18, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Graphenea S.A., líder mundial na produção de grafeno, lançou uma empresa subsidiária. A KIVORO é uma empresa química especializada, focada na criação de soluções para desafios industriais.

Vamos mais rápido! O slogan da KIVORO refere-se à agilidade e rapidez na colaboração com a empresa e, em conjunto com sua abordagem “keep-it-simple”, eles estão dando nova vida ao setor de produtos químicos especializados. Jeremey Shipp, Diretor de Vendas da KIVORO salienta: “Estamos trabalhando em desafios industriais complicados, mas não temos dificuldades para lidar com eles. Entendemos que nossos clientes estão em busca de soluções, não de problemas, e somos uma organização direta e ágil”.

Quality Control

Conducting quality control analysis

A KIVORO vai além do grafeno, comenta o CEO Jesús de la Fuente: “A KIVORO foi criada para podermos comercializar nossas soluções industriais atuais e irmos além do grafeno”. Naturalmente manteremos nossa experiência líder em carbono e nanomateriais, mas estamos firmemente focados no desenvolvimento das especialidades químicas corretas para os desafios industriais de nossos clientes, a fim de trazer eficiências operacionais e reduzir as emissões”.

Specialty Chemical Production

Head of Production, Xabier Ulacia overseeing production

A KIVORO trabalha com muitas indústrias de construção, revestimentos, filtragem, compósitos e outras. Eles desenvolveram vários aditivos de alto desempenho que vão desde seu aditivo para cimento até o armazenamento de energia, compósitos, adesivos, látex de borracha, revestimentos e muito mais. Uma das realizações de que eles mais se orgulham é seu status de emissões líquidas zero, comentou o CEO Jesús de la Fuente: “Somos implacáveis em nossa busca de melhorias para alcançar grandes resultados com um impacto positivo no desempenho e no planeta. Todos os nossos produtos são neutros em carbono e, na maioria dos casos, nossos produtos permitem que nossos clientes melhorem sua pegada de carbono e economizem dinheiro”.

Kivoro Plant

Specialty chemical production plant

Sobre a Graphenea
A Graphenea é uma empresa de tecnologia criada em 2010 especializada na produção de grafeno, tem clientes em mais de 60 países e escritórios em San Sebastián (Espanha) e Boston (EUA). A Graphenea auxilia seus clientes produzindo novas formas de grafeno, desde transistores de efeito de campo de grafeno até óxidos de grafeno, e mantendo sua liderança no setor de produção de grafeno em expansão.

Sobre a KIVORO
A KIVORO é uma subsidiária da Graphenea e é o resultado de muitos anos de trabalho no setor de aditivos e nanotecnologia, onde eles acumularam um extenso know-how e conhecimento intersetorial na área de produtos químicos especializados. A KIVORO foi criada para melhorar e agregar valor aos produtos dos clientes, projetando o melhor aditivo químico para sua aplicação.

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Kivoro Plant

Specialty chemical production plant

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Graphenea lance KIVORO, sa compagnie dérivée spécialisée dans les produits chimiques

Quality Control

Analysis of a specialty chemical

SAINT-SÉBASTIEN, Espagne, 18 déc. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Graphenea S.A., un des leaders dans la production mondiale de graphène, vient de lancer une entreprise dérivée. KIVORO est une société spécialisée dans les produits chimiques qui se concentre sur la création de solutions pour les défis de niveau industriel.

Let’s go faster! (Avançons plus vite !) Le slogan de KIVORO fait référence à la flexibilité et à la rapidité des collaborations que propose l’entreprise. Avec son slogan et son approche « de simplicité », KIVORO donne un nouveau souffle au secteur des produits chimiques spécialisés. Jeremey Shipp, directeur commercial chez KIVORO, mentionne : « Nous travaillons sur des défis industriels complexes, mais nous ne sommes pas un partenaire compliqué. Nous comprenons que nos clients sont à la recherche de solutions, pas de problèmes, et nous sommes une organisation directe et flexible. »

Quality Control

Conducting quality control analysis

KIVORO ne se confine pas au graphène, commente Jesús de la Fuente, PDG : « KIVORO a été conçue pour nous permettre de commercialiser nos solutions industrielles actuelles et de proposer plus que du graphène. Nous maintiendrons naturellement notre expertise de premier plan dans le domaine du carbone et des nanomatériaux, mais nous nous concentrons résolument sur le développement de produits chimiques spécialisés adaptés aux défis industriels de nos clients permettant d’obtenir des gains d’efficacité opérationnelle et de réduire les émissions. »

KIVORO travaille avec de nombreuses industries telles que la construction, les revêtements, la filtration, les composites, et bien d’autres encore. La compagnie a développé plusieurs additifs de haute performance, de leur exhausteur de ciment au stockage d’énergie, en passant par les composites, les adhésifs, les latex de caoutchouc, ou encore les revêtements, et plus encore. L’une des réussites de la compagnie dont KIVORO est la plus fière est son statut net zéro, et Jesús de la Fuente, PDG, a commenté « Nous sommes infatigables dans notre quête d’améliorations permettant d’obtenir d’excellents résultats présentant un impact positif sur les performances et la planète. Tous nos produits sont neutres en carbone. Dans la plupart des cas, nos produits permettent même à nos clients d’améliorer leur empreinte carbone tout en économisant de l’argent. »

