Foreign Affairs Ministry raised 14 Million Birr for ‘Clean Ethiopia’ Campaign

Addis Ababa: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as Ethiopians and people of Ethiopian descent living abroad, have continued to support Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s “Clean Ethiopia” campaign.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Nebiyu Tedla, announced this today during the Ministry’s weekly press briefing to the media.

The Ambassador stated that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs set a target of raising 20 million birr for the “Clean Ethiopia” campaign and has thus far successfully collected 14 million birr.

Some Ethiopian community diaspora living in the UAE and the US have pledged to build 15 model public restrooms on their own, which is estimated to cost around 22.1 million Birr, the spokesperson added.

Ambassador Nebiyu also stated that the diplomatic community and international organizations based in Addis Ababa will be encouraged to support the campaign, further reaffirming that efforts to mobilize support for the campaign will continue.The press briefing also covered abo
ut the event of laying a cornerstone for the construction of Ethiopian Embassy in Dodoma, Tanzania on a 2.6 Hectares of land.

Ethiopian State Minister of Foreign Affairs. Ambassador Birtukan Ayano, had the honor of placing the cornerstone along with Tanzanian government officials and MPs.

The spokesperson additionally addressed the major diplomatic events that took place over the week.

In relation to that, he mentioned the appointment of 24 Ambassadors by President Sahle-Work Zewde.

The Spokesperson stated that these appointments were made based on the appointees’ diplomatic competence and extensive experience – qualities that are essential to further advancing Ethiopia’s interests on the global stage.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

PM Abiy Launches Ethiopian Federal Police’s EFP Citizen Engagement App.

Addis Ababa: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed officially launched today the Ethiopian Federal Police’s EFP Citizen Engagement App.

The Ethiopian Federal Police and the Ethiopian Artificial Intelligence Institute have jointly developed the platform, which will enable citizens easily give tips on crime.

Citizens can use their smartphones to download the application and submit crime information in the form of images, videos, and documents.

The premier said on the occasion that the digital technology infrastructure being developed by the Ethiopian Federal Police will enable citizens to actively participate in crime prevention.

Today, the Federal Police Commission, in collaboration with the Artificial Intelligence Institute, launched the EFP Citizen Engagement App, abiy said, stating that the initiative is part of the Digital Ethiopia strategy, which aims to deliver essential services to citizens.

He said that 500 services are being provided through the digital system across all institutions.

To achieve its full po
tential, the PM noted that all sectoral work must be supported by Digital Ethiopia.

‘Over the past six years, the Federal Police has transitioned from analogue to digital systems. In our increasingly populated city, active citizen engagement is crucial. Available on the App Store and Play Store, this app enables citizens to actively participate in preventing criminal activities by providing tips via photo, video, voice, documents, or direct calls.’

Prime Minister Abiy urged all citizens to be proactive in securing our neighborhoods and cities.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

PM Abiy Launches Construction of Residential Complex for Impoverished Communities

Addis Ababa: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has launched the annual construction of new residential complex, will be completed in the upcoming September 2024 to elevate the standard of impoverished communities’ living.

The premier posted on social media pages that the construction of this new residential complex would create a conducive and green environment, and elevate the standard of living.

‘Today may mark the last demolition we will undertake in the Aware area, which is rapidly transforming through our low-cost housing initiative launched six years ago. The living environment has been problematic, with shanty houses and inadequate toilet facilities for residents,’Abiy noted.

According to the prime minister, this initiative benefits not only the impoverished but also real estate developers in the area.

He added: ‘Through this project, we have witnessed and harnessed the spirit of continuity. Aware is a clear symbol of continuity showing that through continuous cultivation of what we have commenced, we can
transform a neighbourhood and uplift its residents.’

This year’s construction of low cost housing has been partially supported by the VISA Foundation, the prime minister indicated.

He further encouraged other similar establishments and philanthropists to extend their giving hands without being fatigued.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia Repatriates 27,000 Citizens from Saudi Arabia

Addis Ababa: More than 27,000 Ethiopians repatriated from Saudi Arabia over the past weeks, Ministry of Foreign Affairs revealed.

Briefing the media today, the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Nebiyu Tedla highlighted the government’s commitment to repatriate Ethiopians in difficult situations abroad.

It is to be recalled that Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced plan last month to repatriate 70,000 Ethiopians from Saudi Arabia.

Accordingly, a national committee composed of various government agencies was established to facilitate the repatriation process.

The Spokesperson said, the established national committee has been working with pertinent stakeholders to return the Ethiopians and providing shelter upon their arrival in Addis Ababa.

The government has so far repatriated over 27,000 individuals from Saudi Arabia, Nebiyu added.

He reiterated the government will continue repatriating its citizens by conducting three flights a day for four days every week.

The Spokesperson
also explained about the major diplomatic activities carried out in the last few days.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Deputy PM Holds Discussion with Pertinent Actors on Nation’s Food Systems, Seqota Declaration

Addis Ababa: Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh held discussion with officials of pertinent institutions on the nation’s plan in the implementation of food system, Seqota Declaration and health insurance.

Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen wrote on his social media that the work so far done in these areas is encouraging as it has been elevating the benefits of the community. ‘Ethiopia commences to share its experience to other African countries in this regard.”

According to him, an agreement was reached during the discussion to strengthen concerted efforts of the federal and regional governments, stakeholders and the public as these activities need the collaboration, support and diligence commitment of all.

The participants of the discussion have also highlighted the need to strengthen support and close supervision of the implementation process of the aforementioned areas as they have strong linkages with other national programs such as the Ye Lemat Tirufat’ (Bounty of the Basket) and ‘Clean Ethiopia’ Camp
aign, Deputy Prime Minister underlined.

It is to be recalled that in 2015, the Government of Ethiopia made a high level fifteen-year commitment to end stunting in children under two years by 2030.

This commitment, known as the Seqota Declaration, is being implemented through a multi-sectoral program involving nine different sector ministries.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia’s Candidate Re-elected to UN Committee on Rights of Child

Addis Ababa: Ethiopia’s candidate, Professor Benyam Dawit, has been re-elected to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child at the 20th Meeting of the State Parties held today in New York, according to Foreign Affairs Ministry.

The Committee is the body of 18 independent experts that monitors the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and monitors implementation of the Optional Protocols to the Convention.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency