County Commissioner Dismisses Existence Of Ghost Schools In Baringo

Baringo County commissioner (CC) Stephen Kutwa has dismissed reports about the existence of ghost schools within the region.

Kutwa was alluding to a recent exposé by one of the local media stations to the effect that three schools in Barwesa Ward, Baringo North Sub County were non-existence yet they have sign posts and gates.

According to the story which was aired on television and published in a local daily, Kaptiony Girls High, Kampi Nyasi and Kasaka Secondary Schools have board of management (BOM) members and a school fees account but no learners or teachers.

It was also reported that Kaptiony was one of the polling centres in Baringo North Constituency during the 2022 general elections.

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has since responded to the allegations stating that the information is inaccurate and misleading.

Speaking to KNA in his Kabarnet office on Monday, Kutwa cleared the air that indeed the institutions in question have just been proposed by members of the communi
ty but not in operation.

He wondered how such a story could be aired by a reputable media house without the confirmation from his office and that of the County Education Director who were supposed to provide factual information from the ground.

‘We have so many sign posts of several proposed institutions in our county and that does not mean that they are operating. Some of the sign posts might have been put up by the community to protect allocated lands from grabbers,’ Kutwa said.

The County Commissioner revealed that one of the schools mentioned is set to benefit from Sh10 million Equalization Fund for this financial year and that might have captured the eye of opinion leaders allegedly settling their political scores with area member of parliament.

The administrator stated that it was very unfortunate for such people to politicize matters of education in a county which he said was facing numerous challenges like cattle rustling and banditry.

Kutwa urged the media to be truthful and mindful in its repor
ting so as not to paint a negative picture of the county known for many good things.

At the same time, the County Commissioner challenged the Media Council of Kenya (MCK) to make an effort of training grassroots journalists on responsible reporting in order to promote mutual working relationship between the government, community and other actors contributing in social economic development.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Enhancing Community Nutrition

Nakuru county government has embarked on training residents on the importance of enhanced nutrition and the significance of gender inclusivity on making decisions concerning food at the household level.

Participants acquired knowledge of how gender, power, and cultural norms impact food security and nutrition in the county.

Also, key issues affecting food and nutrition at the household level were discussed, including decision-making on planting, land cultivation, food choices, selling produce, savings, and assets.

The Chief Officer for Gender Ms. Gladys Kamuren appealed to the Trainer of Trainees to ensure all-encompassing discussions on good nutrition by involving both men and women so as to achieve sustainable outcomes.

The officer noted that in many societies, gender roles dictated who prepared meals, who has access to certain foods, and who makes decisions about food choices. The gender- inclusive approaches guarantee that all individuals, regardless of gender, are equitably involved in decision-makin
g processes related to food.

Apart from that, she said women and men often have different nutritional needs due to biological differences and varying roles within the household.

For instance, pregnant and lactating women require additional nutrients, while men may need higher calorie intake due to the laborious works they perform, such as building houses.

Additionally, she said cultural norms and values influenced food habits and preferences, and inclusivity respects diverse cultural practices and challenges harmful stereotypes that restrict individuals’ access to certain foods. In the past, a number of Bantu communities made it a taboo for women to eat eggs.

The training emphasized that promoting gender inclusivity in nutrition and household food practices aligns with principles of social justice by striving for fairness and equality, regardless of gender identity.

The training is being conducted by Nakuru County in Collaboration with CARE Kenya under the Catalyzing Strengthened Policy Action for Health
y Diets and Resilience (CASCADE) Project, which is being implemented in Kuresoi, Molo and Nakuru West sub counties.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Isuzu Inks Deal To Provide 40 Trucks To Commercial Bakery

Dessra Ventures Ltd has today inked a deal with Isuzu EA to acquire a new fleet of 40 Isuzu (NMR and FRR) trucks – in addition to its 100-vehicle fleet.

According to the company’s National Sales Manager David Oremo, the latest procurement is in line with the Bakery’s business expansion into new markets and is slated to ensure on-time delivery and cost-effective distribution of the company’s product range throughout the country.

‘As a food manufacturer of freshly-baked goods, we at Dessra Ventures Ltd believe that Isuzu EA is a dependable transportation partner that will ensure reliability, timely and last mile delivery to our network of nationwide retailers; to meet the demands of consumers on a daily basis,’ Oremo stated.

‘In addition, a number of these newly procured units will also be replacing worn out trucks in our current fleet. Furthermore, Isuzu trucks have become our preferred vehicle brand for logistics and distribution due to their solid built-up and sturdiness, aside from offering economical fu
el consumption and lower maintenance costs,’ he concluded.

On his part, Isuzu EA Sales and Marketing Director Wanjohi Kangangi took the opportunity to extend his appreciation and gratitude towards Dessra Ventures Ltd for their support and trust towards Isuzu EA.

Wanjohi added that Isuzu purposes to be the company’s beneficial transportation partner that ensures consistent efficiencies in time and cost, in support of the Bakery’s mission – to provide fresh and quality food products.

‘Reliable transport for fresh products is critical to mitigating against losses caused by poor storage and transportation from the production stage to the consumer. Today, we are here to be part of the solution, by handing over 30 Isuzu NMR and 10 FRR trucks that are reliable, safe and comfortable means of transporting products across different sectors in the economy,’ he said.

A statement from Isuzu indicates that the latest models of Isuzu trucks comes with a new design that offers the highest load carrying capacity, largest
deck length and longest range to transverse maximum distance. Isuzu East Africa has also customized the trucks to allow airflow, shelving, fuel, and location tracking to support a seamless logistical process.