Specialty Chemical Production

Head of Production, Xabier Ulacia overseeing production

À propos de Graphenea
Graphenea est une entreprise de technologie créée en 2010 et spécialisée dans la production de graphène. La compagnie compte des clients dans plus de 60 pays et a des bureaux à San Sebastián (Espagne) et Boston (États-Unis). Graphenea accompagne ses clients par la production de nouvelles formes de graphène, que ce soit des transistors à effet de champ en graphène ou des oxydes de graphène, et conserve son leadership dans le secteur en expansion de la production de graphène.

À propos de KIVORO
KIVORO est l’entreprise dérivée de Graphenea, et est l’aboutissement de nombreuses années de travail dans le secteur des additifs et des nanotechnologies avec le développement d’un savoir-faire et d’une expertise croisés étendus de l’industrie chimique spécialisée. KIVORO a été créée pour améliorer et valoriser les produits de ses clients, et concevoir le meilleur additif chimique pour leur application.

Kivoro Plant

Specialty chemical production plant


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Kivoro Plant

Specialty chemical production plant

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Mystery Nevada Fossil Site Could Be Ancient Maternity Ward

Scientists have uncovered new clues about a curious fossil site in Nevada, a graveyard for dozens of giant marine reptiles. Instead of the site of a massive die-off as suspected, it might have been an ancient maternity ward where the creatures came to give birth.

The site is famous for its fossils from giant ichthyosaurs — reptiles that dominated the ancient seas and could grow up to the size of a school bus. The creatures — the name means fish lizard — were underwater predators with large paddle-shaped flippers and long jaws full of teeth.

Since the ichthyosaur bones in Nevada were excavated in the 1950s, many paleontologists have investigated how all these creatures could have died together. Now, researchers have proposed a different theory in a study published Monday in the journal Current Biology.

“Several lines of evidence all kind of point towards one argument here: That this was a place where giant ichthyosaurs came to give birth,” said co-author Nicholas Pyenson, curator of fossil marine mammals at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.

Once a tropical sea, the site — part of Nevada’s Berlin-Ichthyosaur State Park — now sits in a dry, dusty landscape near an abandoned mining town, said lead author Randy Irmis, a paleontologist at the University of Utah.

To get a better look at the massive skeletons, which boast vertebrae the size of dinner plates and bones from their flippers as thick as boulders, researchers used 3D scanning to create a detailed digital model, Irmis said.

They identified fossils from at least 37 ichthyosaurs scattered around the area, dating back about 230 million years. The bones were preserved in different rock layers, suggesting the creatures could have died hundreds of thousands of years apart rather than all at once, Pyenson said.

A major break came when the researchers spotted some tiny bones among the massive adult fossils, and realized they belonged to embryos and newborns, Pyenson said. The researchers concluded that the creatures traveled to the site in groups for protection as they gave birth, like today’s marine giants. The fossils are believed to be from the mothers and offspring that died there over the years.

“Finding a place to give birth separated from a place where you might feed is really common in the modern world — among whales, among sharks,” Pyenson said.

Other clues helped rule out some previous explanations.

Testing the chemicals in the dirt didn’t turn up any signs of volcanic eruptions or huge shifts to the local environment. And the geology showed that the reptiles were preserved on the ocean floor pretty far from the shore — meaning they probably didn’t die in a mass beaching event, Irmis said.

The new study offers a plausible explanation for a site that’s baffled paleontologists for decades, said Dean Lomax, an ichthyosaur specialist at England’s University of Manchester who was not involved with the research.

The case may not be fully closed yet but the study “really helps to unlock a little bit more about this fascinating site,” Lomax said.

Source: Voice of America

Historic Biodiversity Agreement Reached at UN Conference

Negotiators reached a historic deal at a U.N. biodiversity conference early Monday that would represent the most significant effort to protect the world’s lands and oceans and provide critical financing to save biodiversity in the developing world.

The global framework comes on the day the United Nations Biodiversity Conference, or COP15, is set to end in Montreal. China, which holds the presidency at this conference, released a new draft on Sunday that gave the sometimes-contentious talks much-needed momentum.

“We have in our hands a package which I think can guide us as we all work together to halt and reverse biodiversity loss and put biodiversity on the path to recovery for the benefit of all people in the world,” Chinese Environment Minister Huang Runqiu told delegates before the package was adopted to rapturous applause just before dawn. “We can be truly proud.”

The most significant part of the agreement is a commitment to protect 30% of land and water considered important for biodiversity by 2030, known as 30 by 30. Currently, 17% of terrestrial and 10% of marine areas are protected.

The deal also calls for raising $200 billion by 2030 for biodiversity from a range of sources and working to phase out or reform subsidies that could provide another $500 billion for nature. As part of the financing package, the framework asks for increasing to at least $20 billion annually by 2025 the money that goes to poor countries. That number would increase to $30 billion each year by 2030.

