Leaders Call For Swift Action Against Banditry

Leaders from Meru, Marsabit, Samburu, and Isiolo counties have accused security officers of laxity in responding to calls of distress, when their communities are attacked by cattle rustlers in the region.

The leaders attributed the delay in police response to livestock thefts to residents’s self-inflicted lawlessness, resulting in the loss of lives and property.

However, in a peace meeting at Nasuulu Conservancy in Burat Ward, Isiolo County, chaired by the area Deputy County Commissioner Patrick Musango, he emphasised the need for the Sub-County Security Committee’s swift response to cattle rustling to deter the community’s retaliation measures.

The elders added that the slow response by the police gave the criminals time to escape with the stolen animals, thus promoting the desire for vengeance by the aggrieved party.

Musango advised communities’ council of elders to instead review their cultural practices and scrap the outdated ones.

He further instructed chiefs and their assistants to report National
Police Reservists (NPRs) deployed to secure private premises.

The DCC said that NPRs are security officers under the National Police Service and are answerable to OCS and not any other person.

At the same time, he directed chiefs and their assistants to ensure NPRs from their areas of jurisdiction reside where communities are located and not operate from towns.

Meanwhile, Musango said the government had already improved the local security situation, citing the recent acquisition of two special modern vehicles which are well-suited for combating criminals even in harsh terrain.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Kwale Intensifies Efforts To Attract Foreign Investment

The Kwale County government is creating an enabling environment that seeks to attract both local and foreign investors to invest in the coastal county.

Governor Fatuma Achani says the devolved government is taking steps towards creating an enabling environment that seeks to attract investments, create jobs, and stimulate growth.

Achani says her administration is implementing policies and programmes that foster a business-friendly environment, investment infrastructure, and value addition in key sectors of the economy such as agriculture, fishing, and tourism.

The coastal county boss, who is on a working tour to the Kingdom of Morocco, said this when she held talks with El Khattat Yanja, the President of the Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab region in Morocco.

Achani says the devolved government is out to explore business opportunities in Morocco and forge investment partnerships across business endeavours, which will open the frontiers of economic prosperity.

‘Kwale is out to enhance its image as an investment destin
ation, and we are dedicated to providing an enabling business environment for local and international investors,’ she said.

Achani says the two regions signed a cooperation protocol and partnership in the areas of agriculture, blue economy, tourism, maritime fishing, cultural exchange, construction industry, logistics, investment encouragement, and environment protection.

The Governor said her administration has been deliberate in stimulating the economy of the coastal county by building human resource capacity, creating wealth, and generating employment opportunities for the people.

She stated that the engagements between the two regions will unlock the investment prospects between Kenya and Morocco, thus inviting investors to Kwale County so as to accelerate development in both regions.

‘The regions of Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab and Kwale have many similarities, which we believe will make our cooperation efforts seamless,’ she said, adding that she is intensifying efforts to attract investment to Kwale County

Achani, accompanied by County Secretary Sylvia Chidodo and Water Executive Hemed Mwabudzo, says Kwale is primed to be an investment powerhouse and an economic hub in Kenya due to its strategic location, its rich agriculture base, access to the Indian Ocean, abundant mineral resources, and tourism potential.

Achani, who is wooing investors in Morocco, visited various construction sites, including the Dakhla Atlantic Port, to witness first-hand the ongoing construction of the multi-billion-dollar port facility.

She says her administration is ready to partner further with investors in key socio-economic areas that will improve people’s lives.

The Port project which is fully funded by the Kingdom of Morocco, is expected to locally facilitate the growth of several industries, especially Mining, Fishing, Tourism, Solar and Hydrogen Energy, Trade and the Manufacturing sector in the State of Dakhla, as well as boost the economy both locally and nationally within the Country.

Achani said that the lesson drawn f
rom the Dakhla Atlantic Port project will significantly help Kwale, especially on the ongoing Sh2.6 billion Shimoni fish port project, which, upon completion, is expected to transform Kwale and Kenya at large economically, saying that the Region of Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab and Kwale have numerous similarities that will make the cooperation even more harmonious.

‘Kwale has enormous natural resources and a rich cultural heritage with significant opportunities to exploit in the areas of agriculture, blue economy, construction, tourism and hospitality, transportation, and industrial growth,’ she said.

Achani called on the investors and Moroccan nationals to visit Diani for leisure and investments in the tourism sector.

‘Diani is the tourism and resort town in Kwale that has worldwide popularity as the best beach destination in Africa, and we therefore invite you to visit Diani for leisure and investments in the tourism sector,’ she said.

Achani welcomed the idea of having a twin city between Diani municipality an
d Dakhla region as an area where the two regions can explore for more sharing and partnership in the tourism sector.

Diani Beach is the preferred holiday destination for both domestic and foreign tourists, and each year it receives a record number of holidaymakers arriving to savour its beautiful scenery.

The coastal county boss says Kwale will reposition itself as a top Halal (Shariah-compliant) tourism development-friendly destination as the hospitality industry already has outstanding halal tourism infrastructure to cater for Muslim travellers.

