Construction Of A Resource Center Underway

The construction of a Resource Center at Kaptembwo informal settlement area in Nakuru city has excited both the parents and the youth who look forward to the facility changing the negative attitudes of the young people.

While inspecting the construction of a perimeter wall at the Resource Centre, which is poised to significantly enhance the security of the facility once completed, the Chief Officer for Youth, Sports and Talent Pastor Alex Maina said the center will be equipped with computers and indoor games.

He observed that Resource centers are necessary, especially in informal settlement areas where many people tend to stay in small houses, hence the need for a space for learning and meeting other like-minded people.

He appealed to the youth to desist from criminal activities, which has given them a negative image in the county due to various gangster groups such as the infamous conform group that has terrorized families in numerous residential areas.

Pastor Maina commended the social workers on site f
or their discipline and dedication, which he noted was crucial for the timely completion of the perimeter wall.

Source: Kenya News Agency

UDA Elects Leaders In Busia County

Maurice Chetambe has been elected as Busia County United Democratic Party (UDA) chairman.

Chetambe was declared the winner after garnering 85 votes out of the possible 90.

He was followed by his immediate opponent Maxmillah Ouma who garnered four votes and Victor Masombo with one vote. Ouma was declared as the Deputy Chairperson

Joyce Auki was declared Farmers’ Representative after scooping all the 90 votes leaving her immediate opponent Arunda Ochieng’ with no vote.

The position of representative of the professional group was awarded to Michael Juma who bagged all the 90 votes, leaving the three other opponents with no votes to take home.

Ronald Engurat was elected as a male youth representative while Benard Nandieki secured the post of the representative of the Micro Small and Medium Enterprises.

Fredrick Oundo was elected as the Party’s branch treasurer while Stephen Buluma and the former Chief Officer for ICT Lydia Nabwire clinched the posts of Secretary and Deputy Secretary respectively.

The forum
also saw the election of various group’s representatives; Hawkins Ouma (Male Rep), Wilkister Pamba (Female Rep), Zilpa Bett Chepkemoi (Women Rep), Stephen Owalet (Religious Rep).

The results were announced by Busia County UDA Returning Officer Raphael Macharia who said that the process was smooth with 90 out of the 136 registered delegates turning out for the exercise.

In his address to the press during the close of the exercise, Macharia stated that the voter turnout stood at 66.1% adding that the new leadership would now embark on an active membership recruitment drive for the political party in preparation for the 2027 General elections.

Source: Kenya News Agency

UDA Party Holds Elections In Homa Bay County

UDA party delegates in Homa Bay County went to the polls Sunday to elect twenty officials to coordinate the party affairs in the county.

The Party concluded its grass root elections in Home Bay County as one of the strategies for battling ODM party in its stronghold.

The Party’s National Election Board representative Halakhe Dida said the election was free, fair and verifiable and would strengthen the party in the county.

The officials elected included County Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and other 17 officials.

Dida said the election was conducted peacefully and that a total of 159 delegates participated in the exercise.

He said they had a total of 44 candidates vying various positions in the election.

Dida said every delegate got an opportunity to cast their vote electronically and that there were no technical hitches experienced during the election.

‘The election has taken place in a peaceful environment and every delegate had an opportunity to cast their vote.’ Dida said.

He expressed optimism
that the conducive environment experienced during the voting exercise would enable the will of the people to prevail.

‘The transparency in the election will enable the majority to have their way and the minority to support the winners for the party to grow stronger,’ Dida said.

Jakakimba said UDA had put in place working systems to ensure it gains ground in the county.

Jakakimba who was vying the post of UDA secretary in the county said the stiff competition he was facing was an indicator that UDA had become strong in the county.

‘I am facing a stiff competition in this race because UDA is becoming stronger by the day. I urge Homa Bay residents to join UDA because the party leader, President William Ruto, means well for us,’ Jakakimba said.

Kennedy Obuya who vied for the party Chairmanship expressed confidence that UDA would register more than 300,000 members by 2027.

