Farmers Mark International Potato Day

Potato farming in Kenya is one of the most lucrative farming businesses in the country. It is the third most important food worldwide, and in Kenya, it is the second most important subsequent food crop after maize.

Nyandarua County is the highest producer of potatoes in Kenya because it is the most grown crop by small-scale farmers, generating food and employment for the people and the country at large.

The first international potato celebration conference and trade fair was held on May 30, 2024, at KALRO (Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organisation) in Oljoro Orok, Nyandarua County, bearing the theme ‘Harvesting Diversity and Feeding the Future,’ and included activities like exhibitions, field demos, and knowledge sharing sessions.

Its main objectives were to celebrate the diversity of potatoes and their significant nutritional, economic, environmental, and cultural contributions globally. Secondly, networking and knowledge sharing among stakeholders in the potato value chain, promoting the adop
tion of sustainable practices and innovation, and lastly, launching partnerships to enhance the transformation of the potato industry.

The event was attended by national and county government officials such as the Governor of Nyandarua, Kiarie Badilisha, Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture and Livestock Development, Mithika Linturi, Francis Mirigu, who is the county executive committee member in Nyandarua County, the Director General of KALRO, Dr. Eliud Kireger, Mr. Douglous Kangi, the National Government Director of Crop Development, and others. There were also key sponsors such as Twiga Chemicals, OCP Group, Seeds2B Africa, Solidadrid, and farmers.

During the event, there were a variety of potato exhibitions, sharing knowledge of potato seed with the farmers, showcasing chemical and non-chemical methods of pest and weed control, post-harvesting, value addition, storage, potato industry, and how to enhance potato production rate.

The host, Wachira Kaguongo, who is the CEO of the National Potato Council of K
enya (NPCK), said that Nyandarua is the highest producer of potatoes in Kenya, and for the past few months, they have been urging the government to set up a packaging potato industry in the county.

‘Nyandarua is the highest producer of potatoes in the country as it produces more potatoes, unlike other counties. For a long time, we have been fighting to have a potato packaging industry here, but it’s yet to be set up. We hope that it will be done as soon as possible,’ he said.

James Biringo, one of the guest speakers, said that it was the first potato celebration to happen in Nyandarua, and he hoped that it was the beginning of many more celebrations in the county.

‘This is the first potato celebration to be done in Nyandarua. I just hope that this being the beginning has opened doors for more celebrations to happen,’ he said.

He added that more companies and stakeholders should participate in supplying potato seeds to farmers, especially in apical cuttings and small tubers, where there has always been a g

‘Stakeholders and companies should join hands with farmers and provide seeds to them, especially in apical cuttings and small tubers, because there has always been a gap,’ he said.

Most of the agriculture officials present urged the farmers to continue embracing potato farming, as they will also work with them by providing seeds next month, not forgetting fertilisers and chemicals at fair prices.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Govt Constructs Sh35 Million Office Block At Ngoswani-Narok

The residents of Narok West can now breathe a sigh of relief after the government commenced the construction of a Sh35 million building at Ngoswani Trading Centre to act as the Sub County headquarters.

This is after a public participation forum, where it was suggested that the Sub County headquarters be shifted from the Lemek trading centre to the Ngoswani area, which is a central place for the people living in the area.

The area Member of Parliament, Gabriel Tongoyo, said the new building will help bring government services closer to the locals as it will host 25 public offices.

‘Among the crucial Departments that will be hosted in the new building are the Birth and Death Registration Office, National Registration Bureau offices, Children’s Office, education offices, police, and social services,’ he said.

Tongoyo, who is also the chair of the National Security Committee at the National Assembly, called on the contractor to complete the job within nine months so that the residents can enjoy government ser
vices close to their homes.

He was accompanied by Lari MP Joseph Mburu, who said the main agenda of a Member of Parliament (MP) is to make laws and represent the people well.

‘This means where you cannot go, where your MP can reach and represent you. Today, as we commission this building, we celebrate the MP for representing us well and bringing government services close to Wananchi,’ he said.

‘This is not the National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF), but he has lobbied for money from other sectors so that you people can benefit,’ he said.

Narok County Commissioner Kipkech Lotiatia, on his part, asked the Naikkarra Hardware construction company that was awarded the tender to build the offices to do their job within the timelines set so that it could benefit the residents.

Lotiatia called on the Public Work officers to monitor the construction process to ensure the work is done in a professional way.

Recently, the government sub-divided the Narok West Sub County to form the Narok Amalo
Sub County, which consists of Sogoo, Ilmotiok, Mulot, and part of Melelo ward.

Source: Kenya News Agency

German Delegation Commends Kandiu Group On Project Management

The German delegation led by Baerbel Kofler, German Parliamentary Secretary for Economic Cooperation and Development, has commended the members of Kandiu Irrigation Farmers’ Cooperative Society Limited for their efforts to become self-sustaining in the projects that were collectively funded by the German government and the government of Kenya.

