Molo DCC Urges Locals To Plant And Nurture Trees

Molo Deputy County Commissioner (DCC), Ngura Mwamachi has urged the local residents to plant and monitor the growth of the trees in a bid to fully tap into the social, environmental and economic benefits.

Speaking during the 61st Madaraka day celebrations that were held at Nguzu River primary grounds at Sachang’wan, Mwamachi observed that trees enhance local ecosystems and therefore this should not be a one-time event but a continuous effort.

‘Trees play a vital role in combating climate change, providing oxygen and improving air quality. Therefore, it is essential that as a community, engage in tree planting regularly to ensure a sustainable environment,’ stated Mwamachi.

The DCC announced plans to plant more trees at Keringet in the neighbouring Kuresoi South Sub-County later this month, thus reinforcing the commitment to tree planting.

He emphasized that tree planting should be integrated into daily life, encouraging residents to plant trees at home as part of a continuous process rather than waiting u
ntil during national or local functions to do it with officials.

He advised the locals to closely monitor the planted trees through having the right seedlings for the area, watering, adding manure, among other necessities until the trees can sustain themselves.

If this is not observed keenly then according to Mwananchi, the millions of trees planted in various part of the country will be a great loss.

‘ Let us endeavour have the zeal to create a culture of environmental responsibility and active participation in conservation efforts,’ said the DCC.

In the last national tree planting exercise, over 22,000 seedlings were planted at Kibunja and Jogoo forest sites Koibatek forest in Baringo county that boarders Molo sub-county.

Since last year’s president William Ruto’s directive of planting 15 billion trees by 2032, the ministries, non-governmental agencies, Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies (SAGA), communities have come on board by setting their target to achieve this goal.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Waiguru Reiterates Working Closely With National Government For Development

Kirinyaga County Governor, Anne Waiguru, has said that Kirinyaga will continue working closely with the national government for the sake of the county’s development.

Speaking during Madaraka Day celebrations held at Mutitu Polytechnic grounds in Kirinyaga Central constituency, Waiguru enumerated multibillion development projects that have been realized from collaboration between the two governments.

She said that among the five counties selected for funding to establish an Export Processing Zone (EPZ), Kirinyaga is among them and the only in the central region. She said that Ruto’s government has allocated Sh1 billion for the project while the county government will contribute Sh250 million for the same.

The EPZ will be hosted at the Sagana Industrial City which sits on a 144 acres of land. The city will also be a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) which will host the County Aggregation and Industrial Park (CAIP). This development will enable agro-processing to the benefit of farmers who will earn extra income fr
om value addition. The park will also provide employment opportunities for thousands of county residents.

She added that coffee farmers in the county will be major beneficiaries of the billions of shillings that President Ruto has set aside for waiving debts owed by the coffee cooperatives.

In collaboration to fight snails and quelea birds that have been detrimental to rice production in Mwea, the governor said that the National Government has set aside a budget to enable a successful multi-agency operation to rid the rice plantations of the menace.

‘These collaborations have enabled the County Government to propel its development agenda by investing in major projects such as the development of County Aggregation and Industrial Park, affordable housing projects in Kerugoya and Kianyaga, Wang’uru Stadium, construction of dams, ESP markets, among other projects. All these labour-intensive projects have become a major source of employment for our youth,’ said the governor.

He further urged the county residen
ts to continue supporting the both governments as they work hard towards delivering the promise of the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) for a better Kenya.

The governor assured the residents that the county government is on course as far as delivering its mandate was concerned, enumerating many projects that she has achieved in agriculture, trade, health, and roads among others. She particularly noted that agricultural production has tremendously improved following the implementation of Wezesha Kirinyaga economic empowerment program that aims at supporting farmers to increase production and productivity of various agricultural value chains.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Rehabilitation Works For Molo Bus Park Complete

The rehabilitation works of Molo bus park in Molo town to a tune of Sh23 million shillings has been completed by the Nakuru County government.

This was reiterated by the County Secretary, Dr. Samuel Mwaura who said that the completion of the project will provide a dignified business environment for the traders in Molo municipality and enhance efficiency and safety of public transportation as well.

Speaking during a tour to assess its readiness for matatus to return to the terminus ahead of the official commissioning by governor Susan Kihika, Mwaura noted that the bus park that has been equipped with commuter shades, well demarcated parking spaces, clear road markings, flood lights among other utilities should be well utilized for the benefit of all.

Earlier, the County Secretary revealed that they had met with all matatu operators and were in agreement to start using the bus park as from tomorrow adding that any operator flaunting the rules regarding the use of the park will face the wrath of the law.

further observed that the operators were well informed concerning the pickup and drop-off points of public service vehicles and therefore they ought to adhere to that to promote order in the flow of traffic.

The facility also features 40 parking slots, bitumen-standard spaces and can comfortably accommodate 20 saccos.

Mwaura was accompanied by the County’s CEC for trade, Stephen Kuria who lauded the effort by the county government to construct the park urging the business people to continue conducting their businesses in the designated areas within the park in a bid to help promote economic growth.

