Residents Urged To Plant And Nurture Trees To Address Climate Change

Turkana County Commissioner Julius Kavita and Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai have emphasized the need for tree planting and nurturing to address the impacts of climate change.

The duo led a tree planting exercise at Missions of Hope Secondary School. The exercise was conducted as per the directives of the President that trees should be planted as a sign of remembering those that were adversely affected by floods.

According to Governor Lomorukai, the current forest cover in Turkana County stands at 10.8 percent adding that this is an indicator that more trees should be planted to meet the 30 percent target by 2032.

He urged every resident to plant and take care of a minimum of 30 trees every year to reverse the effects of climate change.

Lomorukai said since the beginning of long rains, Turkana County has distributed over 6,000 tree seedlings across the county. He said this activity will until the target of 100,000 tree seedlings is achieved during long rains.

Turkana County in collaboration with KFS and KEF
RI have planted over 2,700 tree seedlings in public institutions.

County Commissioner Kavita urged Turkana residents to take advantage of the on-going rains and take part in tree planting activities to meet the target of 15 billion trees.

He said tree planting contributes significantly to the realization of the growth of 15 billion trees by 2032.

He also challenged those in public institutions to take part in tree planting.

Governor Lomorukai assured Turkana residents of his commitment in the actualization of tree planting across the county through the on-going programs in the department of Tourism, Culture, Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change.

Turkana County government has established and operationalized 10 tree nurseries which have produced and transplanted over 1.5 million tree seedlings in Turkana County.

The County government has also committed 2 percent of development budget to climate change, mitigation and resilience building through Floca funds, botanical gardens and tree nurserie

According to governor Lomorukai, the Turkana County Government intends to scale up conservation efforts in collaboration with the National government and development partners.

This will prioritize establishment of green spaces within Lodwar Municipality, establishment of community conservancies along cross border areas, control and management of Julllie flora (Etirae).

The development and operationalization of tree nurseries, transfer of the management of Turkana South National Reserve to Turkana County government and accelerated tree planting are among other initiatives of the county government.

Lomorukai also vowed to accelerate tree seedling production in Turkana County tree nurseries located at Kanamkemer, Kaitese, Lokichar, Kainuk, Lokori, Kakuma, Lokichoggio, Lokitaung and Kibish. This intervention will facilitate the improvement of Turkana County tree and forest cover thus enriching the ecosystem for the betterment of livelihoods.

According to him, tree planting will mitigate climate change, p
revent soil erosion and promote biodiversity. In light of this his administration has outlined plans and adaptive measures to boost forest cover and combat climate change.

County Forest Conservator Richard Guya said the tree planting campaign aims at mitigating effects of climate change.

‘We are emphasizing on growing trees as opposed to just planting trees because that is the only way the community will benefit from the trees planted,’ said Guya.

He emphasized the need to nurture the trees to maturity saying each tree planted has been assigned a student to ensure it grows to maturity.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Schools In Ijara Submerged, Lack Clean Water

As schools reopened on Monday for the second term learning programmes, leaners in Ijara Sub-county of Garisa, are facing myriad of challenges, including submerged classrooms, breakdown of general infrastructure and threat of outbreak of waterborne diseases.

In Korisa and Hara Boarding Primary Schools students are facing acute shortage of clean drinking water following a total collapse of boreholes that serve the two institutions and the neighboring communities.

According to the Head teacher, Hara Primary School, Mr Ahmed Ali, there will be challenges to cater for the over 800 pupils in the school without clean water for food preparation and for their own hygiene.

However, Mr Ali said the Institution is working closely with both County and National government officials, particularly the Water Department in Masalani, to assess the damage of water pump and find ways of operationalizing the submerged water system once again.

The Head teacher, Korisa Primary Schools, Mr Abdi Dumale, observed that water trackin
g is the only alternative means of getting clean water to keep the school running until the floodwater is cleared and the borehole repaired.

‘It is very hard to manage the water crisis here with a population of 632 boarders and teachers, I appeal to individual well-wishers, donors organization and both levels of government, to come to our aid, so that our student resume learning,’ Mr. Dumale appealed.

Ijara Sub-county Water Coordinator, Eng. Noor Mohamed, assured that everything possible was being done to ensure that clean water is availed to schools and communities facing water crisis.

‘Water tracking is inevitable, we are going to use water bowsers to take water from Masalani town, to the affected schools,’ said Mr. Noor.

Korisa and Hara Boarding Primary School are situated over 20km away from Masalani town along Masalani-Gamba tarmac road towards Tana delta in Garsen, Tana River County.