The Smallholder Irrigation Project seeks to improve productivity and climate-resilient crop production under both rain-fed and irrigated conditions through diversification of crops and increased adoption of improved varieties, combined with climate-smart agricultural practices.

Baerbel Kofler said the important commodity in the cooperation is scarce water resources, which are heavily connected to climate change. The Kandiu project is in Gichugu sub-county in Kirinyaga County.

‘Water is an important topic of our cooperation. We are working with the Kenyan government on various topics. One is climate, and water is heavily connected with climate change. We are working o
n sustainable economies, and I think all those topics are important when it comes to agriculture,’ said Kofler.

The project, which mainly targets small community groups, has seen the German government invest over 3 billion shillings from the first phase up to now in the 3 counties: Kirinyaga, Embu, and Tharaka Nithi. They will extend the projects to Western counties.

‘We are working on a corporation where we can support women and women entrepreneurs and female farmers. So the whole project from the first phase until now is 20 million euros; it’s about 3 billion shillings.’

Ms. Kofler added that the projects are contributing a lot to the country’s nutrition and wealth, bringing the whole community ahead economically. She acknowledged the testimonials of group members that they now have money in their pockets, saying they can now think about the future, do business, and contribute more to the whole development of the county.

‘I learned what you were telling me-how much easier now! You do not go five kilomet
res carrying water. You have water in the room now for washing, cooking, cleaning, and everything else you need. We have to do that much more often: listen to the women and see what their needs are; then real development can happen.’

The Principal Secretary, State Department of Irrigation, Ephantus Kimotho, said Small Holder is a programme aimed at assisting communities through irrigation projects because rain-fed agriculture is no longer sustainable. The programme started in 2011 and currently has 24 projects across the country.

‘We are now focusing more on irrigation to address the issue of food security. This particular project is unique in that there is cooperation among three parties. The farmers normally contribute 10% as a security; they are given a loan by the bank to the tune of 50%. The other 50% is contributed by the government, which is actually given as a loan by the German government. And also, after that, the county is able to help the farmers with agricultural and extension services.’

The P
S added that through these collaborations, there will be enhanced and increased productivity, create jobs, and increase the earnings of the farmers.

Kirinyaga County Deputy Governor David Githanda said the county government will continue providing extension services so that there will be more productivity from what the farmers are doing. Additionally, they will add value through programmes such as Wazesha, which assists mainly women and youth to uplift their standards through various projects.

He noted there are about 112 irrigation schemes, and one of them is by the National Irrigation Authority. The others are community-based, and they are doing a wonderful job.

‘Because of this climatic change, we are shifting now, as a county government, from rain-fed agriculture to irrigation.’

Kirinyaga Senator Kamau Murango, who accompanied the delegation, said the Kandiu Project has been a very good example when it comes to how they are running this project, and the visit will help in identifying the gaps where we
can help them.

He thanked the Federal Government of Germany for their interventions that ensure that farmers are comfortable and continue to produce.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Ethiopian Civil Aviation International Security Audit Kicks Off

Addis Ababa: Ethiopian Civil Aviation International Security Audit began in Addis Ababa today.

The international security audit will be held until the 13th of June, 2024.

The international audit is underway for the first time under the coordination of the National Intelligence and Security Service in partnership with the International Civil Aviation Organization.

The opening of the audit was attended by senior government officials from the National Intelligence and Security Service, Information Network Security Administration (INSA), Immigration and Citizenship Service, Ministry of Transport and Logistics, and Civil Aviation Authority among others.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

South Korea Pledges Support to Ethiopia’s Education Sector

Addis Ababa: Ethiopia’s Minister of Education, Berhanu Nega conferred with South Korean Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Lee Ju-Ho.

On the occasion, the two sides exchanged views on ways to work together in the education sector.

The Deputy Prime Minister affirmed that South Korea will provide support to Ethiopia’s education sector in the areas of higher education, general education and teachers training programs.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethio-Djibouti Railways, Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Sign Partnership Agreement

Addis Ababa: Ethio-Djibouti Railways Share Company signed partnership agreement with Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics.

Ethio-Djibouti Railways Share Company CEO Abdi Zenebe and CEO of the Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics, Beriso Amelo signed the agreement today.

The agreement aims at enhancing the partnership of the two companies in areas of national interest.

Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics CEO, Beriso Amelo said on the occasion that the agreement would help to support the national economy by enhancing collaboration between the two companies and noted the volume of goods being transported by train has been steadily increasing.

He further indicated that the agreement will be instrumental in providing efficient services by addressing potential challenges that might encounter during shipments of goods and sustainably responding to customer demands.

Ethio-Djibouti Railways Share Company CEO Abdi Zenebe for his part said the agreement will help to expedite the logistics sector by creating coordinated work
system among the two companies.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency