New Project To Eliminate Child Labour In Agriculture Sector

Kisii County is currently implementing a new project aimed at eliminating child labour in the tea and coffee sectors within the region.

The project, dubbed ‘Accelerating action for the elimination of child labour in Africa,’ is spearheaded by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection in collaboration with the International Labour Organisation (ILO), social partners, line ministries, and various departments.

Speaking during the International World Day Against Child Labour celebrations at Getembe Primary School in Kitutu Central Sub County, County Labour Officer Charles Muniko noted that since Kisii relies on agriculture for socio-economic development, there were notable forms of child labour witnessed in the sector.

‘We are creating awareness about the dangers and consequences of child labour within the county, as evidenced by tasks such as tea picking, coffee picking, fertiliser application, and delivery of the cash crops to buying centres,’ Muniko said.

The Labour Officer added that activities includ
ing soapstone carving, hawking in the Central Business District (CBD), especially at Daraja Mbili Market, and prostitution were also becoming a growing concern among children in Kisii.

According to Muniko, these forms of exploitative labour are depriving the children of their right to access quality education and achieve better future prospects.

Speaking at the same event, Kisii Central Sub-County Children’s Officer Joyce Keno emphasised the importance of educating a child, adding that access to quality education provides children with equal opportunities.

Ms. Keno noted that the government remains committed to ensuring that every child acquires education through the various programmes offered to boost the education sector, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds.

‘We have the Presidential Secondary School Bursary Scheme and the Inua Jamii Programme that ensure orphaned children are supported with basic needs and education fully,’ she said.

In addition, the Children’s Officer encouraged parents w
ith children living with disabilities to liaise with the relevant department so that they could benefit from the kitty that supports physically and mentally-challenged children to be in school up to tertiary levels.

A representative of the Central Organisation of Trade Unions (COTU), Thomas Mirere, emphasised that children should be allowed to go through basic education before they are employed in any form of domestic work.

Mirere called for collaboration among various stakeholders working with children to ensure they eliminate all forms of child labour and abuse in Kisii County.

Data from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) shows that 8.5 per cent, or an equivalent of 1.3 million children, are engaged in child labour.

The organisation notes that the highest child labour rates (at more than 30 per cent), are recorded in the arid and semi-arid land (ASAL) counties.

KNBS also reveals that child labour primarily occurs in informal production, particularly in the agriculture sector.

Source: Keny
a News Agency

Credit Firm, Taita Taveta Collaborate To Combat Boda Boda Theft

Watu Credit, County security agencies, and the County Government of Taita Taveta have joined forces to address surging motorcycle (boda boda) theft cases.

Speaking in Voi town during a BodaBoda clinic, Watu Credit Country Manager Eric Masawe said the cooperation aims to develop strategies to combat the rampant theft of motorcycles.

The company has held consultative meetings with the Governor, County Commissioner and security apparatus.

They have also held sensitization meetings with Boda boda riders on taking precautions when carrying passengers, especially at night.

The meeting comes barely days after Taita Taveta Governor Andrew Mwadime suspended the activities of Watu Credit Limited and Mogo Credit Company to facilitate an investigation into reports of the involvement of their staff in the theft of motorcycles.

After the stakeholders meeting, Governor Mwadime allowed Watu Credit to continue with operations pending the completion of investigations.

‘There is a surge in motorcycle theft and the killin
g of riders. As an asset financing stakeholder, we condemn the heinous acts. We want to bring all the stakeholders together to end the problem that affects our customers, the community, and our company,’ said Masawe.

The company refuted claims of conniving with thieves to steal motorcycles they had sold. Watu Credit Country Manager said they have been able to hand over 54,000 log books to motorcycle owners who have finished servicing their loans.

‘Since the start of the year, we have received 17 cases of motorcycle theft in Voi. Out of which 12 are less than six months old, meaning the thieves are targeting new motorcycles, not old ones,’ said Masawe.

‘As a credit company, whenever our customers have lost a motorcycle, they report it to us. We have an emergency unit that works with the customer to follow up with the police until it is found,’ he added.

As a result of the company’s cooperation with the police, they have been able to recover 50 per cent of the stolen motorcycles and return them to customers
. Those that are not found because they have insurance cover the company processes a claim.

