Zone 01 Opens In Kisumu To Nurture Young Techies

One hundred youths have secured a chance to train for free and hone their skills and talents in Information Communication Technology (ICT) and the digital space.

The free training offered through a partnership between Zone 01, the United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (ULCGA), the County Government of Kisumu, and Lake Hub, a Kisumu-based IT company, targets to nurture talents and build a world-class workforce of Web App developers, data engineers, Artificial Intelligence experts, video game developers, and block chain and cyber security experts.

The cohort selected through a competitive process will train for two years, after which they will be put on a three-year contract to work in their various areas of specialisation.

Zone 01 is a revolutionary tuition-free programme based on peer-to-peer learning with no traditional teachers and lecturers.

Speaking during the launch of the programme, Kisumu Governor Prof. Anyang Nyong’o said the initiative targets to build world-class competencies amongst the
youth to prepare them for immense opportunities in the ICT and digital sectors.

Unemployment amongst the youth, he said, was a big challenge, with currently 67% of the country’s young population unemployed, adding that the skills gained through the programme will go a long way in guaranteeing them job opportunities.

The digital space, he said, is projected to offer 20 million jobs by the year 2030, with the bulk of opportunities available in Africa, adding that the skilling and upskilling offered through the Zone 01 initiative will build a network of young men and women to take up the jobs.

The County Government of Kisumu, he said, would continue to seek partnerships to empower the youth with the requisite skills to take up opportunities in the ICT and digital spaces.

He added that the county department of ICT has established a centre at the Rotary Vocational Training Centre, which has been equipped with 50 computers, desks, and chairs, and that Konza Technopolis has donated an additional 20 desktops, whi
ch will be used to absorb the second cohort of apprentices.

Over 13,000 applications, he said, were received for the programme, adding that through strengthening partnerships, more and more youths from Kisumu and the western region stand to benefit.

ICT and E-Government Secretary Mary Kerema lauded the initiative by the County Government of Kisumu, adding that the national government was ready to engage Zone 01 and other partners to scale up the initiative to reach all 47 counties.

The government, she said, recognises the importance of technical education in the transformation of the economy, adding that ICT has been entrenched in the curriculum at all levels of education to build skills amongst learners.

She added that the Ministry of ICT and the Digital Economy was on course to scale up internet coverage in the country to ensure that as many Kenyans as possible join the e-commerce bracket.

‘We are setting up ICT hubs in every constituency to ensure that our people are trained so as to benefit from the
numerous opportunities available online,’ she said.

Other initiatives, she added, include Ajira Digital, where the youth have been trained on securing work online, and the Jitume centres, which are being rolled out across the country to provide spaces for the youth to work online.

‘The government is putting up facilities across the country to enable the youth to get into the digital space. We are setting up 1,470 digital hubs and even funding startups to ensure that our youths are occupied and do not engage in alcoholism and drug abuse,’ she said.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Embrace Godly Values For Quality Living, Sapit

The Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Kenya, Dr. Jackson ole Sapit, has called upon Christians and Kenyans in general to embrace values that would add quality to their lives.

Archbishop Sapit, in his sermon Friday at ACK St. James in Loitoktok, said purposeful living involves living a life whose values and purpose give honour to God, urging all to shun values that are not profitable and dishonour God.

He said this should be energised by what one wants to see in his children, his family, and society in general, as well as by the word of God.

‘This calls for one to engage in self-reflection every day, checking values and daily actions, and consistently living with good godly values,’ he added.

The prelate further pointed out that life depends on virtues, and in order to have these virtues, one must focus on the thoughts he entertains, on his actions, and on the attitudes he has.

‘Evil thoughts lead to evil action, good thoughts lead to good action, hence good life, while negative attitude leads to stagn
ation and lack of progress,’ he added.

The Anglican spiritual leader also urged Christians and Kenyans in general, as a good virtue, to be a blessing to others, avoiding being selfish, citing that God has endowed us with blessings so as to bless others.

Drawing reference from the Bible (2 Kings 4:1-7), he noted Kenyans are facing myriad challenges and urged them not to lose heart, giving room to defeatism attitude and giving up; however, they should keep holding on onto what they are legitimately doing, trusting God to bless the work of their hands.

He encouraged the congregation to work hard and be prepared for opportunities that may come their way, adding that luck is what happens when preparedness meets opportunity.