‘We are committed to undertaking membership registration and we are going to resume immediately after the elections,’ Obuya said.

e: Kenya News Agency

Plant Fruit Trees For Economic Gains, Residents Told

The Cabinet Secretary for East African Community Affairs, ASALs and Regional Development Penina Malonza has urged residents of Busia to grow fruit trees as an economic venture.

Speaking during a tree planting exercise at Port Victoria Forest Station, Malonza said that tree planting has economic value attached to it.

‘Let us also grow fruit trees and not only for local consumption but also for export purposes,’ she said, adding dragon fruit that sells at Sh400 in Kenya can be sold at Sh1, 000 in America.

She added that the extreme weather conditions of drought and floods caused by climate change for the past four years have led the country to lose Sh2.5 billion through the death of wild animals.

‘For the first time the government had to purchase feeds for wild animals because they were dying of famine,’ she said adding that it did not take long before Elnino rains set in followed by the long rainy season.

The CS further said that more than four million Kenyans were affected adding that a number of Kenyans
are still living in temporary camps.

‘The floods saw 200,000 people affected staying in 192 temporary camps,’ she said, adding that 170 camps including 25 in Busia County are remaining after the closure of some.

Malonza at the same time reaffirmed the government’s dedication in implementing the six months’ campaign to support reforestation, afforestation and sustainable forest management efforts that address climate change impacts.

‘The initiative will also enhance bio diversity and support the local communities towards achieving the target of growing 15 billion trees and consequently achieving 30% tree cover by 2030 by the National government.

She assured the residents of the government’s commitment to achieve its set target of planting 15 billion tress by 2032 by fast racking landscape restoration efforts.

‘My Ministry shall work with you to achieve this common goal,’ she said, calling for collective responsibility in transforming the environment.

Malonza also advised elected leaders not to politicize
the distribution of relief food to flood victims adding that it only creates division within the community.

‘The government has decided to form committees that will be composed of representatives of the affected persons in order to reduce political influence,’ she said.

Busia County Forest Conservator Vitalis Osodo said the Port Victoria Forest station has 601 hectares and is purely a conservation forest and it is the only forest in Busia.

Osodo said the forest is being rehabilitated by enrichment planting where tree seedlings are planted in sections of the forest that have remained bare.

He stated that the County was given a target of raising 4 million seedlings per year in order to plant 500 hectares by the year 2032.

‘That will translate to 27% of Busia County,’ he said, adding that the County tree cover is currently 8.3%.

The official urged the local residents to put more effort in tree planting in order to achieve 27% which is the County’s target for 2032.

A total of 5,000 seedlings were planted i
n the forest bringing the total number of planted seedlings to 47,000.

The Kenya Forest Service targets to plant a total of 140,000 tree seedlings at the facility by the end of the long rain season.

During the month of May, 5,000 tree seedlings were planted at the Sio Siteko wetlands in Samia Sub County.

Source: Kenya News Agency

New Dam To Upscale Perkerra Seed Production To 70% Of National Seed Supply

The proposed Multi Million Radat Dam in Baringo South will boost the seed production from Perkerra irrigation Scheme to hit 70 per cent of Kenya’s total seed demand.

In this regard Small scale farmers practicing irrigated agriculture at the scheme in Marigat have been challenged to shift their attention to contract agricultural farming in maize seed production in order to reap from the readily available market provided by Kenya Seed Company.

Cabinet Secretary, Cooperatives and Micro and Small Enterprise, Simon Chelugui, revealed that the irrigation scheme at the moment produces 60 percent of the national seed supply and propagation in the country.

Speaking during the ongoing countrywide Fourth Medium Term Plan (MTP IV) 2023-2027 county sensitization forum at Kenya School of Government (KSG), Baringo campus, Chelugui reiterated that the coming of the proposed multimillion Radat water dam is expected to expand and increase maize seed supply to 70 percent making it the leading seed producer.

The Cooperatives
CS noted that the Radat dam apart from regulating the water flow in Perkerra River will go a long way in making Marigat town and Perkerra scheme a very important agricultural seed production centre in Kenya.