‘As a Muslim, it’s important to ensure that your travel arrangements, including food and accommodation, are Halal, especially if you intend on travelling during the Muslim holiday seasons,’ she said.

She urged stakeholders to offer tour packages with extended services such as allocating times for praying in the itinerary of Muslim tourists and offering halal food.

The twin-cities agreement, which was signed between Governor Achani and the Dakhla Oued Eddahab re
gion President El Khattat Yanja, aims at providing a unique platform for peer learning and mutual benefit for both the Dakhla and Kwale regions.

On his part, President El Khattat Yanja of the Dakhla Oued Eddahab Region said that the visit by the Kwale County Government led by Governor Achani represents an ideal opportunity to take a new step towards strengthening Moroccan-Kenyan relations that will eventually diversify relations, friendship, and cooperation between the two regions in all spheres of development.

He commended Governor Achani for her political will to exploit the potential of the coastal county for posterity.

President El Khattat Yanja says he signed a cooperation protocol with Governor Achani touching on the areas of education, cultural exchange, scientific cooperation, transport and logistics, promotion of economic development in the areas of trade, tourism, marine fishing, agriculture, investment encouragement, and environmental protection.

Source: Kenya News Agency

KeNHA Begins To Repair Damaged Garissa-Madogo Road

The Kenya National High Way Authority (KeNHA) has started repairing the damaged section of the Garissa – Madogo road that was washed away by the recent floods.

A spot check by KNA at the Mororo section showed that the excavators were busy levelling the ground as trucks were unloading marram.

Garissa County Commissioner Mohamed Mwabudzo said that officials from KeNHA were already on site and had started working on repair works.

Mwabudzo, who spoke to the press at the site after alighting from the boat, called on both motorists and pedestrians to exercise patience and give the engineers working on the road time to do their work.

‘As you can see, repair work has already started in earnest. In three to four days, we should be able to see great progress,’ Mwabudzo said.

‘I want to really commend the security officers who worked closely with the members of the public during the difficult time and ensured that such a tragedy like the one that occurred does not happen again,’ he added.

The County Commissioner f
urther commended both the security apparatus and members of the public for their conduct during the entire exercise of transporting both passengers and goods across the flooded section using boats.

The boats have been busy ferrying passengers to and from Garissa, charging Sh200 per head.

On Thursday afternoon, some residents who could not afford the amount charged by the boats could be seen wading through the flooded waters that were at shoulder-high.

The administrator said the same spirit should continue to be applied until the exercise is over.

Patracia Ithanzu, a trader at a Garissa market, called on the government to fast-track the construction of the road, noting that it had led to a lot of pain and suffering for the residents.

Patricia called on the KeNHA and the contractors doing the road works to ensure that the quality is not compromised, reiterating the importance of the road that is the gateway to the North Eastern region.

‘Speaking as a trader, I can tell you that the last three weeks have b
een hell on earth for us. Using a lot of money to have our goods delivered at the market, like paying for the boats, Unfortunately, we also had to hike the prices so as to ensure that we don’t make losses,’ she said.

On his part, Ken Waweru, a boat rider, admitted that he made good returns as a result of ferrying people and goods in the two weeks.

He, however, regretted the loss of lives at the Kona Punda section, calling on the government to find a permanent solution to the perennial floods.

During his recent Garissa visit, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua said the government is looking into long-term solutions to the flooding crisis affecting Garissa and Tana River counties.

The DP revealed plans to invest Shs1.2 billion to construct a new bridge along the Garissa-Nairobi highway.

On education, the county commissioner said that all IDPs that were being hosted in schools have since been relocated to other sites, noting that the government, with the help of NGOs, continues to offer relief assistance to
flood victims.

Mwamudzo disclosed that the majority have started going back to their homes after the flood waters subsided.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Residents Give Their Input On The Proposed National Budget

Residents of Vihiga County have given their input on the proposed national budget for the financial year 2024/2025.

Residents who spoke in a public participation forum held at Vihiga Friends Resource Centre, expressed concerns that, unlike other regions, they were not benefiting from development projects, citing the poor road network in the area.

They called on the national assembly budget and appropriations committee to allocate them more funds for roads, so that their farm produce could reach the market and other parts of the country on time.

Equally, the committee was asked to consider allocating enough funds to go towards constructing a local stadium that can match FKF standards.

At the same time, residents urged the government to provide funds for the construction of the Joe Kadenge Sports Academy, aimed at enabling the youth to develop their talents.

Meanwhile, they said that markets and street lighting should be given priority so that marketers and their clients can have a good working environment
, while their security is enhanced.

On his part, Emuhaya MP Omboko Milemba urged the committee to allocate funds that will go towards constructing and equipping a digital hub at the County headquarters that will solve the problem of youth unemployment.

Milemba called on the government to address the issue of Junior Secondary school teachers and health workers with speed so that the learners can be taught and patients treated.

Vihiga County KUPPET Secretary General Sabala Inyeni called on the government to employ the JSS teachers on permanent and pensionable terms, since no learning was going on.

The committee was chaired by Teso South MP Mary Emase, accompanied by other members of the committee, including Benard Shinali (Ikolomani) and his Khwisero counterpart Aseka Wangaya, who commended the residents of Vihiga and their political leaders for being calm and attentive throughout the meeting.