The Archbishop, who is on a three-day Diocesan visit to Diocese of Kajiado, called upon local leaders from the Maa community to spearhead the change of attitude in the community towards embracing other means of livelihood other than relying on traditional pastoralism.

He called upon all Ke
nyans, including leaders, to embrace focused leadership, starting with themselves, where each must be a leader of himself before leading his family or society.

Kajiado South Constituency MP Sakimba Parashina appreciated the Archbishop’s visit, terming it as a blessing in Loitoktok.

Parashina encouraged the congregation not to despise their humble beginnings but to emulate the Archbishop, who, step by step, has risen to the highest position in the Anglican Church and is now a vocal and recognisable public figure.

He revealed he has set aside Sh10 million for the construction of a bridge at Area 51 in Loitoktok.

Others who graced the service included the Bishop of the Diocese of Kajiado, Right Rev. Gadiel Lenin, who is the host to the Archbishop, Loitoktok Sub County Deputy County Commissioner, Antony Maina, and MCA Kuku Ward Edwin Lemomo, among others.

Archbishop Ole Sapit will be heading to Kajiado North on Saturday to launch a new archdeaconary.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Stalled Siaya Stadium To Be Ready In 3-Months

The multimillion-shilling Siaya stadium, whose construction kicked off six years ago, is set for completion within the next three months, area Governor James Orengo has said.

Speaking when he led a team of leaders in inspecting the on-going works, Orengo said the 20,000 capacity stadium will be one of the best sports facilities in the region, capable of hosting international soccer and athletic events.

‘Our hope is that by mid-August, the stadium will be ready for use, and I want Otiende Amollo (Rarieda MP) and Senator Eddy Oketch to help persuade Bunge FC to come and grace the occasion by playing a curtain raiser for a match between Gor Mahia and a team we are trying to talk to, to come and participate in the opening ceremony,’ said governor Orengo.

Speaking during the occasion, the Rarieda MP hailed the governor for reviving the construction of the sports facility that, he noted, had stalled for some time due to various procurement issues.

Otiende said that as the captain of Bunge FC, he will ensure tha
t the team, together with another from within the East Africa region, graces the official opening ceremony.

‘The works and fittings are impressive, and the pavilion is bigger than any other outside Kasarani Stadium,’ he said.

Migori Senator Eddy Oketch said the project was a manifest of success stories of what devolution can achieve with full support from the government.

‘As senators, we must fight for more money to come to the grassroots,’ said Senator Oketch.

Kisumu Deputy Governor, Dr. Mathews Owili, said with AFCON preparations ongoing, he was certain that the completion of the Siaya Stadium will place it as one of the venues that will either host a match or even one of the teams for practices.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Murang’a Landslide Victims Get Vital Documents

Murang’a residents displaced by a deadly landslide have received Huduma Mashinani services, where they replaced their essential documents lost in the disaster.

Those displaced and who were temporarily sheltered at Ngutu Primary School in Mathioya, together with other residents of the area, had the chance to replace lost documents Friday, as Huduma Centre officials pitched camp at the temporary shelter to offer the services.

The exercise that was led by Stanley Kamau of Ahadi Kenya Trust helped the residents replace their lost essential documents like Identity Cards and Birth certificates and also benefited other area residents who needed the services but could not access them at the Huduma centre in Murang’a town.

‘We have seen the need for the residents of Ngutu to replace the documents they may have lost, and that is why we have brought the services close to them,’ Kamau said.

Kamau urged all Kenyans whose relatives and loved ones have been displaced by rains and landslides to come to their aid and welc
ome them to their homes until they can move back to their own homes, saying they should not see it as a burden.

‘I am asking anyone with a relative in this shelter to pick up their relatives and house them until their own homes are safe,’ he pleaded.

He cautioned those displaced against moving back to their homes until the government declared it safe to do so.

The philanthropist further warned against misappropriation of food and other items for those housed in temporary centres.

‘Anyone found with items designated for those displaced outside of the shelter will be dealt with according to the law,’ he warned.

Kamau applauded the efforts of the National Government Administration Officers in managing and maintaining order during the crisis.

Murang’a Huduma Centre manager, Joyce Gitau, applauded the residents for turning up in large numbers to acquire the important documents and thanked the facilitators of the exercise for bringing the services to the people in need.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Athletes Feted In Elgeyo Marakwet

Elgeyo Marakwet County has called on Athletics Kenya to ensure that the Iten International Marathon 3rd edition becomes a stand-alone event, saying that after holding two editions of the race, it has come of age.

