Mutual Benefit Group remporte le prix Standard of Excellence de Duck Creek à l’occasion de l’événement Formation ’24

Mutual Benefit Group (MBG) remporte le prix Standard of Excellence Customer Award pour l’intégration du logiciel SPLICE avec la solution Duck Creek OnDemand Claims.

BOSTON, 29 mai 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies, le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui traces les futurs contours du secteur de l’assurance IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers)et de l’assurance générale, a choisi Mutual Benefit Group (MBG) comme lauréat du prix Standard of Excellence Customer Award de l’édition 2024 à l’occasion de l’événement Formation ’24 à Dallas.

Les Duck Creek Standard of Excellence Customer Awards mettent à l’honneur les clients qui ont atteint le plus haut niveau d’excellence grâce à la mise en œuvre des solutions Duck Creek et qui ont une vision visant à faire progresser leur entreprise, tout en réimaginant l’avenir de l’assurance.

MBG a reçu le prix Standard of Excellence Customer Award pour l’intégration de la solution d’envoi de SMS du logiciel SPLICE et de la solution d’enquête NPS de SPLICE avec la solution Duck Creek OnDemand Claims.

MBG cherchait à améliorer son processus de gestion des sinistres afin d’adopter une approche plus personnalisée et proactive avec ses assurés en les tenant informés à chaque étape du processus de traitement. MBG a tiré parti du partenariat et de l’intégration de Duck Creek et de SPLICE pour améliorer l’expérience de prise en charge des sinistres. Cela a permis à MBG d’utiliser une solution innovante de gestion des sinistres tout en s’assurant que ses clients sont bien informés et disposent des bonnes données au bon moment.

MBG a découvert SPLICE lors de la Duck Creek Technologies 2022 Formation Conference à Orlando, en Floride. SPLICE propose des produits de communication automatisés pour l’expérience des clients, notamment une solution innovante d’envoi automatisé de SMS. L’objectif de ce projet était de soutenir la transformation numérique de MBG en adoptant ce programme de communication stratégique.

Aujourd’hui, MBG informe continuellement ses clients du traitement des sinistres par le biais de SMS portant sur 13 points de contact différents de la demande de prise en charge introduite. La plateforme Duck Creek a également été configurée dans le but de documenter automatiquement le dossier de sinistre lorsque la notification SPLICE est envoyée et enregistre toutes les erreurs qui peuvent survenir.

La polyvalence et la prise en charge de SPLICE et de Duck Creek ont permis à MBG d’intégrer et d’automatiser entièrement les messages tout en conservant la possibilité de déclencher manuellement des SMS. Le fait de disposer d’une solution de message texte conforme, dotée de fonctionnalités de personnalisation et d’une intégration prête à l’emploi, tout en pouvant être facilement adaptée aux données et aux besoins de MBG, a permis aux employés de MBG de gagner du temps tout en conservant l’intégralité de Duck Creek, sans sacrifier les valeurs fondamentales de MBG et en protégeant le bien-être économique, la sécurité et les relations existantes avec les assurés.

« Mutual Benefit Group (MBG) est une société qui se préoccupe réellement de l’expérience de ses assurés », a déclaré Jenna Ha, vice-présidente des opérations chez MBG. « L’équipe a travaillé avec SPLICE dans le but de s’assurer que les assurés sont tenus au courant des bonnes informations et au bon moment, et ont mis en œuvre notre application et notre programme d’enquête Thrive™ afin d’améliorer constamment les expériences internes et celles des assurés. SPLICE est enthousiaste à l’idée de continuer à travailler avec MBG sur d’autres initiatives liées à l’expérience des clients et des employés. »

Duck Creek célèbre l’incroyable succès de MBG dans le secteur des assurances IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers).

À propos de Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies est le fournisseur de solutions intelligentes qui trace les futurs contours du secteur de l’assurance générale et IARD (incendies, accidents et risques divers). Les systèmes d’assurance modernes reposent sur nos solutions et capitalisent sur le potentiel du cloud pour mener des opérations agiles, intelligentes et évolutives. Authenticité, détermination et transparence, voilà les maîtres-mots de la philosophie de Duck Creek. Pour nous, l’assurance est au service des particuliers et des entreprises, au moment, à l’endroit et de la manière dont ils en ont le plus besoin. Nos solutions, leaders du marché, sont commercialisées à l’unité ou sous forme de suite packagée, et sont toutes disponibles sur la page : Duck Creek OnDemand. Consultez le site pour en savoir plus. Suivez-nous sur les réseaux pour découvrir nos dernières informations : LinkedIn et X.

