WFP Malawi Country Brief, October 2021

In Numbers

61,796 cumulative and 1,950 active cases of COVID-19 in Malawi (31 October 2021)

USD 2.2 million six-month (November 2021 – April 2022) net funding requirements

11,000 refugee households assisted with food and cash distributions

Strategic Outcome 1

• Refugees: Double distributions for the months of September and October were completed, with cash transfers and in-kind transfers of Super Cereal (corn-soya blend) for the food basket for 11,000 refugee households (approximately 46,000 refugees) in Dzaleka camp.

• WFP and sister agency United Nations High Commissioner for refugees (UNHCR) supported the visit of UNHCR’s Regional Director in Dzaleka refugee camp in Malawi to enhance government engagement and plans in support of the comprehensive refugee response framework.

• WFP and partners (including Malawi university of science and technology) held seasonal livelihood planning and community-based participatory planning with refugees and host communities to design and expand livelihoods activities in the camp.

Strategic Outcome 2

• School feeding: In collaboration with the Ministries of Agriculture and Education, WFP Malawi conducted homegrown school feeding (HGSF) trainings as part of the transitioning to HGSF in Chikwawa, Nsanje, Phalombe and Zomba Districts under EU-supported Tsogolo la thanziTSOLATA. The trainings focused on financial management, procurement, warehouse management, nutrition, and cooking demonstrations and 74 out of 86 schools participated in the trainings.

• Meanwhile, over 600,000 children are receiving a daily hot breakfast before class while smallholder farmers access a stable market for their produce thanks to the resumption of on-site school feeding.

• Social protection: To inform preparedness work for the lean season response, WFP Malawi has supported the Government with developing and disseminating standard operating procedures on horizontal expansion of the social cash transfer programme for harmonization with government programming.

• Also, WFP Malawi has supported the development of guidelines to feed into the larger strategic national guidance for cash plus activities. The cash plus, to be piloted during the upcoming lean season, is intended to build household resilience and fast track recovery following a period of heightened need.

Strategic Outcome 3

• Malnutrition prevention: Nutrition awareness campaigns on various nutrition messages including maternal nutrition, infant and young child nutrition, water, hygiene and sanitation and COVID-19 were also conducted through live radio programmes, radio jingles and sensitization meetings in Balaka, Chikwawa and Zomba reaching an estimated 750,000 people.

Source: World Food Programme