Judicial Fraternity Sends Tribute To Magistrate Monica Kivuti

The Judicial fraternity today eulogized Principal Magistrate Monica Kivuti as a competent, humane, and respected judicial officer.

Kivuti died on Thursday June 13, 2024 while undergoing treatment at Nairobi Hospital after he was shot while making a ruling at Makadara Law Courts in Nairobi.

Through Chief Justice Martha Koome, the Judiciary also extended their deepest sympathies and condolences to the family of Kivuti, her husband Lawyer Mutima Kang’ata, her children Josephine Wanjiru, Michelle Menyi, and baby Elyanna Wanjiru, siblings, relatives, and friends for the immense loss.

In a press statement to newsrooms, the CJ observed that none of the Judiciary staff could have ever imagined the horror and terror of a Judiciary personnel being killed in the seat of justice.

‘The unimaginable hurt that the family, friends, and relatives of Magistrate Kivuti are experiencing is shared by the entire Judiciary family. Every member of the Judiciary feels this loss deeply, as what happened to Kivuti could have happe
ned to any of us,’ said Koome.

She said her dedication was evident in her willingness to serve even under difficult circumstances, as shown by her working through lunch hour in a makeshift tent at the time of her tragic shooting, showing her selflessness and dedication to duty and commitment.

We have lost, all too soon, a competent, humane, and respected judicial officer who enhanced public trust and confidence in our legal system in every court station she served, from Kiambu Law Court to Baricho Law Court and Makadara Law Court till her untimely demise,’ she stated.

‘As a Judge one of the things I never anticipated and hoped never to see during my tenure as Chief Justice is the killing of a Judge, Judicial Officer, or Judiciary Staff in the courtroom in connection to their work,’ said Koome.

She added: ‘Our hearts are broken, and our faith is shaken. This tragedy has not only taken a beloved colleague but has also shaken the very foundation of our justice system.’

The CJ said since the passing on of Ma
gistrate Kivuti, she has heard many beautiful things spoken about Kivuti, and eulogized her as a passionate judicial officer who was committed to her calling, and a person who was kind, decent, humane, fair-minded, and courteous to all.

Kivuti started her professional journey as a young lawyer in private practice and served as a magistrate since 2013 where she excelled despite challenges.

Koome noted that judicial officers can all achieve their aspirations and positively impact those around them by contributing to the national progress through her story of dedication, resilience, and unwavering commitment to justice.

She said Judicial officers are the pillars of the country’s judicial system of which Kivuti was a strong, reliable, and steadfast pillar and significantly contributed to the administration of justice in Kenya.

She called upon public servants to emulate her passionate commitment to justice, unfailing fairness, and offering service beyond the call of duty as she did.

‘We can honour and keep th
e legacy of Kivuti alive by living her example, serving selflessly and courageously,’ said Koome and added that the tremendous public outpouring of tributes following her passing is largely due to her diligent service and humane treatment of everyone

Koome also thanked those who responded so bravely when the attack happened, singling out the police and court orderlies who put themselves in the line of fire to prevent further deaths, the ambulance paramedics who rushed to save lives, the nurses, doctors, and hospital staff at Metropolitan Hospital in Buru Buru and Nairobi Hospital, including those who reached out to the family to comfort them, and those who donated blood and prayers.

Source: Kenya News Agency