Two Schools In Baringo South Marooned By Floods To Remain Closed

Baringo County commissioner (CC) Stephen Kutwa has revealed that two schools marooned by floods would remain closed as others resumed learning Monday from the extended holiday.

Kutwa was referring to Longeiwan and Leswa Primary Schools in Marigat Sub County that were partially submerged by floods after Perkera and Molo rivers broke their banks.

He said plans of relocation have been put in place for affected pupils to learn in neighbouring schools with Loitip primary expected to host quite a number of them due to its capacity to accommodate additional pupils.

Kutwa made the remarks at his Kabarnet office on Monday while giving a preliminary report to KNA which had sought to know about the state of schools in Baringo.

He noted that they do not want to risk the lives of school going children hence they would wait for the flood waters in the affected schools to subside
before taking the learners back to their respective institutions.

The County Commissioner further noted that majority of schools in Baringo North Sub-county opened during the first day of term two although turnout was low due to insecurity challenges especially in parts of Saimo Soi and Bartabwa wards.

Kutwa encouraged learners and parents from the insecurity ravaged areas to return to their deserted homes saying they have enhanced security measures adding that no public servant should use the security challenge as an excuse.

‘We are telling all government officials to refrain from baseless excuses that will make them not report to work since we are guaranteeing them their safety,’ he added.

The Baringo CC bemoaned last month’s boat tragedy that claimed lives of seven school going children in Baringo South and said safety measures have been enhanced to protect learners in
schools bordering Lake Baringo who used boats as means of transport.

‘We have enforced safety measures that mandates passengers to use safety jackets besides ensuring that the boats carry only the required capacity. We have also trained 200 coxswains to enhance their navigation skills, restricted transport operations to licensed boat operators, marking of designated routes for passenger boats and for fishing boats,’ he expounded.

Commissioner Kutwa said that only registered boats would be allowed to operate on Lake Baringo cautioning that a legal action shall be taken against operators found culpable of violating the stipulated rules and guidelines.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Yuvraj’s Ace Lights Up NCBA Junior Golf At Windsor

Yuvraj Rajput put in an impressive performance to win the boys’ 13-14 years category at the NCBA U.S. Kids Golf Fall Local Tour tournament played at the Windsor Golf and Country Club.

The tournament, part of the NCBA Junior golf series and organized by the Junior Golf Foundation – Kenya was back at the par-72 Windsor Golf Hotel and Country Club with the Royal Nairobi Golf Club still not in a position to host a tournament following the recent heavy rainfall.

Rajput who leads the boys 13-14 years category with 190 points posted 75 gross to win by four strokes ahead of Aidan Gachora and Justin Ngeera who tied on 79. Rajput picked two birdies in the 1st and 16th holes, then was cheered wildly when he hit an ace in the par 4 hole four.

‘I know this course like the back of my head because I come to practice here after school. It was a home course advantage,
but that can be an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time. Today was my day with the hole-in-one on number four, I’m just speechless. I have no words,’ said Rajput.

Rajput has won back-to-back tournaments at the same venue to consolidate his lead in the boys’ 13-14 category. He plans the same approach at the next tournament at the Muthaiga Golf Club in a fortnight.

‘Muthaiga is double points, I will practice there on Tuesdays after school and try and get as much practice as possible,’ he concluded.

After two back to back tournament wins, Yolanda Yu was finally beaten to third position at Windsor, with Marya Nyambura winning with a score of 82. Sophia Nesbitt once again finished second with a score of 86 with Amelia Sheikh and Yolanda Yu tied for third with a score of 87.

‘Today the course was good. I enjoyed myself and I tried my best to play well
and I had a good time. My best holes were these two-par fives on one side and I got birdies on both. I enjoyed myself the most on the first nine,’ she observed.

Nyambura last played on the tour in March at Sigona where she emerged third with a score of 92. She missed the other tournaments in March and April before making a comeback at Windsor a week ago. She finished on the podium, third behind joint leaders Yolanda Yu and Sophia Nesbitt.

‘I would say this tournament was better because last week, I played 89 and this week I have played 82,’ she observed.

Another impressive performance came from Kanana Muthomi in the girls’ 11-12 years old category. Kanana played 73 to win the category and stretch her lead at the top of the standings to 150 season points. Simaloi Mbeya is second in the standings with 99 points with Ashley Muyela third with 98.50 points.

n the boys’ 6 years and under category, Aryan Patel played level par 36 to win the category.

Commenting on the importance of supporting junior golf competitions, NCBA’s Group Director of Marketing, Communication, and Citizenship Nelly Wainaina emphasized the bank’s commitment to nurturing young talent.

