UoN, UNHCR Unveils Refugee Information Centre

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Filippo Grandi, has launched a Refugee Resource center at the University of Nairobi.

The resource centre aims not only to establish a policy regime that enables sustainable social and economic inclusion for refugees who are in the country but also to provide localised research and generate evidence on challenges and solutions for forced displacement.

Speaking during the launch on Monday, Grandi stated that in recent years, many countries have faced forced displacement as a result of political turmoil.

‘Unfortunately, this is not the result of healthy politics. We should look at the solutions for this challenge and address the political manipulation, which aims mostly at gaining votes and winning elections,’ said Grandi.

He explained that war is what causes most refugees to flee, and the world seems to be unable to stop, let alone prevent, the wars and conflicts.

‘The dangers faced by refugees and internally displaced persons while moving in searc
h of safety or opportunities include violence, extortion, torture, and even death as they travel overseas through deserts and jungles,’ he stated.

Grandi said that as an organisation, they seek out corporate actions that can be taken to address the root causes of the conflicts and ways to protect forcefully displaced people and provide them with opportunities.

‘This can only be achieved through the combination of the right ingredients: the right policies, the right vision, the right leadership, and yes, the right international support,’ said Grandi.

He said that the rising number of refugees is due to the fact that various institutions were created to prevent war, adding that the security council of the United Nations is fractured and paralyzed, and regional institutions in Europe and Africa are being severely tested by anti-democratic resources, nativists, climate change, condemnation of refugees, execution, and denial of opportunities, among other issues.

‘If we want to be able to design responses that
are effective, we must accept reality as it is, as uncomfortable as that may be, and the reality is that indeed, forced displacement is on the rise,’ he added.

Grandi added that peace is among the possible ways to reduce or deal with displacement and refugees, saying that there is no substitute for peace.

‘Peace is more reflective than any other amount of humanitarian assistance. Forcefully displaced people like to return home, and provided there is peace, even imperfect peace, they will return home. The return, however, must always remain the choice of the refugees, and their return must always be voluntary,’ insisted Grandi.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Pres. Ruto Flags Off 400 Police Officers To Haiti

President William Ruto flagged off the first group of 400 police officers for the United Nations peace mission in Haiti.

The President expressed confidence that the Kenyan contingent, together with others from contributing countries, will help in restoring lasting peace in conflict-ravaged Haiti.

Speaking at the National Police College, Embakasi Campus, in Nairobi, President Ruto told the officers that they were selected for the peace mission on the basis of their integrity, professionalism, and capabilities.

He handed the Kenyan flag to the peace mission during the event attended by Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki, President’s National Security Advisor Monica Juma, Inspector-General Japeth Koome, and Deputy Inspectors-General of Police Douglas Kanja and Noor Gabow.

‘This mission is one of the most urgent, important, and historic in the history of global solidarity. It is a mission to affirm the universal values of the community of nations, a mission to take a stand for humanity,’ President Rut
o said.

Pointing out that the people of Haiti were the first to liberate their land from slavery and colonialism, the president, however, said their freedom was short-lived as it was undermined by forces that sabotaged their progress.

Speaking to the 400 officers, he said, ‘We will support and pray for you. As a country, we respect the rule of law, freedom, and democracy. This is why we want you to help the people of Haiti achieve these values that they have been denied by criminal gangs.’

Consequently, as the President pointed out, Haiti has faced a continuous onslaught by external and internal forces, causing instability, leading to the loss of thousands of lives, extinguishing countless dreams, and depriving millions of people of basic social services. This has subjected millions to harrowing poverty, hardships, and diseases.

‘Currently, Haiti is torn apart by a vicious gang, which has diminished the state’s capacity to function and provide essential services. Development cannot take place under these
conditions, and if nothing is done, millions of children, women, and men will continue to suffer without the prospect of relief,’ the president said.

He told the officers that the international community has confidence in Kenya to lead the peace mission in Haiti. ‘Kenya is a proud member of the international community in good standing. We also have an outstanding global,pan-African and regional peacekeeping track record, having made exemplary contributions to 47 missions,’ he said.

The President added that Kenya is renowned as a peace-making nation, determined to show the world the power of peaceful dispute resolution through dialogue and negotiation. ‘We have mediated many conflicts and are currently engaged in resolving more. Don’t let down the confidence the people of Kenya and the international community have in you,’ President Ruto implored the officers.