The Deputy Governor, Prof. Grace Cheserek, called on Athletics Kenya to move with speed and ensure that a committee is put in place in the next one month to oversee the race, which will be held on November 17th this year.

The county awarded sh7.4 million to 80 athletes in the 2nd marathon, with the top three earning sh1 million, sh500, 000, and sh250, 000, respectively.

Prof. Cheserek called on banks where the athletes have accounts to attach a financial advisor to them to assist them in managing and investing their money.

She expressed concern over the rising cases of gender-based violence among athletes, saying it was sad that some men influenced their female athletes’ partners to put their hard-earned properties in their names and thereafter swindle them.

‘I am calling on both male and female
partners of the athletes to jealously guard whatever they get from the races and invest them wisely,’ she said.

She said the Iten marathon was part of the Wezesha programme, where the county aimed to nurture and expose athletes, saying that after participating once, an athlete should seek to run in races outside the country while leaving other local athletes to participate.

In a bid to continue producing more athletes, the DG said the county, in corroboration with AK, had embarked on a programme where an athletics coach is attached to each primary and secondary school.

She called on international companies involved in athletics to adopt a track within the county, construct it, and brand it as a way of promoting athletics in the county.

Boniface Tiren from AK called on the county assembly to allocate more funds to sports, saying the county was a bedrock of athletics.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Murang’a Residents Want More Funds Allocated To Agriculture

Murang’a residents want the agricultural sector to be given top priority in the 2024-2025 financial year.

The residents who aired their views at Kiriaini Secondary School in Mathioya during a public participation forum led by members of the parliamentary committee on budget said that they would like more funds to be channelled towards agriculture as that was their main source of livelihood.

Other items they listed as top priorities are education, water, roads, and health, respectively.

One of the residents, Mary Thuku, said she would want the government to prioritise tea and coffee among other agricultural products, as agriculture is the main economic activity in the region.

‘We want the money meant for tea and coffee to be released on time; we also want electricity and water for irrigation,’ she said, adding that the cost of water was currently very high.

Thuku also asked the government to prioritise higher education, saying the government should continue allocating higher education loans for needy stud
ents in universities and colleges.

Gerald Maiyuru, another resident, called upon the county governments to lower the costs of various business licenses for traders.

‘The county governments should be considerate and lower the costs of licenses so that we can do business,’ he said, noting that higher licenses may be a hindrance to young people seeking to venture into business.

Area MP Edwin Mugo, who is also a member of the budget committee, underscored the views of the residents by asking the government to fast-track the waiving of debts owed by tea factories and coffee cooperatives so that farmers can enjoy benefits from their agricultural produce.

‘Mathioya residents want the government to put more money into coffee, tea, macadamia, avocados, and milk because a majority of the people here are farmers,’ the MP said.

Mugo further said that he would like the budget committee to allocate funds for stalled projects, especially those started during the previous regime.

‘Residents want stalled roads like the
Maumau road and the Kanjama – Chui road completed,’ he said.

Kiambaa MP John Njuguna, a member of the budget committee, revealed that every constituency has been allocated Sh50 million for electrification in a bid to ensure more Kenyans have access to electricity.

Meanwhile, the Mathioya MP, issued bursaries worth over Sh. 63.7 million to students in secondary and tertiary learning institutions.

Mugo, speaking at another ceremony held at Mananga Secondary School that was attended by local secondary school heads among other community leaders, said the bursaries will aid in keeping all needy students in school and ensure they get education.

The MP said the bursaries were distributed equitably without discrimination, noting that previously there had been systems that discriminated against poor performing children.

‘We have had people discriminate against students performing poorly in schools, but that has now changed as we believe all children have a right to stay in school,’ he said.

The MP increased the
bursaries for all students in boarding secondary schools and tertiary institutions to Sh7,000 from the previous Sh6,000; those in day schools will get Sh4,000, while those in special schools will get Sh10,000 each.

The bursary will be disbursed electronically and sent directly to the schools in what the MP termed as an online bursary system.

The parents who benefited from the bursary were delighted, saying it was a big relief during these tough financial times.

‘This bursary has come as a relief because my child has been at home for lack of school fees after my efforts to plead with the school principal failed,’ Wambui Ndirangu said, adding that the amount allocated per child has been increased, which is a huge relief for many struggling parents.

Source: Kenya News Agency