‘NCBA is excited to be part of this initiative that supports the development of junior golf in Kenya. As a bank, we recognize the importance of investing in the youth and providing them with opportunities to excel in sports. Our investment in the sport of golf reflects our dedication to empowering the next generation of athletes and contributing to the overall well-being of our communities. We have been impressed by the talent and dedication showcased by the young golfers in this tournament, and we look forward to many more successful events in the future,’ said Ms. Wainai

The juniors have a two-week break before the last tournament of the JGF US Kids Fall tour at the Muthaiga Golf Club.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Kisumu To Host 2024 Kenya Sanitation Governance And Exhibition Conference

Over 5, 000 delegates are expected to converge in Kisumu City in June 2024 for this year’s Kenya Sanitation Governance and Exhibition Conference.

The forum will bring together key stakeholders in the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector from Kenya and around the world to deliberate on the prevailing challenges and share good practices.

Participants will also formulate strategies to accelerate the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 that requires governments to ensure availability of clean and potable water.

Organized by the Water and Sanitation Providers Association (WASPA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, County Government of Kisumu and Kisumu Water and Sanitation Company (KIWASCO), the conference will take stock of the gains made in enhancing access to clean drinking water and sanitation solutions across the country.

Executive Officer Antony Ombugo who paid a courtesy call on Kisumu Deputy Governor Dr. Mathews Owili said preparations for the conference were in top gear.

Ombugo said key stakeholders including national and county governments agencies have confirmed attendance adding that the organizers were set to deliver a world class conference.

The conference comes amidst concerns over the slow pace in the implementation of the SDG goal 6 globally.

According to the United Nation (UN), 1 in 4 people globally lack safely managed drinking water in their homes while nearly half of the world’s population lacks safely managed sanitation with only 6 years remaining to the year 2030.

Kenya’s progress towards achieving the SDG goal 6 has also been slow, with only 60% and 20% water and sanitation coverage respectively.

Sewerage is currently available to only 3.9 million people in 26 counties
in the country with two thirds of this living in Nairobi City County.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Flood Victims In West Pokot Start Receiving Emergency Relief Food Rations

The national government has started distribution of emergency relief food to families affected by flash floods in West Pokot County.

Speaking during the launch of the exercise in Kong’elai Division where a number of people were affected, West Pokot County Commissioner (CC) Abdullahi Khalif said the government was targeting around 600 households across the county who were either displaced or lost property to the flooding in various parts.

Khalif stated that the move was a short term intervention to cushion those affected and were in dire need of relief food rations as they recovered from the losses experienced during the floods.

‘The food items being supplied include rice, beans and fortified porridge flour. The government allocated 260 bags of rice, 300 bags of beans and 50 bags of fortified porridge flour. We must thank the government for this urgent initiative to assis
t the victims some of whom lost their animals and their food crops washed away,’ said the CC adding that they were partnering with the county government through the Department of Disaster Management.

He said the region experienced displacements in areas such as Lelan, Kambi Karaya, Muino, Batei, Konyao and Kasei due to flash floods.

Khalif said the government was concerned about people’s welfare and would continue supporting those affected by floods urging residents to keep safe in places that might still be susceptible to flooding.

He cautioned residents against crossing flooded rivers advising them to wait until they subside for their safety.

The CC noted that as schools started opening, there were a few selected schools that had been affected by the floods and it was hoped that the rains would reduce as it has been for the past few days.

He lauded the county gove
rnment for its early interventions through distribution of non-food items such as blankets and mattresses to those severally affected by the floods.

‘We shall continue partnering with the county government in ensuring our people recover from the effects of the floods experienced. We thank our various partners such the security organs that have been on watch round the clock sensitizing wananchi to ensure safety,’ said Khalif.

Accompanying the multi-urgency team during the distribution, Chief Officer in Charge of Disaster Management David Chepelion termed the national government’s intervention as a gesture of its own kind.

‘This gesture is timely to at least assist our people in distress due to the effects of the floods. The county government also responded in time and it has supplied items such as mosquito nets and sanitary pads among other non-food items,’ revealed Chepelion
adding that they have other programmes in place to support those affected.

Jackson Lechakamoi from Kong’elai whose crops were washed away appreciated the government’s move to provide relief food appealing to the government to look for ways of supporting students whose parents lost their property to the floods during the school opening.

He said since his life he had never witnessed floods of such a magnitude urging fellow residents to take extra caution.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Ethiopia Consignment A Shot In The Arm For The Underutilized Port Of Lamu

The arrival of the first 60,000 tons of Ethiopia-bound fertilizer has bolstered the performance of the Sh75 billion Lamu Port, a key component of the Lamu Port South Sudan Ethiopia Transport (LAPPSET) project.