À propos de MBG

MBG se consacre à la création d’une expérience en matière d’assurance qui vous est bénéfique. Nous fournissons une couverture d’assurance pour les véhicules, les habitations et les entreprises depuis 1908. Nous travaillons chaque jour avec diligence pour vous aider à construire et à protéger votre bien-être économique et à assurer votre sécurité. Nous sommes connus pour nos relations étroites avec les assurés et les agents, pour notre personnel réactif, amical et compétent, et pour notre service de gestion des sinistres qui recueille constamment un niveau élevé de satisfaction, notamment 97,5 % d’après les enquêtes menées auprès des assurés en 2022.

Contacts auprès des médias :
Carley Bunch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9145631

Mutual Benefit Group Premiado com o Duck Creek Standard of Excellence Customer Award no Formation ‘24

O Mutual Benefit Group (MBG) Recebe o Prêmio Standard of Excellence Customer Award pela Integração do Software SPLICE com Duck Creek OnDemand Claims.

BOSTON, May 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Duck Creek Technologies, fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do seguro de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral, premiou o Mutual Benefit Group (MBG) com o 2024 Standard of Excellence Customer Award no Formation ’24 em Dallas.

O Duck Creek Standard of Excellence Customer Awards reconhece os clientes que alcançaram o mais alto nível de excelência através da implementação de soluções da Duck Creek e que tenham uma visão para o progresso dos seus negócios, reimaginando o futuro dos seguros.

O MBG foi premiado com o Standard of Excellence Customer Award por integrar a solução de mensagens de texto SPLICE Software e o SPLICE NPS Survey Solution com Duck Creek OnDemand Claims.

O MBG procurava melhorar o seu processo de sinistros para ser mais personalizado e proativo com os seus segurados, mantendo-os informados em todos os pontos do processo. O MBG aproveitou a parceria e a integração da Duck Creek e da SPLICE para elevar a experiência com sinistros. Isso permitiu que o MBG utilizasse uma solução inovadora para sinistros, garantindo que seus clientes fossem mantidos bem informados com os dados certos no momento certo.

O MBG conheceu o SPLICE na Duck Creek Technologies 2022 Formation Conference em Orlando, Flórida. O SPLICE oferece produtos de comunicação automatizados para a experiência do cliente – ou seja, uma solução de mensagens de texto inovadora e automatizada. O objetivo deste projeto foi apoiar a transformação digital do MBG por meio da adoção deste programa estratégico de comunicação.

Atualmente o MBG mantém seus clientes de sinistros constantemente informados por meio de texto com treze pontos de contato diferentes do sinistro. A plataforma Duck Creek também foi configurada para documentar automaticamente o pedido de sinistro quando a notificação do SPLICE é enviada e registra quaisquer erros que possam ocorrer.

A versatilidade e o suporte do SPLICE e da Duck Creek permitiram que o MBG integrasse e automatizasse totalmente as mensagens, mantendo a capacidade de acionar manualmente as mensagens de texto também. Uma solução de mensagens de texto compatível com recursos de personalização e uma integração pronta para uso que ainda pode ser personalizada facilmente para trabalhar com os dados e necessidades do MBG permitiu que os funcionários do MBG economizasse tempo ao manter tudo dentro da Duck Creek, sem sacrificar os valores fundamentais do MBG, além de proteger o bem-estar econômico, a segurança e os relacionamentos existentes dos segurados.

“O Mutual Benefit Group (MBG) é uma empresa que realmente se preocupa com a experiência do segurado”, disse Jenna Ha, VP de Operações do MBG. “Eles trabalharam com o SPLICE para garantir que os segurados sejam mantidos atualizados com as informações certas e no momento certo, e implementaram o nosso aplicativo e programa de pesquisa Thrive™ para aprimorar constantemente as experiências internas e dos segurados. O SPLICE está muito contente em continuar trabalhando com o MBG em outras iniciativas de experiência do cliente e do funcionário.”