‘Most of the boreholes are along the Eastern side of River Tana, where the flooding has destroyed the facilities,’ E
ng. Mohamed Noor.

Ijara Sub-County Director of Education, Mr Ibrahim Odowa, confirmed the challenges facing schools re-opening, adding that he has written to the County Director of Education in Garissa and the National Government Constituency Fund (NG-CDF) Office through School Management Committee, on the situation at the ground while seeking assistance to address the problem.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Narok Intern Teachers Hold Demonstrations To Demand Permanent Employment

Tens of intern teachers drawn from the Junior Secondary School (JSS), have held peaceful demonstrations in Narok town, to push the Teachers Service Commission (TSC), to employ them on Permanent and Pensionable basis.

The young teachers who matched along the Narok Town streets vowed not to report back for the second term session, until they receive confirmation from their employer.

Josphat Kipng’eno wondered why TSC had ignored a Court Order that directed all the intern teachers to be employed on a permanent and Pensionable basis.

The teachers said the process of employing the teachers should be fair and transparent, alleging that the process of confirming them was not transparent, as some teachers had received confirmation letters in burial ceremonies.

Another teacher, Elias Kimorgo, said the teachers will not report back for the second term because the Court had ruled that the teacher’s internship was illegal, hence they do not want to engage in illegal activities.

‘We are law abiding citizens hence we
have to obey the Court Order. We will not be going back to school until we are confirmed,’ said Kimorgo.

Dauphine Adhiambo, a JCC teacher said the Sh. 17, 000 salary that the intern teachers receive every month, does not meet their needs, hence called on TSC to consider employing them on a permanent basis.

‘Some of us teach far from their homes, where we need to rent a house and buy food. In addition, we have families to take care of with the meager income. This makes our life very miserable,’ said Ms. Adhiambo.

About 800 intern teachers were employed by TSC in 2023 to teach in the Junior Secondary School.

Speaking during a church service in Narok town, yesterday, Kiharu Member of Parliament, Ndindi Nyoro, backed the call of intern teachers and called on TSC to employ them on a permanent basis.

The teachers vowed to intensify their demonstrations if TSC did not heed to their demands.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Ikuu Spider FC Emerge Champions In The Eastern Region’s Tujiamini Cheza Dimba Tournament By Sportspesa

Little-known Ikuu Spider FC floored fan-favorite Al Azizia to clinch this year’s Tujiamini Cheza Dimba Football Tournament at Kinoru Stadium in Meru County which was sponsored by SportPesa betting company.

Al Azizia’s formidable dominance witnessed throughout the game caved after a barren draw at full time left their fate to penalty shootouts, where they lost 5-4 to the dismay of the fans who had turned up to cheer on.

Consequently, Ikuu Spider FC walked away with a 3-year, annual sponsorship of Sh250,000 including playing kits with their surprise win.

Speaking after receiving their award, Coach Elijah Maore attributed their success to regular training and readiness for competitions.

With ambitions to play in the National Super League, the excited tactician expressed satisfaction with the win, a windfall for the community team that like most budding clubs struggles to meet player obligations and related match fixture requirements.

‘I am grateful to the team for showing up and staying spirited all through
the tournament. This win will go a long way in facilitating our match fixtures in competitions moving forward,’ said Maore.

The team captain Isa Muriki welcomed the sponsorship, admitting that it would help raise the fortunes of the Maua-based club in Meru County.

He acknowledged the intimidating presence of Al Azizia FC, saying he was certain the two arch-rivals would ultimately clash in the finals.

‘We have lost players in the past due to limited funds and exposure challenges. With this win, we have shown our contention and readiness for the big leagues and which we will now pursue with added confidence. I am sure my squad will even be more energized and focused as the league progresses,’ said Muriki.

Al Azizia Team captain Dennis Gikundi though disappointed, expressed optimism adding that the team would go back to the drawing board to improve their penalty handling skills.

‘This tournament has been a significant motivation and an eye-opener with other equally competitive community teams looking to upl
ift themselves and their talents just like us,’ he said while encouraging young football players to stay steadfast and maximize opportunities such as the Tujiamini Cheza Dimba.

The tournament which pitted six teams from Meru, Embu, Tharaka Nithi, and Machakos Counties, kicked off on a high with Embu’s Kiangima FC, opening the goals onslaught when they beat Tharaka Nithi’s Nturiri FC 2-1.

Kiangima’s goals were scored by Brian Kelly in the 11th minute and Collins Ochieng in the early minutes of the second half, soon after followed by Nturiri’s Dennis Mwiatui’s only goal.

In the second match, Al Azizia FC, easily outclassed fellow home side Kaguma FC 3-1.