‘The Inspector-General and Deputy Inspectors-General have assured me that, in addition to the high-level training each of you has received in your re
spective units, you have acquired the necessary exposure for this mission, including a grasp of both French and Haitian Creole during this preparatory period,’ the President said.

He exuded confidence that the inter-agency team that was training the contingent has done its work well in preparing and establishing what is required to support the mission, including operational protocols to guide it. ‘You are undertaking a vital mission that transcends borders and cultures. Your presence in Haiti will bring hope and relief to communities torn apart by violence and ravaged by disorder,’ he said.

He said the Haiti Transitional Presidential Council and the Prime Minister have shared with him their expectations that the officers will support the Haitian police in restoring public safety and security. ‘As you perform this role, you are expected to embody the highest standards of integrity and professionalism, bearing in mind that you are representatives of our country and our ambassadors of stability and security,’
the President told the officers.

At the same time, President Ruto assured the officers that the government would improve their working conditions and welfare. He announced that beginning next month, the government will increase the salaries of police officers in line with the recommendations of the taskforce that was led by former Chief Justice David Maraga.

President Ruto noted that reforms were being undertaken to ensure security officers discharged their duties effectively. ‘In an effort to secure the country from internal and external aggression, the government is implementing a police equipment modernization programme at a cost of Sh25 billion,’ said Ruto.

Interior and National Administration Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki thanked the President for the police modernization programme, saying it was making the officers effective in their work.

On Haiti, he said the country was making history with the deployment of police officers for the peace mission, adding, ‘In the past, the participation of poli
ce officers has been limited. But we are now making history with the deployment of our police officers to the peace mission in Haiti,’ he said.

Mr. Koome said the officers had undergone thorough training since October last year.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Govt Plans To Digitise 80% Of State Services

The government is set to digitise at least 80 per cent of public services and make them available in a one-stop shop, the E-Citizen platform.

Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Information, Communications, and the Digital Economy, Eliud Owalo, said on Monday that the government has so far digitised 17,000 services that are available on the E-Citizen platform.

The CS, who was opening the East African Communications Organisation (EACO) 29th Annual Assemblies and Extraordinary Congress in Nairobi, added that the platform has made it possible for citizens, coupled with Internet connectivity and device affordability, to seamlessly access these services wherever they are.

‘The digital transformation agenda must demonstrate impact in various aspects of our economy, and we have seen the ripple effects in our judiciary, where access to justice is at the click of a button, and in our hospitals, where collaboration amongst hospitals is leading to the availability of quality healthcare, even in remote areas of the country
,’ Owalo said.

He explained that through the government’s Digital Transformation Agenda, the government has set sights on ensuring that citizens have access to broadband services and ICT devices and skills so that they can participate meaningfully in the digital economy.

The Kenyan government, he explained, is on course to deploy 100,000 km of fibre and establish 25,000 public WIFI hotspots and 1,450 ICT hubs across the country in the next five years.

‘We see great opportunities for collaborating with the private sector in this initiative to position the country as a leader in the ICT space,’ he said.

The CS added ‘I am proud to see over 10,000 kilometres of fibre laid so far and over 2,000 WIFI hotspots deployed, with the government now exploring cost-effective and efficient ways, including emerging technologies, to deliver last-mile connectivity across the country,’ Owalo said.

The establishment of 1,450 ICT hubs and 25,000 WIFI hotspots, the CS noted, is geared towards creating digital marketplaces an
d boosting connectivity for traders and entrepreneurs, particularly the youth, to get gainful employment in the digital ecosystem.

‘We have trained nearly 390,000 of our youths on digital skills in our ‘Jitume’ programme, and many more are earmarked going forward. Equally, we have created about 139,000 digital jobs so far,’ Owalo said.

Dr. Sifundo Chief Moyo, Secretary General, Pan African Postal Union (PAPU), said the theme for the EACO Extraordinary Congress, ‘Promoting digital transformation in the EAC region,” is coming at a time when digital transformation and innovation are at the centre of all human activities across the world.

He added that operators in the fields of postal telecommunications and broadcasting need to gear themselves up to immerse themselves in the technologies and innovations that are erasing industrial boundaries and merging sectors at a rapid speed.

The activities of all key stakeholders, he noted, must, however, focus on and centre on the consumer, considering the potential ex
citement generated by digital services, which can quickly be eroded by unpleasant experiences for consumers caused by cybersecurity threats, violations of privacy of personal information, and the other evils that technology brings.