The Chairman of LAPSSET Corridor Development Authority (LCDA) Ali Mbogo termed the project a beacon of economic renaissance for Kenya and the entire Eastern Africa region.

He said the project, owned by three states would catapult the once sleepy Lamu archipelago to be the country’s and region’s next economic frontier.

The LAPPSET Corridor aims to enhance connectivity, foster economic integration, and stimulate socio-economic development across Ethiopia, Kenya, and South Sudan.

The project includes the Port of Lamu, a Standard Gauge Railway, highways, two oil pipelines, three international airports and three resort cities.

The completion of the first three berths equipped w
ith three modern Ship-to-Shore gantry cranes by the Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) is poised to increase the efficiency of the Port of Lamu.

‘This comprehensive development will catalyze a cascade of economic activities, making Kenya a nexus of international trade and logistics, particularly important for fostering trade relations with Asian markets,’ said Mbogo during the annual meeting of the Economists Society of Kenya in Mombasa.

He noted that Africa is the least integrated continent in the world and the intra-imports between African countries amount to about 17 per cent.

The Lamu Port, Mbogo added, has given Kenya an alternative route of commerce as the country was depending entirely on the Port of Mombasa which has a narrow channel.

‘If you go to Mama Ngina Water Front, you’ll see that channel. We have a very narrow channel. If anything were to happen to that channe
l, then we will bring the economies not only of this country but the entire East Africa to its knees,’ he said.

The Port of Lamu is a natural port with a draft of 18 meters and 21 meters during low tide and high tide respectively.

‘We have constructed the port in such a way that the three berths have a quay of 1200 meters which can allow post-panamax vessels to berth at that port without any challenges. Those vessels cannot berth in the Port of Mombasa,’ said Mbogo.

Since the completion of the first berth in 2019, Lamu Port has been underutilized but the LCDA board successfully wooed Ethiopians to use the Port which is shorter compared to the ports of Djibouti and Tadjourah both in Djibouti.

‘The route from Lamu to Moyale is slightly longer it is 1300 kilometres (km) but still it is shorter by 300km compared to the current route that Ethiopians are using
to import their goods from Djibouti which is 1600 km,’ said Mbogo.

‘The Ethiopians have told us very clearly if this first consignment goes well then more than nine vessels will call on the Port of Lamu,’ he added.

The fertilizer shipment will be transported to Ethiopia through the old existing routes as LCDA rushes against time to construct bypasses that will reduce the distance between Lamu and Moyale.

‘We are reducing the distance for the Ethiopians from 1600 to 1000 KM once the bypasses are completed,’ stated Mbogo, revealing that high-level meetings were ongoing to bring South Sudan onboard to start using Port of Lamu.

During the receipt of the bulk carrier vessel with fertilizer-MV Abbey II, KPA Managing Director (MD) Capt. William Ruto thanked the government of Ethiopia government for using the Port of Lamu.

‘We are thankful for this call to the Port of Lamu
and believe this is the first of many vessels carrying Ethiopia-bound cargo which we shall handle,’ said Capt. Ruto.

The LAPSSET corridor project, he noted, was mooted 54 years ago to bolster regional integration and to tap on the enormous economic potential of Northern Kenya.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Sigh Of Relief For Lodwar Residents As Boreholes Are Repaired

Lodwar residents heaved a sigh of relief after Lodwar Water and Sanitation Company (LOWASCO) successfully repaired boreholes that had been affected by floods.

The Company’s rapid response team managed to fix Napuu boreholes, restoring the water supply to the populous regions of Kanamkemer Ward, including Nawoitorong and Turkana University.

LOWASCO Managing Director Esther Lokitoe stated that the two-day supply interruptions had impacted the county headquarters, the Napuu Chief’s camp, and the surrounding villages due to the breakdown of boreholes 3 and 7, located at the Napuu aquifer.

‘I can confirm that the mechanical issue has been rectified and normal water supply has resumed. As a company, we are dedicated to swift responses and communication with our clients to mitigate any inconveniences,’ MD Lokitoe affirmed.

A visit to a few homes in Nawaitorong confirmed the resumption
of water supply, with residents urging for consistent supply and timely notification during interruptions.

The resumption comes at a time when LOWASCO is collaborating with the Department of Water Services to expedite the drilling of four boreholes to replace borehole 9, which served as Kanamkemer’s primary water source but was swept away by flooding in the River Turkwel a few weeks ago.

Source: Kenya News Agency