Also present were Charles Gimose (Hamisi), Dick Maungu (Luanda), and Vihiga MP Ernest Kagesi, who thanked the comm
ittee for coming to the area, saying for over ten years Vihiga County had been left behind.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Residents Want Kenya Power To Address Frequent Blackouts

The rampant power outage in Masalani town and its environs in Ijara sub-county has caused untold misery to the people over the years.

Consequently, some of the residents have now opted for other alternative sources of power, including solar energy or investing in personal generators.

For instance, due to sporadic power outages in the area, local mosques have installed solar panels for the faithful, especially during Friday khutbah and prayers, when Muslims usually converge to hear the word of God.

A spot check by KNA also revealed that a number of petrol stations in Masalani town were using standby generators, even as the Masalani Sub-county Referral Hospital and the Masalani water supply company struggled to deliver services due to the ongoing power outage.

Most of the local Jua Kali garages were also only offering partial services.

Local leaders led by Former Chairman of the defunct Ijara County Council, Mohamed Gure, Masalani watchdog Chairman Abdullahi Abdi, and Mama Hawa Abdi, are lamenting over the
numerous power interruptions and have now accused Kenya Power Company (KPC) of laxity in responding to the power problems in the region.

On his part, Abdi said there must be something beyond a normal intermittent power outage, citing inefficiency at the Hola-Garsen-Malindi KPC offices.

The Masalani Watchdog chairman said milk vendors, mama mbogas, and other small-scale traders were the hardest hit as they continued to watch their perishable commodities go to waste, amid claims that some of them had already migrated to other localities like Hola, Garsen, Garissa, and Mombasa.

Area butchers are also said to have drastically reduced the number of animals they slaughter on a daily basis for fear of the meat going bad due to lack of refrigeration services.

Contacted for comment, area KPC operations Manager Hezron James blamed the mishap on the current flooding of the River Tana, which has caused a power outage in Masalani town for the last couple of days.

However, Hezron said some poles allegedly swept away i
n the flooded area along Masalani Bridge and Boji were being repaired by engineers using a boat hired from a local transporter.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Govt Takes Tree Planting Campaign To Mumoni Hills Forest

Tourism and Wildlife Cabinet Secretary Dr. Alfred Mutua and his Environment and Forestry counterpart, Soipan Tuya, have spearheaded a significant tree-planting exercise in the Mumoni Hills Forest, Mwingi North Constituency in Kitui County.

The duo called on the county residents to engage in massive tree activities, as the initiative is part of the government’s ambitious plan to achieve 30 per cent forest cover by 2032.

Dr. Mutua emphasised the urgency of this goal, stating that no resources should be spared in ensuring that the thirty per cent forest cover ambition is attained, lamenting that failing to meet this target could be far more costly.

The CS remarks align with President Dr. William Ruto’s comprehensive strategy to combat climate change through nationwide reforestation.

Dr. Mutua reiterated the government’s extensive plan, which targets to plant 15 billion trees over the next decade. This direction under President Ruto’s leadership signifies a ‘forward-looking and astute’ approach to addressing
threats from negative climate challenges, he added.

The CS underscored that to facilitate this massive tree-planting campaign, each cabinet secretary has been assigned specific forests and wetlands to oversee monthly planting activities.

‘The Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife has been tasked with the reforestation efforts in Taita Taveta and Kitui counties, with a target of planting 4 million trees within the next year,’ said the CS.

During the Mumoni Hills event, 13,000 trees were planted, with Dr. Mutua personally contributing by planting 110 trees. The exercise underscores the practical steps being taken to reach the target of 15 billion trees, with a focus on biodiversity.

He also advised the local residents to elect leaders with development-focused mindsets to ensure sustained progress.

On her part, Tuya explained that thirty per cent of the targeted 15 billion trees will be fruit trees and twenty per cent will be fodder, thus enhancing both environmental and economic benefits.

The event also saw pa
rticipation from key officials, including the Principal Secretary for the State Department of Tourism, John Ololtuaa, and Gitonga Mugambi from the State Department of Forestry.

The County commissioner, Jepchumba Rutto, while speaking during the tree planting ceremony, urged the county residents to embrace tree planting in order to improve forest cover and fight negative climate change efforts.

Rutto appealed to the residents living in areas where ongoing tree planting is taking place, to protect the newly planted tree seedlings so that they could survive.

He cautioned the locals against grazing their livestock on the newly planted sites to avoid the destruction of the tree seedlings.

‘Plans are in place to engage some members of the local residents in watering and protecting the newly planted tree seedlings for the next three months to ensure they mature,’ the county commissioner said.

The County Deputy Governor, Augustine Kanani, who also graced the tree planting ceremony, disclosed that the extensive M
umoni Hill is home to a unique bird species called Hinde’s Babbler.

‘The Hinde’s Babbler is a rare bird found only in Kenya, and due to this unique bird species, there is a need for my county to work jointly with the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife to make it a tourism attraction site,’ he advised.

Source: Kenya News Agency