‘The customer has an option to be paid or get a new motorcycle. In the last 12 months, we have given out 600 motorcycles as replacements and insurance claims of Sh45 million,’ although there are cases where customers lie to get insurance payments,’ explained the Watu Credit Country Manager.

He affirmed that their business model is to empower small business people.

President of the Boda Boda Association of Kenya (BAK), Kelvin Mbadi, encouraged riders to register themselves according to stages as a way of tackling theft and ridding the sector of criminals masquerading as riders.

He said plans are underway to sensitise Boda Boda riders on drugs and security. He further urged them to have the contacts of security chiefs in their counties.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Malonza, Machogu Rally Kenyans To Support 2024-2025 Budget

East Africa Community, ASALs, and Regional Development Cabinet Secretary Peninah Malonza and her Education counterpart Ezekiel Machogu have defended the 2024-2025 budget and asked Kenyans opposing it to rethink their positions.

Speaking at St. Anne’s Muthale Girls Secondary School in Kitui West Sub County during a fundraiser, the two cabinet secretaries said that the only mark of patriotism for Kenyans is to sacrifice for the development of their motherland.

Ms. Malonza said the government had earmarked many development projects across the country for which resource mobilisation via taxation and other revenue collection measures were necessary for their implementation.

She said since Kitui was acutely water deficient, the government has set out to fund a mega project to provide water to citizens in the county and improve their socio-economic welfare.

Malonza also cited key development initiatives in the county by the national government, such as the injection of Sh 250 million for the completion of Umaa
Dam in Kitui Central Sub County, Sh 80 billion for Thwake Dam, and Sh 1 billion for the extension of water from Kiambere Dam to Kyuso Sub County.

Other programmes include the Sh1.5 billion water supply extension project from Kindaruma Dam to Mwingi West, the construction of the Sh487 billion High Grand Falls Dam, which stretches from Kitui, Tharaka Nithi, and Tana River counties, and Sh1 billion for extension of electricity to all public schools through the rural electrification project.

Additionally, Ms. Malonza noted that the government is also constructing 37 power sub-stations in various locations across the country, of which two will be in Kitui County, Mutomo, and Kabati, as a measure to stabilise power supply in the area.

Others include the construction of modern markets in Kakongo, Kamuwongo, and Ithiani, as well as increasing the National Government Constituency Development Fund allocation.

Machogu said the Government has disbursed Sh8.05 billion in capitation funds for University Education and w
ill make similar disbursements for both Primary and Secondary schools next week. He wondered where else these funds should come from, if not from the pockets of beneficiaries, all Kenyans.

The Education CS was reacting to comments made by Kitui West MP Edith Nyenze, who argued that the proposed budget should be shot down for increasing taxation on poor Kenyans.

Mwingi West MP Charles Nguna, who also graced the event, criticised the budget plan, saying that he will introduce nine amendments to the bill in Parliament.

In response to the sentiments expressed by the two legislators, Machogu reiterated that, as patriots of our beloved country, Kenya, we should brace ourselves to bear the brunt of the proposed budget in order to build a country where all can thrive.

The fundraiser was meant to facilitate the construction of a perimeter wall, computer labs, and pedestrian overpass to connect the school’s two compounds, separated by a busy road.

By Denson Mututo

Source: Kenya News Agency

Judiciary Flags To Fly At Half-Mast In Honour Of Magistrate Kivuti

The Judiciary Leadership Team (JLT) has announced that the Judiciary flag will fly at half-mast across all court stations until Principal Magistrate Monica Kivuti is laid to rest.

Kivuti was shot and fatally wounded by a police officer on June 13, 2024, while holding an active court session at the Makadara Law Courts.

Chief Justice Martha Koome said that following the demise of Magistrate Kivuti, JLT has declared Tuesday, June 18, 2024, a day of mourning for the entire Judiciary in solidarity with Kivuti’s family, friends, and colleagues, as well as all Judges, judicial officers, and staff who have been deeply affected by the tragedy.

‘No court will sit on this day. Matters that had been listed on Tuesday across all courts and tribunals will be accommodated in the court diaries on a priority basis,’ CJ Koome said.

