Several Juja Flood-Affected Learners Yet To Report To School

Several learners from Weithethie, Juja Sub County, Kiambu County who were affected by the recent floods that ravaged several parts of the country are yet to report to school due to lack of basic school items.

Joseph Waweru, one of the area Nyumba kumi members said the learners do not have books, uniform and other essentials since they were washed away by floods.

He said most families come from impoverished backgrounds and cannot afford to replace the items, making it difficult for the learners to report to school.

Speaking when they received basic aid from the nearby Zetech University and other partners yesterday, Waweru said if the government and other well-wishers fail to intervene, it will be difficult for most learners to report back to school.

‘Juja is among the Sub counties that was most affected by floods in Kiambu Counties. Households would get submerged by flood water. It washed away books and school uniforms. If the government does not intervene, it will be difficult for some of the learners to
report for Second term,’ he said.

On interventions, he said, they have the data of those who were most affected by the floods and called on well-wishers to chip in and help the victims get footing.

He added that some classes need repair and roads leading to the schools required to be graded.

The partners, Zetech University, Crime Si Poa – Youth Safety Awareness Initiative and Oshwal Mahila Mandal said the initiative aimed at extending a helping hand to those grappling with the devastating consequences of the disaster.

Zetech University Director of Corporate Affairs and Marketing John Mwai emphasized the university’s unwavering commitment to serving the community, particularly during moments of acute need.

He said most beneficiaries came from Juja town, Weithethie and the lower parts where residents do quarrying who were mostly affected by the floods.

‘As a University we had to chip in and help the neighbouring community that was affected by the floods. We shall continue with the exercise due to the huge
demand that we have,’ said Mwai.

Chairlady Bharti Raja, Oshwal Mahila Mandal underscored the transformative impact of collective action in addressing humanitarian challenges.

Over 150 families benefited from the aid, which included blankets, foodstuffs, umbrellas and other essentials providing them with much-needed relief in the face of adversity.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Farmers In Kericho Trained On Modern Livestock Breeding

Over 50 farmers from Kericho East, Bureti, Soin-Sigowet, and Belgut sub-counties benefitted from a day-long training on modern livestock breeding to enhance productivity thus enhancing their lives financially.

The Kericho County Department of Agriculture in collaboration with CKL Africa Limited a principal supplier of animal health and crop farming sensitised the livestock farmers on ways to increase production and productivity through improved breeding such as Artificial Insemination and selective breeding, disease management, and nutrition.

CKL Africa official Benson Landa educated the farmers who a majority of them reared cattle for milk, to focus on selective breeding and use high-quality rams to significantly improve the health, size, and productivity of their livestock which in turn would increase profitability and sustainability.

‘Maintaining clean, spacious and well-ventilated housing conditions is crucial for the health and well-being of the animals and ensuring that animals are housed appropriat
ely based on their age, sex, and developmental stage which helps to prevent disease and promote better growth, ‘added Landa.

The farmers were also enlightened on modern techniques of rearing calves from birth till maturity, and they learned how to minimize stress on the calves which can affect immunity and also ensure a smooth transition from liquid to solid food.

‘When it comes to disease prevention and management, calves can easily be infected with various diseases such as septicaemia bacterial infection, diarrhea, and pneumonia, and it is vital to quickly contact a veterinary doctor to treat the calf,’ said Landa

Landa advised the farmers to control tick-borne diseases such as ECF from infecting the calves saying that ticks are responsible for the transmission of a large variety of diseases that affect livestock including babesiosis, anaplasmosis, theileriosis, and heart water.

‘The best control program is to reduce immature cattle tick numbers on the paddock by planned treatments which kill the egg-la
ying female ticks by treating cattle for 4-5 consecutive tick life cycles depending on the length of the tick season,’ said Landa

Farmers were also urged to prevent pneumonia by providing proper hygienic housing for the calves by avoiding wet floors, and disinfecting calf pens adding that the common symptoms to watch out for include coughing, difficulty in breathing, and fever.

During the seminar, the farmers were trained on how to feed their heifers from 6 to 18 months with good quality fodder such as chopped, dark green, and one meter Napier grass among other products that would provide protein and energy.

For pregnant heifers, farmers were urged to continue feeding them well until the last 4 to 6 months of the cow’s pregnancy when they can introduce supplementation to build up reserves for use in the period of high milk production and the growth and repair of the udder tissue.

Farmers were excited to learn ways of increasing milk production through the provision of clean water continuously with an adeq
uate flow rate, feeding them at least six times a day, ensuring the cows are comfortable in their shed and have no diseases, and milking them properly.

Source: Kenya News Agency

5, 600 Learners In Three Counties Enrolled In Nutritional Programs

A non- profit organisation has partnered with 18 churches in Kisumu, Vihiga and Nandi counties to address malnutrition amongst children in the area.