Duck Creek celebra o incrível sucesso do MBG na indústria de seguros de P&C.

Sobre a Duck Creek Technologies

A Duck Creek Technologies é fornecedora de soluções inteligentes que definem o futuro do setor de seguros de propriedade e acidentes (P&C) e geral. Somos a plataforma utilizadas como base dos sistemas de seguros modernos, permitindo que a indústria capitalize o poder da nuvem para executar operações ágeis, inteligentes e perenes. Autenticidade, propósito e transparência são fundamentais para a Duck Creek, e acreditamos que o seguro deve estar disponível para indivíduos e empresas quando, onde e como eles mais precisarem. Nossas soluções líderes do mercado estão disponíveis de forma independente ou como um pacote completo disponíveis em Duck Creek OnDemand. Visite para obter mais informação. Siga a Duck Creek nos nossos canais sociais para obter as mais recentes informações – LinkedIn e X.

Sobre a MBG

O MBG se dedica a criar uma experiência de seguro que beneficie você. Fornecemos cobertura de seguro para automóveis, casas e empresas desde 1908; trabalhamos diligentemente todos os dias para ajudar a criar e proteger seu bem-estar econômico e garantir sua segurança. Somos conhecidos por nossos fortes relacionamentos com segurados e agentes; por nossa equipe responsiva, simpática e experiente; e pelo serviço de sinistros que consistentemente obtém um alto nível de satisfação, notadamente 97,5% com base em pesquisas com segurados de 2022.

Contato com a Mídia:
Carley Bunch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9145631

Journée mondiale sans tabac : S’attaquer à l’épidémie de perception erronée

World Vapers’ Alliance à Genève

World Vapers’ Alliance à Genève

PARIS, 30 mai 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — En cette journée mondiale sans tabac, l’Alliance mondiale des vapoteurs (WVA) met en lumière l’épidémie de perception erronée qui sévit autour de la réduction des risques liés au tabac. Comme l’a révélé une étude Ipsos pour le groupe de réflexion “We are Innovation”, 61 % des fumeurs en France (74 % dans le monde) pensent à tort que le vapotage est aussi nocif, voire plus, que le tabagisme. Ce malentendu généralisé est le résultat d’une désinformation et coûte des vies, car des millions de fumeurs hésitent à passer à un produit alternatif scientifiquement prouvé et 95 % moins nocif .

“La Journée mondiale sans tabac est une occasion cruciale de lutter contre la désinformation et de promouvoir des stratégies efficaces de réduction des risques”, a déclaré Michael Landl, directeur de l’Alliance mondiale des vapoteurs , avant d’ajouter : “La France doit faire un pas en avant et intégrer pleinement la réduction des risques liés au tabac dans ses stratégies de santé publique. La prohibition est inefficace – l’adoption de politiques progressistes en matière de vapotage est la voie à suivre.”

La Suède a créé un précédent remarquable en adoptant la réduction des risques, en étant pays est sur le point de devenir non-fumeur, non pas en interdisant les produits à base de nicotine plus sûrs, mais en les approuvant. Le succès de la Suède devrait servir de modèle à la France et aux stratégies mondiales de réduction des risques liés au tabac.

Malheureusement, au niveau international, l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) a également contribué à la diffusion de ces informations erronées. M. Landl a ajouté: “L’OMS a perdu de vue le véritable problème, à savoir le tabagisme. En menant une guerre contre le vapotage et d’autres produits à base de nicotine plus sûrs, elle empêche les fumeurs de passer à autre chose. Cette attitude n’est pas seulement erronée, elle est dangereuse”.

La perception erronée selon laquelle le vapotage est aussi nocif que le tabagisme est une crise de santé publique en soi. Les résultats de nombreuses études, y compris des examens approfondis réalisés par Public Health England, confirment que le vapotage est nettement moins nocif que le tabagisme.

Nous sommes confrontés à une épidémie de perceptions erronées et l’OMS fait partie du problème en propageant de nouvelles idées fausses”, a déclaré Michael Landl , qui a ajouté: “Des informations exactes sont la pierre angulaire d’une politique de santé publique efficace. Nous devons veiller à ce que les fumeurs aient accès à la vérité sur des alternatives plus sûres. Les faits l’emportent sur les mensonges !