Following the death of the Principal Magistrate on Friday 14 at midnight, the Chief Justice called a special session of the Judiciary Leadership Team, which brings together the leadership of al
l five Superior Courts, the Magistracy, Kadhis Courts, Tribunals, the Magistrates and Judges Association, and the Judicial Staff Association, to deliberate on the matter of Kivuti’s murder and the continuing threat to the lives of Judges, judicial officers, and staff in the course of their duties.

She noted that this tragic incident had exposed and amplified the Judiciary’s long-held security concerns.

In a press statement sent to newsrooms, CJ Koome announced that JLT has recommended that Presiding Judges and heads of stations will lead remembrance meetings in common rooms in all court stations across the country on Tuesday, 18th, at 10 a.m.

Koome added, ‘The remembrance meeting is to allow Judges, Judicial officers, and staff to commemorate the life of Kivuti and to commiserate with the family and one another. Courts in Nairobi will convene at Makadara and Milimani Law Courts.’

She said Makadara Law Courts will remain closed until Monday, June 24, 2024, to allow dismantling of the makeshift court struct
ures and reorganisation for security reasons, and the Judiciary Administration will work day and night to complete the prefabs at Makadara Law Courts.

Koome added that all the affected matters listed before Makadara Law Courts next week will be mentioned before Milimani Law Courts.

She noted at the same time that Judicial officers and staff at the Makadara Law Courts will continue to receive psychosocial support to cope with this devastating incident and called upon professional medical and psychological counselling entities to provide complimentary psychosocial support to Judiciary members and affected court users/justice actors across the country.

The CJ assured that the Judiciary administrative units will work on boosting security across all court stations using available resources, adding that the Judiciary leadership will also engage the Executive and Parliament on additional resources to support the implementation of past recommendations touching on security in the Judiciary.

‘This is a matter that
has been discussed repeatedly with the concerned agencies for many years,’ she stated.

CJ Koome called upon the Ministry of Interior and National Administration and the Office of Inspector General of Police to deploy additional officers to reinforce and complement officers in the Judiciary Police Unit.

‘The Ministry and Office of Inspector General of Police should also reorganise the Judiciary Police Unit into a fully-fledged police unit under the leadership of a senior commanding officer with a fully functional secretariat,’ emphasised Koome.

A judiciary funeral committee was appointed to organise the sendoff and includes, Caroline Kabucho, Registrar Magistrates Courts (Chairing), Tito Gesora, Head of Station, Makadara Law Courts, Faith Muguongo, Office of the Chief Justice, Dr. Masha Baraza, Office of the Deputy Chief Justice, Rhoda Yator, Vice President of the Kenya Magistrates and Judges Association, Boru Wako, President of the Kenya Judiciary Staff, and Catherine Wambui, Deputy Director, Public Affair
s and Communication.

JLT reassured the judges, judicial officers, and staff that it is aware of the security concerns that they continually face in the dispensation of justice and is taking the necessary measures to address their concerns.

‘In our mourning, the JLT sends its deepest condolences to the family, friends, and relatives of Kivuti, and we pray that the Almighty provides you with peace, grace, and fortitude to bear this loss,’ said the statement.

Koome visited Kivuti, who was admitted to the Nairobi Hospital, alongside CJ Emeritus David Maraga, President of the Court of Appeal Daniel Musinga, JSC Commissioners Evelyn Olwande and Caroline Nzilani, and Chief Registrar Winfridah Mokaya on Friday, June 14, 2024, at 12 p.m., where they were briefed about her condition by the medical personnel attending to her.

‘At about midnight on June 14, 2024, I received the heartbreaking news that despite their best efforts and our collective prayers, Magistrate Kivuti had succumbed to the extensive injuries sust
ained during the attack,’ she said.

She said the JLT pays tribute to the medical personnel at the Metropolitan Hospital and the Nairobi Hospital who did everything possible to save the life of Magistrate Kivuti.

‘We also commend the doctors and staff of Nairobi West Hospital, where the gallant officers who were injured while responding to the attack are receiving treatment,’ stated Koome, and wished the valiant officers who responded to the attack a quick and full recovery.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Nyamira Residents Benefit From Free Medical Camp

Hundreds of residents of Nyamira County benefited from a free medical camp organised by the Aga Khan Hospital, Kisumu branch, in collaboration with the German Finance Cooperation.