This follows a sharp rise in cases of malnutrition in the three counties affecting overall child development and health.

Through the partnership Compassion International and the churches have established 18 Child Development Centres where some 5, 600 learners have been enlisted.

The collaborative endeavour aims to extend a lifeline to the children who are currently grappling with food insecurity and its detrimental effects on their health and well-being.

Compassion International Zone Coordinator Richard Sijenyi said the beneficiaries have been selected from the most vulnerable households through the church and National Government Administration Officers (NGAO).

Sijenyi said malnutrition remained a big threat to child survival in the area resulting into cases of stunting, wasting and obesity which are behind a spate of non-communicable diseases among childre
n in the area.

‘Half of the deaths in children under 5 years is as a result of malnutrition. Stunting which is caused by malnutrition if not addressed early cannot be rectified when the children are over 10 years. That is why we are reaching out to these children early enough so that they live a holistic life.’ he said.

Vihiga County, he said was leading with 17% of children malnourished followed by Nandi at 15% and Kisumu at 9%.

The children put under the nutritional program, he said will have access to proper nutrition, essential healthcare and education to empower them to overcome challenges posed by malnutrition.

Through, the program, he added, Compassion International was using the church to pass information on nutrition to the community to ensure that they prepare a balanced diet to curb malnutrition.

‘Most of the families out of ignorance believe that to serve a balanced diet you must have a lot of money yet some of the foods are readily available especially in Vihiga. Therefore, we want the commu
nity to have this information so that they can take appropriate action,’ he said.

Speaking during a Nutrition Stakeholders Forum in Kisumu, Sijenyi decried the poor uptake and access to nutritional services in the three counties which, he said was to blame for the poor indicators.

County governments, he said have deployed nutritionists and stocked nutrition supplements across health facilities in the area but the uptake remained low.

‘This is largely due to lack of information. Our people are not aware of these services. You find that these supplements expire at our health facilities and in the same areas people especially children are dying because of malnutrition,’ he said.

He challenged the county governments and partners to scale up awareness to ensure that the services are properly utilised.

The forum brought together different stakeholders among them National Government Administration Officers (NGAO), Children Officers, Nutritionists, the clergy and public health officers from the three counties to
deliberate on how best to address the challenge of malnutrition in the area.

Emuhaya Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Chuck Musau attributed the high number of malnutrition cases in the rural areas to poverty and lack of information.

Malnutrition, he said was rampant in families where parents have not gone to school with rural areas where income generating activities are few.

To address the challenge, the government, he said was laying emphasis on the 100% transition at all levels of education to build an empowered society.

The government, he added, was creating awareness on nutrition besides empowering farmers to scale up food production to address malnutrition.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Land Disputes Cited To Be Root Cause Of Criminal Offences In Nyamira

Environment and land court judge, Justice Kamau Mugo has stated that endless historical land disputes are the root cause of major criminal offences in Nyamira County.

Justice Mugo made this statement at an open day for the judiciary at the Nyamira law courts where members of the public had a chance to freely interact with the judiciary staff out of the strict protocols of court proceeding to better understand its procedures and mandate in a more relaxed environment.

The judge pointed out that members of the public are readily induced into use of shortcuts to undertake succession of land and property of the deceased relatives.

‘When a disgruntled beneficiary discovers that some fishy property deals have been undertaken they revenge by other criminal offences like assault, murder or any other forms of violence,’ he stated.

Mugo assured that this trend will always backfire once brought before court because due process must be followed in land matters.

‘I will expedite land matters to reduce such related cr
iminal offences so long as all the evidence on the matter before court is availed.

Land and property matters in Nyamira are very emotive and some graft land officers or scrupulous cartels hoovering outside the lands office dupe you to use shortcuts in transferring property and land titles without even attending the land boards. Be warned that when such matters will be brought before my court, I will cancel them without regrets or apologies,’ Judge Mugo warned.

He was very categorical that dubious procedures are very costly at the end of the day because people spend a lot of money covering up their corrupt deals but the truth will be very clear once the matter is brought before the court.

‘Several criminal offences brought before my colleague judge ranging from murder, suicide, rape, defilement, assault, and even gender based violence root back to unsettled land disputes during investigations of such matters,’ explained Judge Mugo.

Justice Wilfrida Okwany of Nyamira High court assured that Nyamira law cour
ts staff is determined to remain independent, transparent, accountable and responsible to the needs of people of Nyamira where they expect justice to be dispensed.

She affirmed that the open day was an opportunity for members of the public to have interactive sessions with the entire Nyamira law courts judiciary staff and have a comprehensive view and understanding on how justice is administered during court proceedings.

