Members Of The Disciplined Forces To Uphold Professionalism

Uniformed and disciplined service men and women have been urged to uphold professionalism, while performing their duties.

Deputy Director, Community Relations and Education at the Kenya Wildlife Service, Mary Kirabui, while challenging members of the disciplined forces to abide by the oath of allegiance, has also urged security personnel to work towards promoting peace and upholding fairness while discharging their mandate.

‘All the men in uniform play a pivotal role in ensuring that we enjoy peace and security in this country. The nature of our work exposes us to challenges but let us be men and women of integrity. Remember that when we wear our uniform the society out there is looking up to us therefore, we must be able to work and perform our duties diligently,’ she said.

Kirabui was speaking during the Central Region annual thanksgiving service for the uniformed and disciplined services at Our Lady Consolata Cathedral in Nyeri on Saturday.

The mass was attended by officers from the Kenya Police Servic
e, Directorate of Criminal Investigations, Kenya Forest Service, Kenya Wildlife Service, Kenya Prison Service and Administration Police Service.

The service, which was themed ‘God Strengthen and keep me secure’, also paid homage to fallen officers who had lost their lives in the line of duty.

Also in attendance were the families of the officers with Kirabui asking the service men and women to set aside time from their busy schedules to spend time with their kin.

‘The fact that we are uniformed officers should not divert us from our duties as mothers and fathers to our children. Our families require our presence, so let us take responsibility for our families,’ she said.

The National Coordinator for discipline service chaplaincy Fr. Peter Kimani commended the officers for being good ambassadors of the government and taking a leading role in supporting government initiatives.

He at the same time called on the officers to look out for another and to complement each other at a time when the service is battli
ng a myriad of challenges, particularly issues of mental health.

‘As security officers we must be concerned about each other’s wellbeing and support one another as we acknowledge that none of us is perfect. We are all different, some have weaknesses while others have talents that is why we collaborate and complement one another so that we are able to raise each other up. Some of the issues that are affecting us in our work are mental health, our financial health, physical health and with all these we need to help each other so that we are able to support one another because your health is your wealth,’ said Fr. Kimani.

On his part, Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry Nyeri chapter chairman, Ibrahim Ndegwa said; ‘We cannot talk about a complete economic system without considering security. Similarly, we cannot divorce security from economic growth and development. As stakeholders we are here not just to appreciate you but to promise our support.’

Source: Kenya News Agency

Muguka Traders, Farmers Demonstrate In Embu

Business activities along the busy Embu-Meru highway came to a halt on Saturday as hundreds of Muguka traders and farmers took to the streets to protest the ban on the sale of muguka (khat) by Mombasa and Kilifi Counties.

The demonstrators, who decried the move as devastating to their livelihoods, blocked the highway within Runyenjes Town, causing massive traffic jams and disrupting daily commerce.

Police were forced to lob teargas canisters to disperse the angry mob that has started barricading the road with stone and burning tires to allow smooth flow of traffic.

The decision to ban miraa, a herbal stimulant crop widely cultivated in the region, was announced by the county governments of Mombasa and Kilifi this week, citing health concerns and increasing social problems associated with its consumption.

However, the traders and farmers argued that the ban was abrupt and lacked consultation with stakeholders who depend on muguka for their income.

‘We were not given a chance to present our views, the auth
orities just made this decision without considering how it would affect thousands of families who rely on this trade.’ lamented Gibson Kariuki who is a prominent Muguka trader from Runyenjes.

The protesters, carrying placards and chanting slogans, called for an immediate reversal of the ban.

They argued that Muguka is a major economic driver in the region, supporting numerous auxiliary businesses, from transport to retail.

The farmers explained that the cultivation of muguka is not just a business, but a way of life for many in the area.

‘This crop has been our lifeline for generations. It’s what pays for our children’s education, our medical bills, and puts food on our tables,’ said an agitated farmer Samuel Gitonga.

Long-distance travelers were stranded for hours as vehicles were unable to navigate the blocked highway. The ripple effect was evident in the supply chain, with perishable goods stuck in transit and deliveries delayed.

Lobbyist Mwanniki Kirangacha read malice in the ban, alleging that it w
as hatched to protect hard drugs business at the coast that had been dealt a blow by muguka.

Embu Senator Alexander Mundigi said he had already engaged lawyers who will on Monday push for orders to be issued by court lifting the ban to allow business to resume as they seek other avenues of addressing the crisis.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Miraa Farmers Urged Embrace Crop Diversification

Miraa farmers in the Igembe region, Meru County have been advised to diversify their crops to reduce their dependency on miraa, which is currently facing challenges such as market bans.

The head of agriculture department, Igembe South sub county, Jeremiah Mithika speaking to KNA emphasized the importance of integrating other crops alongside miraa to mitigate market volatility and bolster economic stability in the region.

Mithika noted that overreliance on miraa has posed significant risk to the livelihoods of the miraa farmers who solely depend on its income.

Thus, the agricultural official underscored the need to explore other high-value farming activities like apiculture, dairy and poultry farming, which have also proved to have potential sustainability due to high demands of their products.

‘Dairy farming has become very profitable due to increasing demand for milk and meat, hence the practice is less prone to market fluctuations compared to miraa,’ he said, adding that there was need for farmers to ve
nture into other high value farming to safeguard the economy of the region.

Mithika further stressed the importance of incorporating crops such as mangoes, avocados, vegetables and macadamia to ensure a consistent income.