Chelugui accompanied by Principal Secretaries Belio Kipsang (Basic Education), Eng. Peter Tum (sports), Prof. Julius Bitok (Immigration and Citizen Services) and Harry Kimutai (Health) added that as local leaders they are going to push resources to fast-track the construction of the giant water dam at Radat area as it will provide a constant supply of water for irrigation.

The scheme with over 100 acres of land under maize seed production uses gravity fed open earth channel conveyance with open furrow application system thus building of the dam will be advantageous to the scheme since there will be enough water for irrigation.

‘Several dams and boreholes will be drilled in Baringo County where we are aiming to solve water problems especially in Baringo South and Tiaty where most of the residents of tho
se areas are having challenges even in planting food crops and water for their cattle as this is one of our plan in the (MTPIV),’ he said.

Perkerra Irrigation scheme is known for production of quality pawpaws, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, water melons, sorghum and green grams among others.

On insecurity, the CS flanked by Governor Benjamin Cheboi and county commissioner Stephen Kutwa commended the local security team for their tireless effort in ensuring security is restored in those areas that had not known peace for a long time.

He urged the security team to continue pushing for peace to prevail especially in parts of Baringo North and Marigat sub counties to enable local residents to conduct their socio-economic affairs without interruption.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Development Plan Launched Amid Optimism From Residents

The government has lined up many development projects for implementation in Marsabit County in the fourth medium term plan (MTPIV) 2023/2027 geared towards enhanced economic growth and transformation of lives.

On top of the list are projects meant to address the problem of water scarcity which remained a major challenge and priority of the county government through which livestock feedlots would be established.

The launch of the Vision 2030 plan presided over by Interior Cabinet Secretary Prof Kithure Kindiki held at the Catholic Hall in Marsabit Town also underscores climate change adaptation and food security programmes which resonated well with the hundreds of participants.

Prof Kindiki said the government would continue allocating national resources across the country and cautioned against abuse of the democratic space to advocate for sectionalism and tribal politics.

While commending the media for playing an integral role in building a cohesive nation, the CS asked the local community radio operators
to be cautious about politicians out to use the stations to ignite tribal animosity as the government would decisively deal with anybody engaging in hostile activities.

‘We as government appreciate the role the media in this country has played in the peace building process and informing the public about the development agenda but we shall not allow ill-advised broadcasts to negate the gains made through incitement,’ said Prof Kindiki while asking journalists to always strive to be professional rest they found themselves in conflict with the law.

He thanked the people of Marsabit for resolving to live in harmony, their multi-ethnic composition notwithstanding, and urged them to also continue maintaining peace with their neighbouring Ethiopians.

The CS termed the MTPIV as a major vehicle in the achievement of Vision 2030 as the set duration for the implementation of the desired development projects and programmes would be drawing to a close hence the need to use the allocated public resources prudently.

fourth MTP under which the Bottom-up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) is anchored has been allocated millions of shillings to fund the projects that include sinking and rehabilitation of boreholes, development of water pans, initiation of irrigation schemes, restoration of fish landing sites along the shores of Lake Turkana and the establishment of leather aggregation centres as disseminated by the PS for ASALs and Regional Development Kello Harsama.

Harsama assured the residents that the projects would be fully implemented saying that the President has ordered that only projects and programmes that could be achieved should be included in the development plan.

‘President Ruto has directed that wananchi should not be given false hope and that the MTP IV should be realistic,’ said the PS adding that most of the lined up projects have been advertised and would kick off next month.

In his remarks, Marsabit Governor Mohamud Ali hailed the collaborative effort between the National Government and the devolve
d unit which he said had seen the county make big strides in development.

Governor Ali particularly commended the Kenya Kwanza administration for restoring peace and security in the hitherto ethnically-volatile county adding that this has created an enabling environment for growth and transformation of lives of locals.

The leaders planted trees within the Marsabit Catholic Church compound to mark the occasion and called on the residents to grow trees in order to help in mitigating against climate change.

Source: Kenya News Agency