Financing emerged late in the talks and risked derailing an agreement. Several African countries held up the final deal for almost nine hours. They wanted the creation of a new fund for biodiversity but agreed to the creation of one under the pre-existing Global Environmental Facility (GEF).

“Creating a fund under the GEF is the best way to obtain something immediate and efficient,” said Christophe Béchu, France’s minister for ecological transition who headed its delegation, adding that a completely new fund would have taken several years to establish and deprived developing countries of immediate cash for biodiversity.

Then as the agreement was about to be adopted, Congo stood up and said it opposed the deal because it didn’t set up that special biodiversity fund to provide developing countries with $100 billion by 2030.

Huang swept aside the opposition and the documents that make up the framework were adopted. The convention’s legal expert ruled Congo never formally objected to the document. Several other African countries, including Cameroon and Uganda, sided to no avail with Congo and said they would lodge a complaint.

“Many of us wanted more things in the text and more ambition, but we got an ambitious package,” Canada’s Minister of Environment and Climate Change Steven Guilbeault said. “We have 30 by 30. Six months ago, who would have thought we could 30 by 30 in Montreal? We have an agreement to halt and reverse biodiversity loss, to work on restoration, to reduce the use of pesticides. This is tremendous progress.”

France’s Béchu called it a “historical deal.”

“It’s not a small deal. It’s a deal with very precise and quantified objectives on pesticides, on reduction of loss of species, on eliminating bad subsidies,” he said. “We double until 2025 and triple until 2030 the finance for biodiversity.”

The ministers and government officials from about 190 countries have mostly agreed that protecting biodiversity has to be a priority, with many comparing those efforts to climate talks that wrapped up last month in Egypt.

Climate change coupled with habitat loss, pollution and development have hammered the world’s biodiversity, with one estimate in 2019 warning that a million plant and animal species face extinction within decades — a rate of loss 1,000 times greater than expected. Humans use about 50,000 wild species routinely, and 1 out of 5 people of the world’s 8 billion population depend on those species for food and income, the report said.

But the government officials struggled for nearly two weeks to agree on what that protection looks like and who will pay for it.

The financing has been among the most contentious issues, with delegates from 70 African, South American and Asian countries walking out of negotiations Wednesday. They returned several hours later.

Brazil, speaking for developing countries during the week, said in a statement that a new funding mechanism dedicated to biodiversity should be established and that developed countries provide $100 billion annually in financial grants to emerging economies until 2030.

“All the elements are in there for a balance of unhappiness which is the secret to achieving agreement in U.N. bodies,” Pierre du Plessis, a negotiator from Namibia who is helping coordinate the African group, told The Associated Press before the vote. “Everyone got a bit of what they wanted, not necessarily everything they wanted.”

There were supporters of the framework who said it fell short in several areas.

The Wildlife Conservation Society and other environmental groups were concerned that the deal puts off until 2050 a goal of preventing the extinction of species, preserving the integrity of ecosystems and maintaining the genetic diversity within populations. They fear that timeline is not ambitious enough.

Some advocates also wanted tougher language around subsidies that make food and fuel so cheap in many parts of the world. The document only calls for identifying subsidies by 2025 that can be reformed or phased out and working to reduce them by 2030.

“The new text is a mixed bag,” Andrew Deutz, director of global policy, institutions and conservation finance for The Nature Conservancy, said. “It contains some strong signals on finance and biodiversity, but it fails to advance beyond the targets of 10 years ago in terms of addressing drivers of biodiversity loss in productive sectors like agriculture, fisheries and infrastructure and thus still risks being fully transformational.”

Source: Voice of America

Minimum Expenditure Basket in Malawi: What it Costs for a Household to Survive a Month – Round 64: November 2022


• The minimum average cost of a typical household’s monthly survival expenditure in Malawi increased by 10.8 percent from October to November 2022, reaching a record high at MK 92,200. The continued increase in the prices of maize grain, pulses, fish and sugar significantly contributed to the overall rise in the Survival Minimum Expenditure Basket (SMEB) in the country.

• During this period, the rural Northern Region recorded the highest increase of 13.3 percent in the SMEB while the lowest rise in expenditure of 7.7 percent was observed in the urban areas.

• The cost of the urban SMEB was the highest at MK 107,056 per month compared to the cost in rural areas. Among the rural areas, the cost of the SMEB was the highest in the Southern Region at MK 90,306 per month followed by the Central and Northern Regions where the cost of a November 2022 SMEB was MK 86,162 and MK 85,357, respectively.

• Maize grain was selling at MK 490 per kg in November 2022, an increase of 23.1 percent from MK 398 per kg in the previous month. Prices rapidly increased in the second half of the year, from MK 214 per kg in June.

• The price of beans increased by 8.1 percent to MK 1,644 per kg in the current month from MK 1,521 per kg in October. The prices of cowpeas and pigeon peas also increased by 8.2 percent and 11.3 percent, respectively, during the same period. Cowpeas sold for MK 1,005 per kg while pigeon peas traded at MK 644 per kg.

Source: World Food Programme