L’Alliance mondiale des vapoteurs appelle les autorités sanitaires et l’OMS à réévaluer leur position sur la réduction des risques et à donner la priorité aux faits plutôt qu’à la peur. Il est essentiel de soutenir les politiques qui promeuvent des alternatives plus sûres au tabagisme plutôt que de les vilipender.

Dans le cadre de ces efforts, la WVA a organisé une manifestation devant le siège de l’OMS lors de la Journée mondiale de la Vape, le 30 mai.

World Vapers' Alliance à Genève

Cette manifestation visait à contraindre l’OMS à enfin écouter les consommateurs et à reconnaître les preuves scientifiques en faveur du vapotage, des sachets de nicotine et d’autres produits similaires en tant qu’outils valables de réduction des risques. Il est grand temps que l’Organisation mondiale de la santé reconnaisse la réalité, soutienne la science et contribue à faire avancer le monde vers un avenir plus sain. Il s’avère que c’est aussi simple que de donner aux gens plus de choix, et non moins.

For media enquiries, please contact:

Michael Landl
Director of the World Vapers’ Alliance

Une photo accompagnant ce communiqué est disponible au:

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9145908

CBK Governor Dr. Kamau Thugge Named Central Bank Governor Of The Year

The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) Governor Dr. Kamau Thugge has been named the African Central Bank Governor of the Year by the African Banker Magazine.

In its citation of the award to Dr. Thugge, the African Banker wrote: ‘This year has presented significant challenges for central bank governors worldwide, and we across the continent have not been immune to the economic and geopolitical turmoil. Despite the challenges, during your tenure in office, you have successfully stabilised markets and instilled confidence in the Kenyan economy. The markets have responded by showing their faith and support for the Kenyan shilling, and the banking sector has demonstrated remarkable resilience, positioning itself as a true regional leader.’

The Awards Committee further noted: ‘In granting you this accolade, the Committee recognised your recent achievements as Central Bank Governor and recognised the strategic role the Central Bank is playing to address market failures and to help put the economy on the right footing to
stimulate growth.’

While accepting the award, Dr. Thugge expressed his gratitude to the Board, Monetary Policy Committee, Management, and staff of the Central Bank of Kenya.

The Governor added: ‘This recognition is an affirmation of Kenya’s sound macroeconomic policies. To this end, I must recognise His Excellency the President Dr. William Samoei Ruto, who has provided overall leadership. I also greatly appreciate the other government agencies we have walked the journey with including the National Treasury, the President’s Council of Economic Advisors, my banking sector colleagues, and our development partners.’

Dr. Thugge explained that when he was appointed CBK Governor in June 2023, the Kenyan economy was reeling from shocks such as a surge in global energy and food prices, and climate factors that were exerting upward pressure on food prices.

‘Currencies in emerging and developing economies were on a free fall, due to the monetary policy tightening in advanced economies. Capping all this, was our dysf
unctional interbank foreign exchange market, with low liquidity and significant foreign payments backlog, which led to low investor confidence, especially for foreign investors,’ he explained.

Dr. Thugge highlighted that as a result of these shocks, the overall inflation rose sharply to peak at 9.6 percent in October 2022, and remained elevated at around 8.0 percent through May 2023. The shilling also depreciated rapidly, exerting upward pressure on domestic prices, and contributing to a significant increase in the Kenya shilling value of foreign currency denominated debt and debt service, he said.

‘My priority, therefore, was to address the inflationary pressures and the rapid depreciation of the Kenya Shilling. I convened my first Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) Meeting on June 26, 2023, one week after my appointment as CBK Governor, and The Committee agreed to raise the Central Bank Rate (CBR) by 100 basis points-the highest single rate increase since July 2015. This was followed by another sharp rate in
crease in December 2023 of 200 basis points, and a further 50 basis points in February 2024, thereby raising the CBR cumulatively by 350 basis points to 13.00 percent. This tight monetary policy stance continues to anchor inflationary expectations and address any residual exchange rate pressures,’ said Dr. Thugge.

He added that the shilling has appreciated by 17% against the U.S. dollar since the beginning of 2024, making it the best performing currency against major currencies globally.

‘The appreciation has led to huge savings in debt service and reduced debt stock in Kenya shillings-our shilling denominated debt declined by around 6 percent of GDP within a period of weeks,’ said Dr. Thugge.