Dr. Moyo said that the streamlined relationship between PAPU and EACO ensures harmonious complementarity and strategic alignment between the two institutions as they pursue a digitalization and innovation agenda in the East Africa region as well as the continental stage.

He also acknowledged Kenya’s President William Ruto for ensuring that the digitalization agenda is fully supported and embedded in the national development agenda and programmes by dedicating a full ministry that deals with information, communication, and the digital economy.

John Omo, Secretary General, Africa Telecommunication Union (ATU), said it is time that the region begins to rely on comprehensive and up-to-date ICT statistics so that policies and initiatives are well-informed.

He challenged countries, s
aying that universal access has seen disparities in accessibility, whether rural, gender-based, or even Gen Z.

‘We need to ensure that we have policies in terms of universal access that will enable those that are lagging behind, especially in rural areas. The disparities between urban and rural must be at par,’ he said.

Dr. Omo gave the example of Nairobi, which has internet access of well over 70 per cent, but some villages in the country, such as Kisii or even East African average villages, have less than 10 per cent internet penetration.

African regulators and policymakers should therefore build capacity-building programmes, for example, joint training initiatives with the ITU Academy in spectrum management, which have been instrumental in promoting efficient spectrum use, the SG said.

David Mugonyi, Director General, Communication Authority of Kenya, said that through the Universal Service Fund, the organisation is supporting the deployment of ICT in unserved and underserved areas of the country, with
over 750,000 people connected in the last five years.

The DG said that the deployment of 5G technology in Kenya and the region will present new opportunities for all sectors of the economy, even as the government is committed to ensuring 100 per cent subscriptions of 3G and 4G population coverage.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Governor Barasa Pledges To Support Widows

Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa has pledged to provide support to widows in the county government to enhance their welfare and protect them from any form of oppression.

Governor Barasa said one of the major challenges widows encounter is being denied the right to inherit land from their deceased husbands, leaving them struggling to fend for their families.

He vowed to support widows to be recognised in land succession matters as he outlined projects to be undertaken by the county government to improve their livelihoods.

Speaking during the International Widows Day fete in Kakamega on Sunday, Governor Barasa said that in July this year, the county government will launch an ambitious economic empowerment programme targeting widows.

Among the projects to be initiated is the distribution of small stocks that include chickens to replace the One-Cow Initiative, which he said is costly.

He also urged widows to take advantage of the county government’s Sh50,000 grant support to groups to fund income-generatin
g activities.

‘We shall ensure widows are the priority recipients of these funds as we focus on their economic empowerment,’ the governor noted.

Governor Barasa said the county government will continue with the Shelter Improvement project, which involves the construction of 360 houses annually for vulnerable community members.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Govt Committed To Upscaling Education, Machogu

Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu has reiterated the government’s commitment to upscaling the level of education in the country.

The CS observed that the government has allocated Sh658 billion towards education for the 2024-2025 financial year compared to the Sh628 billion that was allocated for the 2023-2024 financial year.

Speaking at Karega Secondary School, Kigumo, during the school’s prize-giving day, Machogu noted that the government has already released over Sh36 billion in capitation to all the primary schools, secondary schools, and Junior Secondary schools in the country to enable them to run effectively.

Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu has reiterated the government’s commitment to upscaling the level of education in the country.

The CS observed that the government has allocated Sh658 billion towards education for the 2024-2025 financial year compared to the Sh628 billion that was allocated for the 2023-2024 financial year.

Speaking at Karega Secondary School, Kigumo, duri
ng the school’s prize-giving day, Machogu noted that the government has already released over Sh36 billion in capitation to all the primary schools, secondary schools, and Junior Secondary schools in the country to enable them to run effectively.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Students In Makueni Benefit From Presidential Bursary

The government, through the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, has disbursed Sh679, 310 to 45 needy children in Makueni Constituency under the Presidential Bursary.

Makueni Subcounty Children Officer Frank Muthiani said the students who benefited were drawn from the region’s three sub-counties of Nzaui (15), Kathozweni (15), and Makueni (15), respectively.

‘The bursaries aim to alleviate the financial burden on families and ensure that needy students have the opportunity to continue with their education without any interruptions. Each student received slightly over Sh15,000,’ said Muthiani while speaking to KNA in his Wote office on Monday.

He disclosed that the money that has been disbursed to schools is half of the total amount the students are supposed to receive as fees this term, saying they expect the remainder soon.

Source: Kenya News Agency