The area MCA and deputy speaker of the Nakuru County Assembly Joseph Ngware who was also present during the tour shared similar sentiment with Kuria saying that with the installation of flood lights the business people ought to take advantage of it since they will be able to work for longer hours and participate greatly in the growth of the economy.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Operation To Smoke Out Criminal Gangs In Kisumu Launched

A multi-agency security operation has been rolled out in Kisumu city to tame run-away crime.

This follows a spate of attacks and cases of mugging which have left several people injured.

Kisumu County Commissioner (CC) Benson Laparmorijo said the operation targets to smoke out criminals who attack unsuspecting residents making away with mobile phones and other valuables.

The criminals who use boda bodas to escape target markets and affluent residential areas adding that security officers have been put on high alert to ensure they are nabbed.

Speaking during Madaraka Day celebrations in Kisumu, Leparmorijo said the operation shall be extended to Maseno where criminals terrorize and injure university students.

‘This campaign also targets Maseno town where we have made some arrests in a bid to net criminals who terrorize and rape students,’ he said.

He asked all operators of hostels in the satellite town to comply with the officers carrying out the operation and ensure they put stringent measures in place t
o safeguard the lives of students.

The administrator said any security officer who fails to ensure the success of the operation to flush out criminals in the area will be dealt with accordingly.

‘We must work and ensure that Kisumu is safe. We are not going to remind or plead with anybody to do their work,’ her said.

Kisumu County Police Commander Kizito Mutoro urged members of the public to volunteer information to the police to make the operation a success.

Mutoro asked all police officers in the area to be on high alert to ensure that the criminals are dealt with once and for all.

‘Kisumu is the third largest city in Kenya and we cannot afford to hear the kind of stories we are hearing. We must deal with these criminals,’ he said.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Parents Advised To Register Their Children With NCPWD

Parents of children with disabilities have been urged to register children with disabilities to be able to access appropriate support and services.

Speaking during Madaraka day celebrations at Gitura primary school in Igembe south sub county, the coordinator of disabled persons in Igembe south David Gikundi noted that registration of these children with national council for persons with disabilities (NCPWD) will ensure they receive necessary medical and education support.

Gikundi further maintained that children with disabilities require specialized educational programs and essential health care like regular check-up and physiotherapy to manage their disabilities and enhance their overall wellbeing which sometimes is a burden to many parents.

‘It is very crucial for children with disabilities to be registered rather than hiding them. This will help them access resources and support tailored to help them lead fulfilling lives,’ he said.

He noted that some parents are shy about registering their children du
e to misconceptions associated with disabilities.

Gikundi encouraged parents to demystify the myths and misconceptions associated with disabilities and register their children to benefit from assistive aids, bursaries, sponsorship programs, HELB grants among other government and well-wisher’s support.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Government Warns Politicians Against Incitement

Investigations have started against politicians and other leaders in Marsabit County accused of engaging in hostile activities that could jeopardize the existing peace in the region.

Marsabit acting county commissioner David Saruni also announced finalized plans by the Ruto administration to connect Marsabit town and other parts of the county to the national electricity grid at cost of Sh4 billion.

Mr Saruni who spoke at the Marsabit stadium after reading this year presidential speech cautioned some leaders alleged to be spreading hatred between communities that stern legal action would be taken against them.

The county commissioner expressed concern that there were people who were yet to embrace harmony after the government and other actors employed enormous effort and resources to restore peace which had eluded the county for a long time.

He warned community radio FM stations operating in the area of dire consequences if they offered platform to inciters.

‘Peace and harmony had eluded this county for l
ong periods during which life and programs was disrupted,’ he noted and asked Marsabit residents to shun inciters and eschew acts of violence.

Mr Saruni asked operators of the community radio stations to observe laid down regulations in order to avoid being used by inciters as avenues through talk shows and call-in programmes to further their ill-intentioned agenda.

On development, the county commissioner said the county which draws electricity from generators operated by the Kenya Power and Lightning (KPLC) company said the government will connect the county to the national grid with clean energy to be tapped from the Lake Turkana Wind Power project.

This, he said would enable the residents to access to cheaper electricity supply besides spurring industrial growth and creating employment.

The project set to start in September this year will also have the connection extended to Isiolo county and be completed within 24 months.

In his remarks governor Mohamud Ali asked politicians against planting seeds of
discord among peace loving residents by preaching tribal politics and hatred.

Governor Ali observed that much development has been achieved under his leadership due to the prevailing peace and urged locals to jealously safeguard the achieved peace and continue coexisting in harmony their multi-ethnic composition notwithstanding.

He asked the security agents to move with speed and tame the hostile activities by taking action against culprits irrespective of their status in society.

‘Mzipo ziba ufa mtajenga ukuta,’ Governor Ali cautioned the county security team and asked them to ensure that that the county is not let to slide back to anarchy.

The governor commended the Kenya Kwanza administration for being sensitive to the plight of communities in arid and semi -arid regions of the country whom he said were bearing blunt of the climate change.

He asked the residents to fully support the wind power electricity project intended to connect the county to the national grid saying it was set to transform their
lives in a big way.

The governor pointed out that the devolved unit with the support of the national government and partners continues to make strides in development especially in the health, agriculture and infrastructure sectors.

Source: Kenya News Agency