Government And Political Party Offices Destroyed In Tuesday Riots

The Embu Governor’s office and the regional Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) offices were among government and private facilities destroyed in yesterday’s anti-Finance Bill demonstrations that degenerated into full blown riots.

The ruling United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party’s Embu Branch office was torched and reduced to a shell, as was a section of the Mbeere South CDF offices in Kiritiri.

The demos were held in all of the county’s five subcounties but were worst in Embu town and Kiritiri market where the rioters also broke into and ransacked the La Quinta Supermarket associated with Runyenjes Member of Parliament, Muchangi Karemba.

Several cars that were in the Embu Governor’s yard were burnt and reduced to scrap.

The determined rioters fought with policemen deployed to guard the Governor’s offices for more than an hour, pelting the officers with stones while the officers responded with gunshots and tear gas but they eventually overcame the officers and entered the offices where they lit fires.

At the
KRA offices the rioters ransacked the front office that usually has about 40 employees and made away with computers, desks, and waiting room benches.

When the media visited this morning, only desk drawers and lots of paper remained strewn all over.

In all the towns KNA surveyed this morning, only remnants of smouldering tyres remained on the roads as a grim reminder of yesterday’s mayhem. Municipal workers used rakes to clear the remnants while residents appeared to go back to their normal business.

At the La Quinta Supermarket that employed 14 workers before yesterday, workers sifted through the debris. A foul smell of the teargas used to disperse the looters hung in the shop.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Commissioner Calls On Older Generation To Caution Youngsters Against Engaging In Violence

Narok County Commissioner Kipkech Lotiatia is now calling on parents to guide and caution their children against engaging in violence during demonstrations as they would be forcefully evicted from the streets.

Lotiatia observed Tuesday’s demonstrations against the 2024 Finance Bill that started very peacefully but ended up in violence as some criminals, purporting to be peaceful demonstrators, started engaging the police in running battles that saw one dead and 20 others among them the police officers left nursing injuries.

‘Let parents sit down with their children and reason out with them, because some children are deceived to do evil things because of peer pressure. What we saw yesterday was not peaceful demonstrations,’ he said.

The CC said the police were ready to protect and escort the demonstrators in a peaceful manner, if they were demonstrating in peace but warned that if they engaged in violence, they would face the force of the police.

‘We have no problem with the demonstrators because it is the
ir constitutional right. But if the demonstrators start causing chaos, we have no choice but to protect the residents,’ he said.

The demonstrations saw a contingent of police officers engage in running battles with the young people for over four hours.

The demonstrators began peacefully but at around 3pm, they turned violent and started throwing stones at the men in uniform and blocked major roads.

This forced the police to attempt to remove them from the town but the hundreds of youth were determined to cause mayhem in the busy town.

Later at night, they broke into a shoe shop next to Quick Mart supermarket and looted all the goods in the shop.

Motorists plying the Narok- Bomet highway were forced to pay Sh100 to the young people who had barricaded the road so as to drive along the road.

Tourists heading to the Maasai Mara National Reserve were also delayed as the youngsters barricaded the road.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Governor Wamatangi Opens The Makongeni Bus Park

Residents of Kamenu ward in Thika have a reason to smile following the opening of the Makongeni bus park, aimed at enhancing the public transport sector.

The bus park, which was officially opened for public use on Tuesday by the Governor Kimani Wamatangi, will be a huge relief for the community in the area in terms of public transport.

Speaking at the official opening ceremony, Wamatangi said the 10,000 square meter bitumen standard bus park is a significant relief for the people of Kamenu, who have endured dust, mud, and stagnant water for years in the search of transport services.

‘As of now, 72 active matatu, buses, and tuktuk Saccos will be operating from the Buspark,’ said Governor Wamatangi.

Peter Mburu, the Kamenu Ward Member of County Assembly, lauded the move by the County boss, expressing excitement as this was part of his pre-election manifesto for the electorate.

Those present during the ceremony were CECMs Mburu Kangethe (Roads and Transport), David Kuria (Water and Environment), Dr. Elias M
aina (Health Services), Chief Officers Daniel Njenga (Transport), John Kuria (Livestock), and Emily Nkoroi (Vocational Training and Social Services, Deputy Speaker John Njiru, Chief Whip Nelson Munga, Kennedy Mwangi, aka Kentams (Thika Town), Grace Hinga (Kabete), Stephen Kamau Kinyanjui (Bibirioni), Joseph Muhinja (Githunguri), Kung’u Smart (Kiamwangi), Kimani Nduta (Biashara).

Source: Kenya News Agency

Nakuru Special Needs’ Groups To Receive County Funding

Bodaboda riders and women groups in Rhoda Ward, Nakuru Town, and Nakuru West Sub- Counties have been advised to formalise their groups to take advantage of the County Cooperative and Enterprise Funds in the upcoming financial year.

The County Cooperatives Officer Martin Gichinga while addressing the Mwarhoda Bodaboda Riders and Mwarhoda Women Group at Hadassah Hall on Wednesday, in Rhoda Ward assured them of continuous collaboration and support from the County Government.

He urged participants of the forum to engage the Cooperatives Department to access affordable funds and encouraged families to have their youth join Vocational Training Centres and utilize the Ajira Digital Hub at Menengai Social Hall.

The popular Ajira Digital Centre in Bondeni also offers free music recording services to Nakuru youth.

The area MCA John Macharia who joined the meeting assured the members of his commitment to linking the groups with the County Government to reap maximum benefits from the cooperative kitty.

The MCA prais
ed the commitment of the group work at the informal settlement areas and stated that they have played a significant role in assisting disadvantaged families educate their children and meet other daily needs.