‘With or without a ban on miraa markets, the demands of life need to be met, hence there call for alternative means of income generation,’ he reiterated.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Recruitment Of Young People To Join Murang’a Youth Service Programme Finalized

The Murang’a county government through the department of youth, sports and culture has finalized recruitment of the third cohort to serve in the county youth service programme.

A total of 1, 050 young people were enlisted across the county where in every ward, 35 youths were recruited to join the three-month youth service programme.

The recruitment exercise was conducted through open balloting so as to give all the youths who turned up a free and fair chance of being selected.

MCAs and county officials oversaw the exercise that was mostly done at various chiefs’ offices to ensure the recruitment was not influenced by external forces.

The recruited young people will be engaged in community service work for two months with the county government paying them a weekly stipend.

Upon completion of the community service works, the young people will be enrolled in local vocational training centres to study various artisan courses of their choice, fully paid for by the county administration.

‘These youths will th
en, upon graduation, be supported with Sh. 15,000 as seed capital to start income generating projects,’ said Governor Irungu Kang’ata when he oversaw the recruitment exercise.

The county government established the youth service programme at the beginning of last year, aimed at curbing high rate of unemployment among the young people in the county,

Those engaged in the programme are slated to get a stipend of Sh500 per day, with the accrued amount being paid on weekly basis.

Kang’ata said those who were engaged in cohort 1, were enrolled in vocational training centres and already have graduated with various artisan courses.

‘Enrollment to vocational centres for those who served in cohort 2 is currently going on and we expect the training to take a month’s time and the county government takes care of the needed fees,’ he added.

Kang’ata called upon the beneficiaries to fully take advantage of the programme and save part of the earned stipend to support them once they complete the service.

Some of the comm
unity service works the young people have been engaged in include cleaning of markets, unclogging drainage systems, planting of trees among others.

The governor underscored the programme saying it is among various projects the county government is implementing to improve livelihoods of youths in the county.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Tragedy As One Catholic Faithful Enroute Namugongo Dies

Tragedy has struck the family of a Catholic faithful from Chemase in Uasin Gishu whose kin collapsed as he was treking to Uganda’s Namugongo Shrine for the annual prayers to remember 13 Roman Catholics who were burnt to death on June 3, 1886.

Addressing the press when the Kenyan team arrived at Amagoro on before crossing the border to Uganda, Abraham Kimutai Muke said the deceased Joseph Chepkurui Sinon could not continue with the journey after collapsing owing to the treacherous journey.

They are praying for the soul of Chepkurui to rest in eternity, but they have also offered special prayers to Kenya for peace to prevail and leaders to agree on pertinent issues affecting the country.

Catechist Dominon Suter from Marigat said they started the journey on 8th May 2024, noting that they have so far covered 300kilometrs to Malaba Border.

‘As heroes of Jesus, I have opted to trek to Uganda event that is celebrated every 3rd June annually,’ he said, adding that the event is meant for self-confession, the churc
h, nationally and internationally, considering many social challenges in the world.

‘We thank God that floods that had ravaged the country in the last few weeks have subsided,’ he said.

The oldest person in the pilgrimage is the 75-year-old Valentine Yego, who comes from Kabiyet farm, thanked God for giving them strength, urging Christian to guide them in their, triumphant entry to Namugongo.

The youngest member of the team is Irene Chelagat, 25, who thanked God for giving her strength to join the team to Namugongo, urging her fellow youths to join them in the spiritual journey.

Sister Sarah Ragier of the Asumbi sisters from Kaplong in Kericho Diocese said it was the first time for her to go to Uganda, noting that she expects to get new experience in Uganda.

Out of the 22 Roman Catholics killed under the order of King Kabaka II many years back, 13 of them were burnt to death at Namugongo.

Namugongo village was used as an execution ground for prisoners and all people who fell victim to the King’s anger.
Nine of the remaining Roman Catholic Martyrs were killed from different locations.

Source: Kenya News Agency

County Enters Partnership With An Investor To Empower The Vulnerable

Trans Nzoia County government has struck a deal with Kingdom Bank to enhance empowerment of youth, women and other vulnerable groups in the region.

The deal set to target unemployed persons will through ‘Kazi Mashinani’ Initiative provide daily work opportunities, income and training.

Besides, it will also see installation of empowerment programs tailored to nurture financial literacy and sustainable job opportunities among the target groups.

Community groups, which have been in active involvement in activities such as bush clearing, garbage collection, and drainage system maintenance, will now receive specialized training in entrepreneurship and income management.

Trans Nzoia County Chief Officer for Gender, Youth, Sports, Culture, and Tourism Jane Wachwenge who revealed of the deal having been struck with the financial institution stressed on the importance of equipping the mentioned groups with essential financial management skills.

‘Our goal is to empower these community groups to manage their income
effectively. We are confident the partnership will see us achieve this. By offering training and work opportunities, we aim to create a sustainable pathway for economic growth,’ she said.

Gender, Youth, Sports, Culture, and Tourism Director Dr. Lewis Wachilonga, revealed that selection process for the beneficiaries of the deal had already been done under the ongoing ‘Kazi Mashinani’ Initiative launched under the Ukombozi Umbrella by Governor George Natembeya months ago.

He clarified that the selection process met merit and observed all the laid down participatory procedures ensuring that most deserving cases were picked.

However, beneficiaries were reminded to adhere to the code of ethical conduct and maintain discipline throughout.

During the launch of the Ukombozi Initiative Governor Natembeya had pointed out that the success of the program would greatly rely on partnerships and community engagements.

Kingdom Bank will now play a pivotal role in providing financial education and practical guidance to t
he beneficiaries.

Source: Kenya News Agency