The award was presented at the African Bankers Awards Event in Nairobi on May 28, 2024, on the margins of the 2024 Annual Meetings of the African Development Bank.

The Awards, now in their 18th year, honour institutions and individuals who have contributed significantly to the reform, modernisation and expansion of
Africa’s banking and financial sector, while driving the continent’s sustained economic growth.

Source: Kenya News Agency

TVET Torch Reaches The Coast Region, Celebrating The Milestones In Vocational Training

The TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) Torch, an initiative launched by President William Ruto on the March 26, 2024 at Nyeri National Polytechnic to commemorate 100 years of TVET achievements in Kenya, arrived in Taita Taveta County on Wednesday.

The torch which traverses across the counties in Kenya symbolising the country’s commitment to vocational education was received at Mtito Andei, from the Western region by the TVET fraternity from the coast region led by the TVET Director, Coast Region, Peter Mwangi, and principals from across the coast region lead by Taita Taveta National Polytechnic (TTNP) principal Stephen Ngome and the Taita Taveta County leadership led by Governor Andrew Mwadime.

Addressing the residents at Mtito Andei and Voi towns, Mwangi highlighted the significance of the torch, noting that it not only celebrates a century of vocational training but also amplifies the vital role TVET plays in equipping the youth with essential skills.

He noted that the torch moves acr
oss all 47 counties to sensitise the youth to invest in gaining technical skills necessary for the growing demands in industries and to curb youth unemployment which is surging in the country.

Mwangi emphasised that blue-collar jobs, which are attainable through TVET, present significant opportunities for self-employment and are in high demand globally.

‘It is only the blue-collar jobs which can be acquired from the skills from our TVET institutions which are now available because, with the blue-collar jobs, you don’t necessarily have to be employed, you can even employ yourself,’ said Mwangi.

Mwangi stated that the government has established TVET institutions in almost every constituency enabling youths to join and acquire technical skills.

However, despite the government’s efforts to establish a TVET institution in each constituency, Mwangi disclosed that low enrolment rates remain a significant challenge, especially in the Coast region.

He urged the youth to embrace vocational training to fully utilis
e the resources and facilities provided by the government.

‘Nowadays, we have TVET institutions in almost all the constituencies, but you’ll find that most of them have low enrolment. That is the biggest challenge because when you have below-par enrolment that means there is underutilization of resources. We are telling the youth to come so that they can be able to utilise the resources, the equipment that has been placed there, the teachers that have been employed, and all the other facilities that have been put there,’ he stated.

To cushion youths from poor backgrounds and enable them to learn, Mwangi reiterated that the national government has provided funding to TVET institutions adding that there is a new funding model where the students joining TVETs are getting scholarships and higher education loans to facilitate their studies.

‘Funding is not a problem. Anytime a student enrolls, they are funded fully to undertake their studies by the government,’ said Mwangi.

Stephen Ngome, Principal of Taita Ta
veta National Polytechnic, echoed Mwangi’s sentiments, stressing that TVET is the ‘master key’ to unlocking industrialisation in Kenya.

He pointed out that without TVET, Kenya would remain dependent on imports for even the most basic items.

‘Without TVET, we shall be buying even matchboxes from China, even toothpicks, even your camera stands. But with the TVET, we are giving our youth the skills that are viable for industrialisation,’ said Ngome.

Despite the milestones made with TVET institutions, Ngome highlighted several challenges, including a lack of support from local leaders and widespread drug abuse, which hinders youth participation in education.

‘Our children are staying at home due to poverty and turning to drugs like Muguka. To support the government’s efforts, we need a concerted effort from local leaders and parents to steer our youth towards education and away from substance abuse,’ he urged.

He called for community-wide support to guide the youth into vocational centres and TVET colleges,
stating that the institutions are well-equipped and staffed with qualified teachers ready to provide the necessary skills for youths to be self-reliant.

‘These are equipped institutions with very qualified and skilled teachers who can give skills to our youth. I would urge all parents at home to consider taking their children to these technical colleges and advise them to desist from this business of Miraa and Muguka, and other drugs so that we can have an industrialised county, Taita Taveta, and an industrialized coast region and Kenya at large,’ he noted.