Commending the groups, he emphasized their contribution to changing their fortunes through team work.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Police Arrest 130 Youths In Naivasha For Looting Millions During Anti-Finance Bill 2024 Protest

Police in Naivasha have arrested over 130 youths for looting and destruction of properties worth millions of shillings during Tuesday’s anti-Finance Bill 2024 protests that rocked the town.

During the day-long protest that was majorly peaceful but turned chaotic in the evening hours, hundreds of youths invaded and ransacked the constituency office and Naivas supermarket before making off with properties worth millions of shillings.

According to Naivasha OCPD Stephen Kirui, local police officers had been marshalled to provide security during the protest which was later invaded by hardcore criminals from nearby informal settlements causing damage to buildings and looting everything.

‘Our police officers responded to the incident, arrested the looters and foiled further destruction of properties by criminal elements,’ he said.

Kirui noted that business operations have resumed after hundreds of police officers were deployed to contain criminals that may cause mayhem and destruction ahead of tomorrow’s planned

In addition, the OCPD said officers have launched a manhunt for criminals who caused havoc, with positive recoveries of stolen items from nearby informal settlements of Kihoto and Karagita.

‘All criminal elements who camouflaged as peaceful protestors have since been arrested and are being processed before being charged in court with various charges,’ said Kirui.

When the KNA team visited the ransacked Naivas supermarket in Naivasha Town, the gravity of the looting and destruction that occurred during the protest aftermath laid bare.

A proprietor of a business that was burned and destroyed by charged youths Edith Wanjiru said she has suffered great damages and losses worth millions of shillings.

The devastated Wanjiru said her premise was targeted because she had rented part of it to area Member of Parliament Jayne Kihara whom the rowdy youths accused of supporting and voting for the controversial Finance Bill.

She said the youths ransacked all her forty rental rooms, and CDF offices, and burn
t a nearby car while looting away valuables including electronics and beddings.

‘I am seeking government compensation for I have invested all my earnings in this premises which have now been destroyed just because a section has been rented by area MP, Jayne Kihara,’ said Wanjiru.

According to Michael Mbugua, a local youth who participated in the protest, the demonstration turned chaotic in the evening hours when goons started looting and destroying properties.

Mbugua termed it unfortunate that the hundreds of youths who worked at the now destroyed businesses risked losing their jobs and livelihoods due to the incident.

The protests that rocked most parts of the country have seen more than ten youths killed and tens of others injured with a section invading the country’s Parliament after members of the National Assembly passed the bill.

The now-passed Finance Bill 2024 has attracted the wrath of youthful protesters nicknamed Gen Zees who have called for its total rejection for imposing extra taxes on the

The bill seeks to introduce extra tax measures that would help raise an additional Sh346 billion to fund the government budgetary estimated revenue of Sh3.4 trillion through the 2024/25 financial year.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Artisanal Mining Committee In West Pokot County Launched

The government has launched and operationalised the artisanal mining committee for West Pokot County to help fight illegal mining operations.

Speaking during the launch of the committee in Kapenguria town, Director of Mines in the State Department for Mining Gregory Kituki stated that the committee serves as an advisory body to the representative of the director of mines on permit grant, renewal and revocation at the county level.

He expressed his satisfaction with the operationalization of the committee, stating that it will contribute to economic growth and help combat illegal mining activities in the region, which are prevalent in the County.

‘The establishment of the artisanal committee also aims to create employment opportunities,” Kituku said.

Kituku stressed launch of artisan mining committee was part of the Ministry’s efforts to formalize artisanal mining cooperatives.

‘Currently, the Ministry has registered 250 artisanal mining cooperatives nationwide and has gazetted 28 artisanal mining commit
tees,” he disclosed.

The director highlighted the abundance of minerals in West Pokot County and predicted significant growth in the mining sector in the coming years.

He disclosed that the Ministry of Mining has introduced minerals movement permits to curb illegal mining.

‘Any lorry found transporting minerals without the required permit will be impounded and the owner prosecuted,” Kituku said.

To improve accessibility to mining services, he said the ministry has established eight regional mining laboratories, reducing the need for people to travel to Nairobi for assistance.

Additionally, he said the Ministry has increased its staff and deployed them to the counties to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.

Kituku mentioned that the Ministry has conducted an aerial survey in the county and across the country.

”Currently, geologists are conducting ground to confirm the presence of identified minerals in the county,” he stated.

Kituku also highlighted the Ministry’s success in attracting investors b
oth at the headquarters in Nairobi and the county government.

West Pokot County Deputy Governor (DG) Robert Komolle expressed his gratitude towards the national government for decentralising the process of issuing mining licenses to regional level.

He highlighted the presence of a director and an artisanal mining committee, chaired by an appointee of the governor, as significant developments.

DG Komolle stressed the significance of overseeing mining operations in West Pokot County, highlighting the occurrences of unauthorised mining activities in the region.

He commended the government for allowing small-scale mining operations under the supervision of the artisanal mining committee.

Furthermore, he appreciated the Ministry of Mining for appointing members to the committee.

DG Komolle affirmed the county government’s dedication to collaborating with the Ministry to ensure compliance with mining regulations.

He stressed the potential benefits for the county, including royalties from mining activities.

‘By adhering to the regulations, the county stands to gain a significant portion of the revenue generated, with a percentage allocated to the community,’ DG Komolle said.

DG Komolle also highlighted the county’s aim to increase revenue through mining activities, viewing royalties as a key revenue stream.

He urged various departments to work closely with the artisanal mining committee to facilitate the licensing process and oversee permit issuance, revocation, and renewal effectively.

Source: Kenya News Agency