WFP Malawi Country Brief, April 2022

In Numbers

85,788 cumulative and 811 active cases of COVID-19 in Malawi (30 April 2022)

USD 1 million six-month (May – October 2022) net funding requirements

USD 29.4 million funding required for flood response under the flash appeal

Strategic Outcome 1

• Floods Response: Under tropical storm Ana flood response, WFP completed distribution of cash-based transfers to 32,000 households in Chikwawa District. WFP confirmed a contribution from the Government of Switzerland towards cash assistance and emergency school feeding in flood-affected schools. This contribution and other resources will be used to reach 27,500 households in two additional districts (Nsanje and Phalombe) in May.

• Refugees: In parallel to the ongoing cash operation targeting over 11,000 households in Dzaleka refugee camp, WFP is also promoting income generating activities, so refugees and host communities boost their self-reliance. A wide range of interventions are promoted, from soya and mushroom farming, eggs production, soap making and tailoring.

Strategic Outcome 2

• School feeding: WFP joined a joint monitoring technical team with representation from the European Union, Government ministries and members of the AFIKEPO programme to document lessons on programme implementation in Mulanje, Nsanje, Phalombe and Zomba. The mission included visits to seven schools under WFP supported school feeding of which four schools supported by the European Union TSOLATA school feeding intervention. A total of 137 schools were proposed for scale up of home-grown school feeding under WFP.

• Social protection: In collaboration with the Government and partners, an after-action review of the lean season response will be conducted in May. The review will include the use of the social protection system jointly supported by UNICEF and WFP for targeting and delivery of lean season assistance.

Strategic Outcome 3

• Malnutrition prevention: With the support of the Government of Ireland, the Neno Nutrition Investment Project (NNIP) has strengthened overall governance structures at district and community levels, it also delivered an integrated nutrition-focused multisectoral package in Neno District. This serves as a pilot to inform multi-year and nation-wide scale up of the approach across other districts.

Source: World Food Programme