Fred Mureithi, Edu Oyoo and Sudi Juma scored in the 8th, 9th and 15th minute respectively, while Kaguma’s goal was scored by Mathias Simiyu in the 10th minute.

In the third match, Ikuu Spider FC settled for a 1-0 victory in a hotly contested match that saw Kiangima FC concede a penalty in the 20th minute scored by team captain Isa Muriki.

Meru’s Kaguma FC
lost 2-0 to Machakos-based Kakutha Green Eagles when Sammy Wambua and Dennis Wambua found the net in the 26 and 27th minute respectively.

In what was a highlight of the tournament, Al Azizia proved why they are the top dogs in Meru County in the 6th match of the day when in a relentless drive for goals, they rained multiple volleys of near misses against the Eagles.

Playing a well-coordinated and patient game, Al Azizia shone in the fair weather of Meru, piling pressure against their opponents with the clear blue skies up above almost beckoning them to wrap things up already.

They soon reaped the dividends when the Eagles conceded a handball in the box, giving Al Azizia their first penalty in the 4th minute, quickly converted by Tony Musa to a wonderful reception by the home fans.

As if responding to the fans, the homeboys were at it again raiding the Eagles’ nest to steal two goals in quick succession, one from the penalty spot converted by Fred Murithi in the 15th minute with Musa scoring in the 22nd mi
nute from a well-timed shot in the box that settled the game at 3-1 to Al Azizia.

The Eagles’ solitary goal was scored by Kimani Kelvin in the 7th minute.

The Tujiamini Cheza Dimba regional football tournament, powered by SportPesa continues to heat up with the conclusion of the Eastern region leg of the grassroots football talent showcase.

The initiative will now move to the North Rift region with promises to deliver in what is otherwise known to be a talent hotbed.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Process To Restore Normal Internet Services In The Country Commences

Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) has announced the commencement of recovery process to restore normal internet services in the country after interruption by deep sea fibre cuts.

‘Yesterday, the Authority received reports on intermittent data outages and traffic jam on the submarine cable Internet traffic flow into the country,’ CA Director-General and CEO, David Mugonyi said in a statement to newsrooms.

Mugonyi said that upon engaging the relevant industry players, the Authority has established that a deep-sea fibre cut had occurred on the Mtunzini teleport station, affecting a number of submarine cables serving Kenya, including Seacom and the East African Submarine System (Eassy).

‘We wish to inform individual and corporate consumers that the recovery process has since commenced but internet intermittency and slow speeds may remain in the coming few days, before services are fully restored,’ said Mugonyi.

‘Meanwhile, the Authority has directed service providers to take proactive steps to secure alt
ernative routes for their traffic and is monitoring the situation closely, to ensure that incoming and outbound internet connectivity is available,’ he stated.

He explained that the East Africa Marine System (TEAMS) cable, which has not been affected by the cut, was currently being utilized for local traffic flow, while redundancy on the South Africa route has been activated to minimize the impact.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Diamond Trust Bank Opens New Branch In Kapsabet Town

Diamond Trust Bank (DTB) has opened its newest branch in Kapsabet town, as part of its strategy to grow its business in new sectors of the economy

The bank will offer a wide range of products and services to customers including personal and business accounts, loans, supply chain financing, mortgages and investment opportunities.

Customers will also have the opportunity to utilize the banks digital channels for account access and transactions, alongside visiting the branch location for personalized services.

Speaking during the official opening, Nandi Governor Stephen Sang said banking institutions have been instrumental in promoting economic empowerment and facilitating sustainable development adding that their dedication to assisting local businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals in achieving their financial goals is commendable.

‘The establishment of this branch reaffirms our commitment to creating a favorable business environment that appeals to both domestic and international investors. This expansi
on not only generates employment opportunities but also catalyses economic development and prosperity for our county,’ he said.

According to DTB officials, expanding their branch network is not just about physical presence, it’s about providing quality customer service and easy accessibility to its diverse product portfolio.

They noted that with these new branches, they are reaffirming their commitment as being a trusted partner for traders, farmers, retailers and business owners providing tailored solutions and fostering meaningful relationships in every community they serve.

Tinderet Member of Parliament Julius Melly speaking at the event said the official opening of the new branch at Kapsabet marks a significant milestone in expanding financial access to the community.

‘This venture promises to foster economic growth, empower individuals, and promote corporate social responsibility within the region,’ said Melly.

He urged the business community in the region to develop a culture of saving by opening a
ccounts with the bank, noting that DTB offers various accounts options according to their clients.

Source: Kenya News Agency