Fire Destroys Property

Property worth millions of shillings was destroyed by fire at Ololulunga shopping center in Narok South Sub County last night.

The fire started at 8 pm in a lodging and fast spread to an agro vet shop and boutique that are located at the front part of the building.

Narok South Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Felix Kisalu said members of the public collaborated with the police to help put off the fire, before the fire engine arrived.

‘I thank traders at Ololulunga trading center who collaborated with the police to put off the fire before it spread to the neighbouring buildings,’ he said.

However, the DCC said the cause of the fire has not been established saying the Sub County Criminal Investigation Officers will camp in the area to unveil the cause of the fire.

‘We want to establish the cause of the fire; was it an electrical fault, gas explosion, candle or
some people with bad intentions. The report should be out in one day,’ he said.

At the same time, DCC Kisalu asked residents to be vigilant and ensure all electrical switches are off when not in use.

‘We all need to take personal responsibility by ensuring such incidents do not occur again. Every person should ensure they take precautions at their individual homes and trading areas,’ added Kisalu.

Source: Kenya News Agency

IDPs Express Optimism Of Fast Compensationc

Internally Displaced Persons of the 2007/2008 post-election violence in Nyanza and Western region have expressed optimism that their compensation would soon come.

The IDPs applauded the National Assembly for passing a law to compensate them after 25 years of waiting,

Kisii County Coordinator for Nyanza Western Kenya Caucus for IDPS Mr. James Moi Oroo said they were optimistic the compensation exercise would take effect soon.

Speaking during a meeting to express their gratitude in Riana market, Riana ward, in Bonchari Constituency, Oroo castigated those with ill intent to embezzle the IDPs benefits by imposing themselves as their leaders.

He appealed to the National Government Administration to coordinate with the true leaders of the IDPs who are recognized and registered in their offices to ensure the stipends reached the right beneficiaries.

This follows the passing of public
petition no. 6 of 2022 tabled by Seme MP Mr. James Nyikal in Parliament.

The petition to compensate the IDPS under Nyanza Western IDPS Caucus sought to enable them revert to a dignified life.

Noting that the number of IDPs in Kisii County alone totaled 15,597, Oroo appealed to the anticipated beneficiaries to remain calm and patient as they waited for the government to organize their payment.

He applauded the MPs including the area legislator Mr. Charles Onchoke for standing with the IDPs and passing the motion to compensate them.

Kisii County Caucus Coordinator Elijah Onsare appealed for unity of all leaders in ensuring fast disbursement of the compensation.

Bonchari Constituency Caucus Coordinator Mr. Elijah Ondara who also urged the post-election victims to exercise patience, expressed gladness that the long wait had finally borne fruit.

Source: Kenya News Agency

County Commissioner Directs Administrative Officers And Security Agencies To Intensify War On Crime

Vihiga County Commissioner (CC), Felix Watakila, has asked security personnel and the National Government Administrative Officers to step-up their efforts in fighting crime in the area, warning that officers found culpable of condoning perpetrators of crime would face disciplinary action.

Speaking, Tuesday, at a Public Baraza in Emakakha in Emuhaya Sub-county, Vihiga, the CC assured that security in the County has been tightened and warned criminals that security agencies were zeroing in on them and that their days were numbered before the long arm of the law catches-up with them.

Watakila singled out Luanda and Emuhaya Sub-counties as the most notorious places dominated by crime syndicate and appealed to the public to volunteer information that would assist security agencies deal effectively with the vice.

‘It is regrettable and disgraceful that some police officers were takin
g bribes from criminal cartel selling bang and illicit brew while protecting them from being arrested by loyal officers, things cannot go on like this, it must stop,’ CC categorically warned.

He further revealed that some security officers are accused of giving out uniforms and guns to criminals to commit felony, including collecting bribes from innocent members of the public.

Watakila at the same time warned Chiefs and their Assistants against abetting crime or being compromised in the quest to fighting the runway insecurity.

He decried the rising insecurity situation in the County, calling on relevant security agencies to prosecute insecurity cases promptly as they are reported so that the perpetrators are araighned in court of law and victims are accorded justice.

He cautioned criminal gangs that are mushrooming in Vihiga and the neighbouring Kakamega County, including Us
iku SACCO, Reggae Defender, Paka Mang’a and Jeshi la Allah that their days are numbered and will be dealt with ruthlessly.

CC also cautioned perpetrators of defilement incidents and the affected victims from holding ‘kangaroo courts’ (communal courts), saying justice must prevail at all times.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Floods, Landslide Victims In Murang’a Get Humanitarian Assistance

The county government of Murang’a in partnership with Kenya Red Cross Society has issued cash and food stuff totaling to Sh. 23 million to 270 households affected by floods and landslides.

On Monday, the families received financial and material assistance at Ihura stadium in Murang’a town, an exercise that was presided over by Governor Irungu Kang’ata.

The households are among 344 families across the county that have been affected by the ongoing heavy rains, with some being displaced by floods and landslides.

Kang’ata said the 270 households were identified as greatly affected by the devastating floods adding the remaining families will get help in the second phase.

‘In the first phase, we are supporting 270 households and also what we are giving is small compared to the loss the families have undergone. The county government will continue to give support to all the af
fected people to ensure they get back to their normal lives,’ stated the Governor.

The mostly affected families are from Ithanga, Ruchu, Gitugi, Township, Gaturi, Muguru, Rwathia, Kanyenyaini and Gitugi wards.

