Beneficiaries Of The Inua Jamii Program Urged Not To Miss Out On The Bank Registration

Senior citizens aged 70 years and above of Sachang’wan area in Molo sub-county who were successfully enrolled in the Inua Jamii program have been urged to turn up and register for new bank accounts that will enable them have access to their Older Persons Cash Transfer (OPCT) funds.

Addressing the locals, area Sub-County Children Officer, Henry Bigoro noted that the exercise was key to ensure that the elderly get their monthly stipend of Sh2, 000 from the onset of the next financial year in July this year.

‘Let us ensure this information reaches out to all the successful applicants who were earlier informed through mobilization effort from the area chiefs so that they are able to ease their financial burden and get to cater for their needs comfortably when they receive their cash,’ said Bigoro.

The beneficiaries were asked to come in person for the registration of their bank accounts and carry their identification cards. Those who fail to meet the officers during the exercise in their area were advised to r
each the office for further assistance.

Additionally, Bigoro said that there is a parallel exercise by enumerators of assessing the documentation and status of Persons Living with Severe Disability and the Orphans so that they get applicants who genuinely qualify for the program.

‘Within Sachang’wan division, there are 77 households that the enumerators will pay a visit, assist the family in filling in a questionnaire that will guide them on assessing the vulnerability of those in need and provide proper assistance,’ explained Bigoro.

Among the documents they require include the identification cards, death certificates of deceased parents, birth certificates, check on the severity of the disability and also assess the living conditions of the household among other requirements.

The Inua Jamii program run by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection under the state department for social protection and senior citizen’s affair is aimed at ensuring uplifting the lives of the most vulnerable members in the

Source: Kenya News Agency

Parents Living With Disabled Children Urged To Enroll Them In Schools

Kericho Chief Officer (CO) for Information, Communication, E-government and Gender, Sports and Youth Affairs Geoffrey Bett has called upon parents living with children abled differently in the region to accept them and provide them with education so they can have a chance to acquire skills and become productive in society.

CO Bett made the call during St. Kizito Day celebrations held on Tuesday at St. Kizito School for the Deaf situated in Litein town Bureti Sub-County, Kericho.

He observed that many parents from the area were reluctant to take their disabled children to school due to stigma and discrimination in their homes noting this has widely contributed to their unproductiveness as they feel discouraged to engage in anything productive and end up considering themselves to be inferior.

‘Sometimes society does not understand us but if you see as with the eyes of love then you shall see the eyes of love in us.’ said CO Bett.

CO Bett who is physically challenged encouraged parents to ensure their disabl
ed children go to school as this will allow them to realize their independence and push them to their full potential.

‘I remember I am a product of a special school like this Kipchimchim School for the physically challenged and the challenges I faced as a physically challenged person are not new to me. I commend those parents with children living with disabilities for exposing them to learning environments with a view of equipping them with skills for them to be productive and self-reliant in society. This is not easy but may they feel encouraged for making responsible choices,’ said CO Bett.

He called upon organizations and institutions in the area to allocate job opportunities to the disabled as they too deserved equal opportunities to progress in their chosen careers.

The Head teacher of the school Ms. Rosemary Munyendo appreciated well-wishers, partners and other invited guests for attending the annual celebration noting that it was a dignified thing to support the learners in the school education jour

The school that was established in 1985 by the Catholic Nuns Order called the Little Sisters of St Francis has 66 girls and 74 boys, 16 TSC teachers, two ECD teachers and more than 10 support staff.

The school that was registered as a special public school in 1993 admits children between the ages of 5 and 15 years who are deaf.

The patron saint of the school, St Kizito, a Ugandan child martyr was killed for refusing to denounce his Christian faith when he was 14 years old on 3rd June 1856 and the school honors this day annually.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Makueni Governor Promises To Increase Clinical Officers Risk Allowances

Makueni County Government is ready to increase risk allowances for clinical officers from Sh3, 000 to Sh15,000, Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr has said.

However, Mutula said his government will only increase the risk allowance once the Kenya Union of Clinical Officers (KUCO) signs the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) with the devolved government.

‘We had started looking into issues affecting clinical officers, doctors and consultants at all levels and we found out things were not good. We have changed the staff establishment. One of the things you are asking here, I asked why is it a problem, the Sh15, 000 allowance,’ posed Mutula while addressing clinical officers outside his Wote office.

‘I don’t see the real problem if the amount is Sh900 million, which is a drop in the ocean considering the monies we spend on touring this country and the world. Sign up and I will pay,’ noted the Governor.

He also assured the clinical officers and nurses that his government has created new positions for County Direct
or Clinical Officer and County Director Nurse at job group ‘R’.

At the same time, he said the government is currently promoting 510 health workers across all cadres.

During the event, he received a Memorandum from the clinical officers which he will present to the Council of Governors (CoG) so that they can address the issues once and for all.

‘As the chairman of Legal Affairs and Human Rights in the CoG, I will take your memorandum and present it as it is to the council, chair of CoG and Muthomi Njuki, the Chair Health Committee,’ said Mutula.

On his part, Chair KUCO Person Wachira urged the government to address health risk allowances, universal health coverage -for clinical officers employed on contract and those working as interns in health facilities across the country.

‘We want risk allowance enhanced because we work in unconducive environment where we spend time with patients. Also we want the government to address the clinical officers working on contracts as it is discriminatory. The issue of
internship should be addressed too,’ said Wachira.