‘We encourage you to ask questions, give us feedback on your perception about our services. We are here to serve you and your views are crucial in shaping the justice system that truly reflects the values and affiliations of our society,’ Judge Okwany said.

The county Attorney Erastus Orina who represented Nyamira Governor Amos Nyaribo appreciated the judiciary’s cordial collaboration and relations they have had while dispensing their duties and the initiative of an open day which gives members of the public a chance to interact and interrogate the judicial processes.

‘I urge that you equ
ally educate citizens on the Alternative dispute resolution mechanisms like mediation, reconciliation and arbitration which are equally as efficient in dispute resolution. I recommend your invaluable support in dispensing justice a sure sign that you endeavour to safeguard the constitution of Kenya and support the milestones achieved since devolved governments were initiated. Nyamira County government promises to continue with the collaboration to ensure justice to our people is not just a promise but a reality,’ the County Attorney said.

The Open Day was themed Making environment and land justice a reality was marked by a tree planting exercise at Embonga secondary school with a peaceful walk in Nyamira town giving members of the public opportunity to fully understand how the courts execute their justice mandate.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Ngaaf Empowers Self Help Groups With 1.5 Million Grant

Busia County Woman representative Catherine Omanyo, has distributed cheques worth Sh1.5 million to 15 self-help groups in Busia/Matayos Sub County through the National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF).

Speaking during the disbursement of the cheques at the Matayos sub county Assistant County Commissioners office premises, Omanyo said that each of the groups would receive Sh100.000.

Thus, she advised the beneficiaries to use funds well as she will make follow up to see how the fund have been used.

‘In three months, I will inspect the use of funds according to your application proposals, aiming to see the growth of my team,’ she said.

Moreover, the women rep encouraged the residents to form and register more self-help groups and apply for the grants.

She emphasized the importance of being part of an active and visionary group, when applying for a grant. Busia County NGAAF coordinator Dancan Musingo warned the beneficiaries of people who might want to get some cash from them.

Thus, Omanyo stated
that the money is theirs and should not be returned to the office due to corruption.

Furthermore, Musingo added that the office will be making the follow up to see how the funds were used.

Matayos Sub county assistant county commissioner Eunice Ochieng asked NGAAF office to work with chiefs and assistant chiefs in sensitizing people to understand the importance of self-help group and how they can get the grant.

Ochieng also encouraged the use of the fund efficiently, avoiding conflicts among group members, and ensuring continued progress in the ongoing work.

For instance, Lucy Wanjiko from Busia Juakali works self-help group which was one of the beneficiaries appreciated the women representative stating the grant will help them to develop and empower others.

‘When you empower one woman, you have empowered the whole world,’ she said.

Her sentiments were echoed by Joseph Onyango, secretary general Mayenje Santos self-help group who hailed the woman representative for her vision of helping women, youth and
men in the county.

He promised that the groups will work closely with the relevant officers to ensure all the projects and plans have been successful.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Duale, Kindiki Call For Harmony Among Disciplined Forces

Defence Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale and his Interior counterpart Kithure Kindiki have called on disciplined officers to work in harmony since they serve similar functions of offering security to Kenyans.

The officials said the two security formations should work in sync and stop confrontations as recently witnessed in some parts of the country.

While apparently breaking their silence on the recent incidents of violent confrontation between members of the two security formations, they said the two must display comradeship.

‘The differences being displayed creates the wrong impression to the citizenry. The two formations should be seen as working in harmony, ‘Duale said.

They spoke today during the handing over of the Wanini Keriri Magereza Hospital to the Prison Service Department in Ruiru, Kiambu County.

The modern level 4 facility was constructed by KDF and is expected to enhance access to quality medical care services to uniformed officers.

The 150-bed capacity facility has two major theatres, two I
CU beds, a maternity wing and dental care unit will also be serving Ruiru residents on referral basis.

‘The hospital will serve disciplined forces and some referral cases for locals. It is a step towards the government commitment to ensuring that uniformed officers get the best quality medical services to enable them offer the best security services for social-economic development of the country,’ Duale said.

On his part, Kindiki emphasised the need for maintainance of government facilities, noting that regrettably many such buildings and equipment were in a state of neglect and dilapidation.

‘Going forward, we shall ensure government amenities are well taken care of to the level of attracting better services. We expect them to get facelifts, have better client service, to get to the level of private facilities,’ Kindiki said.

Ruiru MP Simon King’ara said the facility will decongest Ruiru level 4 hospital that is always crowded owing to the populous nature of the constituency.

‘This facility is a welcome
boost to residents as some will get referrals here. It will also decongest the Ruiru Level 4 Hospital that is always crowded,’ said King’ara.

Source: Kenya News Agency