The camp, held at Uhuru grounds in Nyamira town, offered services ranging from general examinations to laboratory services, cervical and breast cancer screening, malaria testing, urinalysis, deworming, blood pressure monitoring, and diabetes.

Dr. Sally Hawii, Aga Khan Hospital Pharmacy Manager, who was coordinating the free medical camp services, confirmed to KNA that they partner with some insurance companies such as Britam, Jubilee, Madison, and APA, which have Afya Imara cover to serve clients even from rural communities.

‘Before setting up a free medical camp at a particular place, we conduct a survey with the help of community health promoters, which reveals the extent of need in a particular area. In instances where special ailment cases were diagnosed, we referred them to our outreach facilities, while those with chronic
diseases like neuralgia, joint pains, and diabetes are given a full month’s dosage for free,’ Dr. Hawii clarified.

Dr. Hawii explained that the perception that medical or health services at Aga Khan Hospital are for moneyed clients is misleading and confirmed that their services are affordable and accessible to clients of all economic classes.

She hinted that the initiative will be an annual drive across the country, depending on medical needs as they arise, commending the turnout by residents from the mobilisation of the Aga Khan team, the community health promoters, and local radio stations.

Ruth Bosibori, a resident of Nyamira, greatly appreciated Aga Khan’s initiative to conduct a free medical camp and appealed to other hospitals to do likewise so that vulnerable, sick, and economically struggling citizens like her can access medical checkups.

She commended the professional demeanour in which the doctors did their work with a lot of efficiency.

Dr. Hawii said the turnout was very high, a clear indica
tion that people in Nyamira County need more medical camps.

The Aga Khan hospital has 14 medical centres with both in and out patient open 24 hours.

In Nyamira County, there is an outreach clinic that runs from Monday to Saturday only. Nyamira was the tenth county after Bomet to have a free medical camp. They are headed to Homabay County next week.

Their main mission is to bring quality healthcare to the community by ensuring that they get better treatment and free drugs to better their livelihood when they are in good health.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Dairy Cooperative Union Holds Farmers Field Day

Meru Central Dairy Cooperative Union (MCDCU) held its ninth farmers field day to celebrate achievements for the past one year and put up strategies that will take the sub-sector a notch higher in the coming years.

The MCDCU, one of the most prolific dairy unions in the country, has been doing well in recent years, and it is expected to be even better following interventions from the national government through the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock as well as the Ministry of Cooperatives and Micro-Small and Medium Enterprises.

According to the Union’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Mr. Kenneth Gitonga, the union increased its productivity levels in the last one year and they were also targeting to achieve more in the coming years.

‘Last year, our daily production of milk was 406,000 litres, but at the moment, we are producing 560,000 litres on a daily basis. Our next target is to produce one million litres daily following the government’s interventions,’ said Mr. Gitonga.

He said some of the intervent
ions by the government include the launch of a feed mill in Mitunguu, where the government has already released Sh100 million for its construction.

The mill, Mr. Gitonga added, will enable the union to manufacture animal feeds and sell them to members at an affordable price compared to the prevailing market prices.

MCDCU Chairman Simonn Kiruja said the union has also attracted many young people into dairy farming and has also employed more than 1,000 employees, a number set to increase with the expansion in production.

To enhance productivity even further, Mr. Kiruja urged the government to ensure that there were more coolers, especially in rural areas, in order to curb the issue of milk loss.

‘Out of the milk our farmers produce, a lot of it is lost due to lack of proper facilities and equipment, including milking cans that are used for transporting milk to the collection centres.’

‘If these issues are addressed, we will increase our productivity, which will have a ripple effect in terms of our economic
returns,’ said Mr. Kiruja.

Political leaders present from the Meru region called on the government to consider increasing the price of milk from the current Sh50 per kilogramme to at least Sh60 so that the farmers can reap more.

They also asked the government to ensure all feeder roads within the milk production areas were rehabilitated to enhance the smooth transportation of milk from farmers to factories.

Source: Kenya News Agency