Those from the upper zones of the county, mostly their houses and farms, were destroyed by land and mudslides forcing some to seek refuge in safer grounds.

Ngutu primary school in Mathioya is currently hosting 30 households that were affected by a landslide at Kiganjo village, a disaster that claimed six lives.

Kang’ata said with the help of the national government among other well-wishers, they will continue to support the displaced families saying some of the households will need land to shift to.

‘The county assisted by the Red Cross has assessed the total cost for various interventions and arrived at the overall cost of Sh161.9 million.

‘This amount will cater
for food stuff, non-food stuff items, infrastructural support, and medical assistance, compensation for lost farm crops and livestock; and rehabilitation of destroyed houses,’ he detailed.

Speaking during the same occasion, the County Red Cross Coordinator Immaculate Iteba explained that the families that received support were chosen through a process spearheaded by the organization which considered factors like the level of damage caused and the assistance needed.

She noted a team has been deployed to various sub counties to assess the damage caused by the rains and advise the number of residents who need help.

‘The process of assessing the damage caused by the rains is still going on and we will visit homes of affected families and advise the kind of assistance they need. On today’s occasion the greatly affected families are getting help as we continue to list more othe
r households which need help.

‘Currently we have two rescue centres, one at Ngutu primary school and another one at Makuyu. The families at the centres are receiving humanitarian assistance spearheaded by the Red Cross,’ she added.

The county commissioner Joseph Nkanatha assured the victims of the government’s support saying the national government is partnering with the county administration to ensure the affected families get assistance to rebuild their lives.

Nkanatha cautions residents who have a tendency of crossing swollen rivers saying raging waters have swept away a number of locals.

‘Few days ago disaster management teams from various bodies managed to retrieve the body of a Kirinyaga business man from river Sagana, where his vehicle plunged 10 days ago. Our advice to people is to avoid crossing swollen rivers and those in landslide prone areas,’ he added.

Kenya News Agency

Kericho Intensifies Training Ahead Of National Athletics Championships

A total of 14 athletes from Kericho County have been selected to represent the County in the National Athletics Championships to be held from May 21-22 at Ulinzi Sports Complex in Nairobi.

Athletics Kenya will use the event to select a team to represent the country during the Africa Senior Championships set for June 15- 22 in Doula, Cameroon.

According to Athletics Kenya’s First Vice Chairman (Kericho Branch) Mr. Gilbert Kiptanui, the 14 athletes are rigorously preparing for the tournament and he is confident they will emerge among the top competitors.

‘Among the selected athletes, some will be participating in the 10,000 meters, others 5000 meters and 1500 meters races during the National Athletics championships,’ he said.

Kiptanui who also doubles as the athletes’ coach also intimated that Faith Chepkoech is getting ready to represent the country in 10,000 meters race
in France this coming Saturday as Sheila Chelangat was also preparing for the 10,000 meters road race in Nigeria on May 28.

The coach was impressed by the sheer determination and focus of the athletes who trained hard despite myriads of challenges due to the lack of proper facilities within Kericho town for proper training.

Kiptanui who is currently training over 30 athletes in Kericho Town has called for speedy renovation and completion of the all-weather synthetic tartan track at the Kiprugut Chumo Stadium to enable the marathoners to carry out their training sessions comfortably.

‘The athletes are now forced to train from different venues such as the tea estates, and Kerenga Airstrip, among others. These venues are not comfortable for athletes especially due to the frequent rains in Kericho. These alternative venues with uneven terrain put the athletes at risk of inj
uries,’ added Kiptanui

However, even with the challenges, coach Kiptanui said the athletes worked extra hard in training for upcoming tournaments both locally and internationally.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Vehicle Shortage As Schools Resume

Students and parents have complained of long queues that are being witnessed at Busia Stage due to shortage of vehicles as student’s resume to school.

The parents, led by Joseph Adelina who has a child at Kakamega High school, said they are experiencing vehicle shortage due to the large number of students traveling to various schools.

He expressed fear that many students may not get to school on time.

‘I urge the heads of schools to bear with the situation and allow students who will get to school past the recommended time to be in school,’ he said.

He also added that the government should make interventions in schools that were affected by floods and ensure all children have gone to school.

Vivian Akinyi, a student at Chwele girls’ high school expressed her fear of not getting to school on time.

‘I was at this stage very early hoping to get a vehicle and be
in school on time. Unfortunately, I have been forced to wait for long and now I am worried about not getting to school on time,’ she said.

Akinyi appreciated the government’s decision to re-open schools adding that candidates needed to be close to teachers as they prepare for the National exams.

‘I am happy that I am going back to school. For us as candidates we were worried because this being our final year, we need to be in school and close to our teachers. I also wish the floods will come to an end so that every student can go to school,’ she said.

Edwin Martins, manager Bungoma line shuttles said the shortage of vehicles being experienced was due to the ongoing inspections done by National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) together with traffic police to ensure all vehicles are in good condition.

‘Today we are experiencing a low number of vehicles co
mpared to the customers. I want to comment on the NTSA for the good work they are doing because this guarantees our students of their safety as they travel back to school,’ he said.

The government had postponed the opening of schools for the second term due to the ongoing rains and floods that have affected most parts of the country.

A total number of 44 schools from different counties have not opened due to flood related challenges.

The government has urged the parents to keep their children safe while going to and from school. The ongoing rains have led to the loss of 277 lives and leaving 411,825 people fighting the negative effects of the floods.

Source: Kenya News Agency