On his part, Taita Taveta County governor Andrew Mwadime called on youths in the county to consider joining TVET institutions and acquiring skills that will make them self-dependent.

‘For your information, we have a national polytechnic in this county, the Taita Taveta National Polytechnic. But out of the students in the institution, our youths account for only 20% showing that we haven’t fully embraced technical education,’ said the governor.

He ackno
wledged the lack of jobs for youths in the county stating that to bridge the gap, there is a need for youths to join TVETs so that they can acquire knowledge and hands-on skills to grow economically.

Taita Taveta County CECM for education, libraries, and vocational training Gloria Monikombo, CECM for Agriculture, Livestock, fisheries, and irrigation, Eric Kyongo and CECM for youths, sports and culture Shedrack Mutungi, in unison, championed TVETs as the key to unlocking unemployment challenges amongst the youths in the country.

The TVET torch will move across the four Sub-counties of Voi, Mwatate, Wundanyi, and Taveta before crossing the border to Mombasa County and subsequently, to other coastal counties.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Kilifi Clerics Urge Government To Avail Funds For Coastal Crops Value Addition

Religious leaders in Kilifi County on Wednesday urged the National Government to allocate funds to add value to cash crops in the Coast region just as he promised to do with miraa and muguka early this week.

Led by the chairman of the Kilifi County Council of Bishops Bishop Amos Lewa, the Christian and Muslim clerics also called on the government to avail funds to rehabilitate thousands of addicts of muguka and other drugs in the region.

They lauded President William Ruto for taking pro-active steps to resolve the muguka debate sparked by a ban on the transportation, sale and use of the stimulant by the County Governments of Mombasa, Kilifi and Taita Taveta.

Speaking in Kilifi County during a press conference, the clergymen said many youths in the region had become zombies and called on the government to establish rehabilitation centres to rehabilitate the addicts and make them lead productive lives.

They were reacting to sentiments made by President Ruto to the effect that muguka was not an illegal drug
and promising to provide Sh500 million for miraa and muguka value addition.

They reiterated their support on the ban of muguka by Governors Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir (Mombasa), Gideon Mung’aro (Kilifi) and Andrew Mwadime (Taita Taveta) and urged the growers and traders to sell the stimulants to other regions.

Bishop Lewa described President Ruto as a visionary leader who loves the development of this country, adding that the religious leaders were not against what he did for the people of Meru and Embu counties, giving them money to add value to their crops – miraa and muguka.

‘However, just as he did to them, let him remember that we also have cash crops such as cashew nuts, coconuts, mangoes and pineapples which need value addition. We urge him to consider availing funds for us to be able to grow them well,’ he said.

Bishop Thomas Kakala, of the JCC Ministries and patron of the Malindi Pastors’ fellowship, asked the government to conduct research on muguka to establish if it has any medicinal value.

Why not conduct research on muguka to establish whether it is a drug that is being abused so that a factory can be established to produce medicine that can be used by all?’ the outspoken cleric wondered.

He said the war on muguka was an addition to the unrelenting war on hard drugs and alcohol, whose champion is Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, who has been at the forefront of fighting against illicit liquor.

‘We have no grudge with the people of Meru, Tharaka Nithi and Embu but we have evidence that many of our youths have become impotent due to the use of muguka; We do not want muguka; simple,’ he said.

Bishop James Chigodi of the New Life Ministries said the region needed money for the construction of factories for cashew nuts, coconuts, mangoes and pineapples to lift the economies of the coastal counties.

‘We urge the President to look into this matter with a fair balance. If the muguka growers are given money for their crop, let them sell their product elsewhere, because we do not want it here,’ he

Similar sentiments were made by Muslim leaders Sheikh Famau Mohamed Famau, an anti-drug crusader in Kilifi County, Badi Islam of the Kenya Muslim National Advisory Council and Badi Isla, who said many youngsters had been affected by narcotic drugs and need to be assisted to come out of addiction.

‘We urge the President to build a modern rehabilitation centre in the Coast region that will help the youth to have jobs and stop being enslaved by drugs,’ said Famau.

Malindi Anglican Bishop Reuben Katite said the ban on muguka had started yielding fruit in Kilifi County as the groups of youths who have been idling about chewing the stimulant had decreased.

Source: Kenya News Agency