Donkey Owners Want Their Animals Protected From Theft

As the world celebrates the Donkey Welfare Day on 17 May, donkey owners in Narok are hopeful that the authorities will address rampant theft of the animal across the county.

Mama Nalaidiki Yendo, the chairlady of a donkey farmers’ association dubbed ‘Eshipai Esera’ said donkey theft had escalated in the county that makes them remain vigilant at night to protect their animals.

She reiterated that the beast of burden is a precious animal to the Maa women as they use it to carry out their domestic cores and earn a living from it.

‘The donkey is everything to us. It is our source of income and we commonly refer to it as a co-wife because it is always with us,’ she said, adding that donkeys help them transport luggage to the markets during rainy seasons, when the roads are impassable and trek for long distances to fetch water during prolonged dry spells.

She lauded the Brooke organization that works through Farming System Kenya to improve the welfare of donkeys by educating the farmers on how best to take care
of their animals so that they can be free from diseases and parasites.

Mama Yendo invited all donkey farmers to ‘Uhuru market’ on Friday to celebrate their day, where they will be taught how to care of their donkeys by officers from the veterinary services.

Samuel Chege an officer with the Farming System Kenya said they began working with donkey farmers in the county since 2016 where they have been training the farmers on animal husbandry.

The organization has also trained local service providers who help to treat donkeys in the villages in case they are sick.

Chege said the project has not only benefited the women but also men where they teach team livelihood skills that have helped them better their lives.

‘Among the projects we have implemented in the county are: digging water pans for the community, distributing pasture seedlings to farmers and training women groups on financial matters,’ he said.

The donkey welfare day is an important day to help us celebrate the beast of burden and the good work t
hat it does to improve lives in the society.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Kiambu Residents Give Their Opinion On Crucial Budget Allocation

In a bid to ensure inclusivity in the budgetary process, the National Assembly Budget Committee convened the significant public hearing session in Kiambu County.

Representatives from various sectors of the Kiambu community gathered to voice their opinions and concerns regarding the proposed budget estimates for the fiscal year 2024/2025.

The event, held at Kiambu National Polytechnic (KINAP), saw the active participation of local residents alongside their elected Members of Parliament.

Kiambu Town Member of Parliament (MP), Machua Waithaka, emphasised the urgency of prioritizing road construction projects, including the tarmacking of roads in Kia-mumbi and the completion of critical routes such as Riabai-Gichocho-Kiriguini-Ndumberi Road, Ruthiruini-Kihingo road, and Thindigua Highway extending to Windsor.

Furthermore, Machua urged the Budget Committee to allocate resources towards drilling boreholes in areas like Turitu, Ngegu, and Kanunga to mitigate water shortages plaguing the communities.

‘I urge the
Budget Committee to consider drilling boreholes to address water shortage,’ Machua said.

Githunguri MP Gathoni Wamuchomba, highlighted the importance of achieving population parity in resource allocation, endorsing the ‘One Man One Shilling’ debate.

‘I am a proponent of one man, one shilling, one vote, and we need equality in resource allocation,’ Wamuchomba said.

Participants at the forum echoed the same sentiment, emphasizing the need for equitable distribution of resources across all areas within Kiambu County.

The public participation forum saw the active involvement of various leaders and stakeholders, including Mps Alice Ng’ang’a (MP Thika Town), John Njuguna Wanjiku (MP Kiambaa), as well as several Members of County Assembly (MCAs), Deputy County Commissioners (DCCs), Assistant County Commissioners (ACCs), Chiefs, and other community representatives.

The public hearing served as a platform for constructive dialogue and collaboration between citizens and policymakers.

As the National Assembly Budg
et Committee continues its deliberations, the valuable insights gleaned from the Kiambu public hearing are expected to inform and influence the finalization of the 2024/2025 budget.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Kiambu Residents Give Their Opinion On Crucial Budget Allocation

In a bid to ensure inclusivity in the budgetary process, the National Assembly Budget Committee convened the significant public hearing session in Kiambu County.

Representatives from various sectors of the Kiambu community gathered to voice their opinions and concerns regarding the proposed budget estimates for the fiscal year 2024/2025.

The event, held at Kiambu National Polytechnic (KINAP), saw the active participation of local residents alongside their elected Members of Parliament.

Kiambu Town Member of Parliament (MP), Machua Waithaka, emphasised the urgency of prioritizing road construction projects, including the tarmacking of roads in Kia-mumbi and the completion of critical routes such as Riabai-Gichocho-Kiriguini-Ndumberi Road, Ruthiruini-Kihingo road, and Thindigua Highway extending to Windsor.

Furthermore, Machua urged the Budget Committee to allocate resources towards drilling boreholes in areas like Turitu, Ngegu, and Kanunga to mitigate water shortages plaguing the communities.

‘I urge the
Budget Committee to consider drilling boreholes to address water shortage,’ Machua said.

Githunguri MP Gathoni Wamuchomba, highlighted the importance of achieving population parity in resource allocation, endorsing the ‘One Man One Shilling’ debate.

‘I am a proponent of one man, one shilling, one vote, and we need equality in resource allocation,’ Wamuchomba said.

Participants at the forum echoed the same sentiment, emphasizing the need for equitable distribution of resources across all areas within Kiambu County.

The public participation forum saw the active involvement of various leaders and stakeholders, including Mps Alice Ng’ang’a (MP Thika Town), John Njuguna Wanjiku (MP Kiambaa), as well as several Members of County Assembly (MCAs), Deputy County Commissioners (DCCs), Assistant County Commissioners (ACCs), Chiefs, and other community representatives.

The public hearing served as a platform for constructive dialogue and collaboration between citizens and policymakers.

As the National Assembly Budg
et Committee continues its deliberations, the valuable insights gleaned from the Kiambu public hearing are expected to inform and influence the finalization of the 2024/2025 budget.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Ministry Of Education Targets 15 Schools In Tree Planting Program

Ministry of Education with the support of Arbor Day Foundation and One Vision Kenya has initiated a tree planting program, across 15 schools in Migori County.

The program dubbed: ‘School Greening Program’ will see schools from five wards; Kwa, South Kanyamakago, Central Kamagambo, Masaba and Macalder Kanyarwanda wards in Migori benefit from the initiative.

According to the initiators, the program aims to educate learners on the significance of tree planting, environmental conservation and the negative impacts of climate change through tree planting.

Speaking during the launch of the program at Asar Johanson Comprehensive School in Migori town, the director of One Vision Kenya, Victor Ogindo outlined that they target three schools from each of the five wards mentioned across the entire county.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Ministry Of Education Targets 15 Schools In Tree Planting Program

Ministry of Education with the support of Arbor Day Foundation and One Vision Kenya has initiated a tree planting program, across 15 schools in Migori County.

The program dubbed: ‘School Greening Program’ will see schools from five wards; Kwa, South Kanyamakago, Central Kamagambo, Masaba and Macalder Kanyarwanda wards in Migori benefit from the initiative.

According to the initiators, the program aims to educate learners on the significance of tree planting, environmental conservation and the negative impacts of climate change through tree planting.

Speaking during the launch of the program at Asar Johanson Comprehensive School in Migori town, the director of One Vision Kenya, Victor Ogindo outlined that they target three schools from each of the five wards mentioned across the entire county.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Affordable Housing Project In Nyeri

The plaque that was unveiled by President William Ruto on February 16, 2024 during the ground breaking ceremony for the Nyeri Blue Valley Affordable Housing project in Nyeri town constituency.

Source: Kenya News Agency