Earlier the clinical officers demonstrated along Wote Town streets to the governor’s office and county assembly offices and handed over the memorandum.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Judiciary Committed To Enhancing Green Justice-CJ Koome

Chief Justice Martha Koome has commissioned a multi-sectoral working group which aims to prioritise access to Justice on environmental and climate change related matters in Nairobi County.

The working group will prioritize access to justice on environment and climate change related matters through a multi-sectoral approach.

The CJ noted that the Judiciary is committed to tackling environmental challenges, especially climate change, by incorporating green justice principles. This involves embedding environmental sustainability into operations, procedures, and decision-making processes, including both administrative and judicial actions. The working group comprises key stakeholders in the Environment and planning sector.

‘This is laudable because collaboration and co-ordination in delivering of services are not just constitutional obligations but also integral to our focus on putting the people at the center of all our actions,’ said the Chief Justice.

She urged members of the Working Group to continually w
ork towards nurturing a culture of inter-agency consultation and collaboration, creating synergies among stakeholders to expedite and enhance service delivery especially where environment and climate change related matters are concerned.

The CJ lauded the working group for incorporating Alternative Justice Systems (AJS) in resolving disputes filed in the division.

She noted that AJS had proved to be instrumental in deepening access to justice as it allows the elders and members of the community to unearth and work towards resolving the root cause of conflict and promote reconciliation therefore ensuring the peaceful co-existence of our communities.

Environment and Land Court (ELC) Principal Judge, Justice Oscar Angote observed that the creation of the Working Group marked a significant milestone in the continuous efforts to advance environmental protection, promotion of sustainable development and adaptation to the realities of climate change.

He noted that the initiative was a direct outcome of the commi
tments made at the ELC@10 Conference held in December 2022 in Kilifi County.

The Environment and Planning (EP) Division Presiding Judge, Justice Anne Omollo acknowledged that the law should not only punish but it should educate and inform each to play our roles singularly and jointly on matters environmental protection, climate change adaptation and planning our spaces.

The working group which is headed by the Head of the EP Division Nairobi, comprises two ELC EP Division Judges, four other Judges from various counties across the country and representatives of key stakeholders. It is charged with identifying the root causes of disputes in environmental and planning matters by understanding the contributing legal and environmental factors.

It further aims to develop comprehensive guidelines and best practices for fair and efficient resolution processes, educate the public and stakeholders about their rights and responsibilities, and promote inclusivity by engaging with diverse constituencies such as women,
children, the elderly, persons with disabilities, indigenous and minority communities, and residents of low-income areas.

The Registrar of the Environment and Land Court Rose Makungu, pledged unwavering support to the Working Group adding that she will stand ready to provide technical assistance, facilitate access to legal resources, and offer guidance in navigating the intricacies of environment and planning issues and court processes.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Youths Trained On Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Kisii County

The Youth Enterprise Development Fund (YEDF) has successfully completed a four-day Artificial Intelligence (AI) training for over 40 youths in Kisii County.

In a media brief sent to KNA, Kisii County YEDF Coordinator Aatos Mogoi said the participants have gained valuable skills in AI, preparing them for various job opportunities in the rapidly growing digital economy.

‘This training is a testament to our commitment to empowering the youth and equipping them with the necessary skills to thrive in today’s job market,’ said Mogoi.

The AI training was conducted between May 30 and June 3 at the County Education Hall in Kisii town by Ajira Digital in collaboration with the National Employment Authority and the Director of Youth Affairs in Kisii.

The initiative aligns with the Fund’s mandate of linking youths to mentorship and coaching opportunities as well as support the national government’s aim of creating job opportunities for the youth.

Catherine Robert, a participant in the training, noted that she can no
w source for AI-related online jobs on websites such as Upwork, 99 Designs, and Fiverr using the knowledge gained during the entire training period.

Wellington Omondi, another participant, said that he can undertake data entry and machine language jobs online.

Source: Kenya News Agency

State Promises Migori Residents Better Life Through Three-Pillar Development Plan

Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu assured residents of Migori County that the Government’s transformative agenda in the fourth Medium Term Plan (MTP IV) of the Vision 2030 would enhance their lives through three critical pillars: social, economic and political development.

While unveiling the fourth MTP held at Migori Teachers Training College, Machogu in accompanied by Migori County Government officials and local residents, reiterated that the government will ensure free and compulsory education and healthcare in the region through the social development pillar.

He said this against the backdrop of the disruption of lives, schools and healthcare systems caused by the recent floods experienced across the country, with Nyatike region in Migori being among the most affected.

‘As a government we are still working on restoring schools that were affected by floods to ensure they are operational. We will continue to improve them and the entire education system to align with our development agenda,’ he

Machogu outlined the government’s plans to stimulate local economies by aligning the priorities of the national government with Migori county government.

The CS also said the government is working on strategies to create job opportunities and improve agricultural practices among sugarcane farmers in Awendo and Uriri sub-counties.

‘Over the next five years, we will focus on ensuring timely payment of sugarcane farmers, a move to ensure increased profitability of the crop and to improve the livelihoods of farmers,’ said the CS.

He emphasised that while the agenda focused more on the social and economic pillars, the government aimed to promote pluralistic politics that is not based on ethnicity or the culture of personality cults.

‘Apart from championing economic and social development, we also want to challenge ourselves to uphold the ideal democratic rather than ethnic or personality-based politics,’ he added.

Source: Kenya News Agency