Speaking at the event, the Managing Director, Kenya Coach Industries (KCI) Mr. Narain Sokhi applauded the partnership terming it is a transformative milestone.

‘This strategic move by Dessra represents more than just a logistical upgrade; it signifies a paradigm shift towards enhanced control, efficiency, and flexibility in their operations. We are delighted to have been chosen by Dessra as their Isuzu dealer for this purchase,” he said.

Speaking on behalf of ABSA Bank PLC, Head of Asset Finance Mr. John Ndichu explained that the bank had worked to provide a Shariah compliant Asset Financing product for the transaction.

‘We are delighted to support Dessra Ventures and Isuzu as they continue to grow their business partnership,’ he said.

Inspired by Isuzu EA’s commitment to remaining a trusted logist
ics partner to its customers, this latest transport collaboration will support Dessra Ventures offer an unrivalled service delivery of their fresh, high-quality bakery products directly to retailers across the country.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Parents Feel Financial Constraints As School Resume

Schools resumed normally, Monday morning, across schools in Kericho County, after the long April holiday season characterized by heavy rains and ravaging floods across the country.

A spot check by Kenya News Agency at various schools within Kericho town, revealed that the majority of students reported to school smoothly for the start of the second term calendar.

Other students thronged the Kericho main bus terminal to travel to their respective schools in time, even as parents complained of financial challenges, saying the re-opening of schools was abrupt.

Esther Bett, a parent said she struggled to provide for the needs of her children required by the school, due to budget constraints, adding that the reopening caught families off guard.

‘We had no idea schools will reopen so soon after the announcement that they will not open till further notice. We’ve already allocated our fees to other activities,’ Bett lamented.

And Paul Chirchir, a parent, said he found himself grappling with the high cost of shopp
ing items for his children, who were reporting back to boarding school.

‘I had already diverted my attention and resources towards household essentials during the school holidays,’ Chirchir said.

In other sections of the town, parents were spotted in last minute rush to shop for uniforms and books for their children, who will be reporting for their second term learning.

Kericho County has, however, not been severely affected by the heavy rains that caused flooding in other parts of the country leading to the postponement of school reopening for the second term.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Business Kiosks Unveiled To Boost Trade

Turkana County Government has unveiled 22 business kiosks across major towns in the county for lease by youth, women, and organized groups aiming to exercise their entrepreneurial skills through trade and commercial ventures.

‘The kiosks are at strategic locations in Lodwar, Kakuma, Lokichoggio, Lokichar, Kalokol, and Lorgum, targeting both budding and established entrepreneurs to initiate thriving businesses,’ Chief Officer for Trade and Enterprise Development, Robert Loyelei stated.

Loyelei added that access to the business kiosks would be through applications to the Directorate of Trade on a first-come, first-served basis, noting that due diligence would be exercised to ensure the inclusion of youth, minority groups, women groups, and persons with disabilities in the entire scheme.

Speaking during the unveiling of the kiosks, Director for Trade James Lokwale emphasized that the structures had been designed to allow for diverse commercial interests, including general retail shops, food and beverage trade
, hotel businesses, and even stationery stores, among others.

‘The kiosks are fully branded and noticeable. Coupled with the fact that they are strategically located, it is our hope that they will invigorate Turkana’s business landscape,’ Director Lokwale said.

While urging entrepreneurs to leverage on the move and take up the shops, Lokwale said that all applicants were expected to meet the minimum basic requirement for trade licensing in line with the legal provisions outlined by the county government.

The county will release a detailed call for applications outlining the specific eligibility criteria for access to the shop in the next three weeks.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Governor Lomorukai Lobbies For Unity Among Leaders

Turkana Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai has reiterated his commitment to championing unity of purpose among all leaders in Turkana County.

Speaking in Lokichar, Sunday, at a fundraiser towards the completion of Lokichar Full Gospel Church, Governor Lomorukai emphasized his willingness to collaborate with leaders across political divides.

‘I have successfully brought together leaders from various political backgrounds, and I’m eager to engage with the remaining leadership to ensure a unified vision of this County,’ he said.

The Governor said his diligence and religious background had informed his long career in leadership that dates back to 2002.

He challenged political leaders to embrace tolerance and assured of his readiness to collaborate with anyone committed to the cause of unity, regardless of their social standing.

The County Boss thanked the Church, which he noted had greatly influenced his political journey and assured the clergy that his position as Governor would not change his support for the Chur

‘I want to thank the Regional Bishop and the clergy for the respect you have continuously given me to support the development of the church. We will not tire of supporting God’s work,’ he declared. The Governor was accompanied by his spouse, Lillian Ekamais.

Bomet Senator Hillary Sigei who represented the Chief Guest Cabinet Secretary for Roads Kipchumba Murkomen said the CS had assured him that funds had been set aside to repair roads damaged by floods.

He voiced support for President Ruto’s Administration and underscored the need for unity among leaders for success in development programmes’ implementation.

Senator James Lomenen highlighted the urgency of addressing strife in parts of Turkana South caused by banditry, while Woman Representative Cecilia Ishuu urged the National Government to prioritize assistance for flood victims in Turkana.

Turkana East Legislator Nicholas Ngikor called for focus among leaders and promised to take the lead in the push for unity, while his Turkana Central counterpa
rt Emathe Namuar rallied support for President Ruto’s Administration.

Other speakers included Turkana South MP Ariko Namoit and a host of Members of County Assembly led by Lokichar MCA, Samuel Lomodo.

Source: Kenya News Agency