2NK Karatina Fosa Branch Launch

Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga today presided over the official opening of the new 2NK Karatina branch Nyeri County.

Speaking during the function, Kahiga called on more investors to come into the county noting that by opening the branch office, local investors had demonstrated their faith in Nyeri County and its attractiveness to business investors.

He also commended 2NK Sacco and its board for their outstanding performance and in portraying Nyeri County positively in matters of transport, saying the Sacco offers good services to commuters.

‘I am optimistic about the growth and impact of such Saccos in our county. This kind of investment will undoubtedly benefit the people of Nyeri,’ said Kahiga.

He added that his administration firmly believed in the transformative power of cooperatives as a key tool to fostering socio economic empowerment.

He also said that Nyeri County Government has continued to create a sustainable business environment through infrastructural development like the maintenance of roads
in the county, enhancing accessibility, and easing of acquiring company permits to do business among other incentives.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Government Bigwigs To Discuss New Strategies For Funding Education

National Treasury and Economic Planning Cabinet Secretary Njuguna Ndung’u and his Education counterpart Ezekiel Machogu are set to meet with over 7,000 Heads of Secondary Schools in Kenya to address the critical issue of refinancing education.

The talks aim to explore strategies for refinancing education to ensure sustainable and adequate funding for the country’s education system as the new financial year draws in.

Speaking at the 47th Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (KESSHA) Annual National Conference held at Sheikh Zayed Hall, Mombasa, the Chairman, William Kuria said that the critical topic to be discussed at the conference is meant to explore sustainable strategies to support educational institutions and enhance learning outcomes across the country.

The conference, themed ‘Future Pathways for Learning and Learners in Kenya’, revolves around reflecting the Principals’ commitment to shaping the educational landscape in Kenya.

Kuria highlighted the fact that this year’s capitation had fallen sh
ort, with only Sh12,000 received out of the possible Sh22,244 per student saying the shortfall has impacted the ability to effectively run schools for the year.

However, he noted that they are proactively addressing the issue as they hope to come to a permanent solution.

The chairman confirmed the attendance of the Deputy President, Rigathi Gachagua to inaugurate the conference as he emphasized the government’s commitment to advancing education. Nancy Macharia, the CEO of the Teachers Service Commission is also expected to address transformative leadership at the meet.

‘In addition to these esteemed speakers, we are privileged to host several dignitaries including the Principal Secretaries for Basic Education and also the Technical and Vocational Education, the Auditor General, and other notable personalities,’ Kuria said.

Kuria thanked their sponsors and exhibitors whose generous support made the conference possible, citing special thanks to KCB for their continuous sponsorship and for providing essenti
al financial services, thus contributing significantly to the growth and development of the education sector.

‘As we commence this conference, let us engage thoughtfully, share insights, and work together towards crafting effective strategies that will shape the future learning pathways in Kenya,’ he noted.

The Head of SME Banking and Agribusiness from KCB Bank, Naomi Ndele applauded the strong partnership between the Bank and the Education Sector citing that as a key financial partner, they have offered different solutions over the years targeted at supporting schools in achieving their goals and enhancing the quality of education.

Ndele went on to highlight some of the solutions offered by the Bank including unsecured loans for equipment and green energy solutions like solar systems for lighting and heating water, LPG solutions for clean cooking, and water treatment solutions for purification and recycling of water. These solutions, she noted, save money and ensure a healthier environment for both staff
and students.

She noted that the Bank also offers charge-free accounts for schools, tailored to facilitate seamless fee collection and operational transactions.

‘KCB is dedicated to supporting the regional KESSHA forums through our decentralized regional offices and extensive branch network. This support is further strengthened by our head office function, ensuring that we are present and active in these forums across the country,’ Ndele said.

Source: Kenya News Agency

House Approves Land Release, Compensation, and Resettlement Proclamation

Addis Ababa: The House of Peoples Representatives approved a proclamation to establish a system for releasing land, providing compensation, and resettling displaced individuals.

In its 34th regular meeting the House approved the amended proclamation by a majority vote with 4 objections and 6 abstentions after extensively discussion.

Chairperson of the Urban, Infrastructure and Transport Affairs Standing Committee, Shewit Shenka, presented a report on the proposed proclamation. She noted that the revised proclamation clearly defines the authorities and responsibilities for resettling and rehabilitating displaced people.

The chairperson also explained that the proclamation includes provisions to ensure development projects are carried out efficiently and without delay. The new system is intended to reduce delays caused by court disputes and inappropriate compensation claims.

The chairperson of the Law and Justice Affairs Standing Committee, Etsegenet Mengestu, stated that the previous compensation system wa
s vulnerable to corruption, and the displaced do not receive adequate compensation.

However, the amended proclamation will ensure proper use of government and public resources, the Chairperson stated.

As the highest courts will hear appeals from people who feel they have not been fairly compensated, the new proclamation will not create issues in the justice system, she added.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Eastern Africa Standby Force Lauds Ethiopia’s Role in Ensuring Regional Security

Addis Ababa: The Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) has commended Ethiopia for its significant role in ensuring regional security.

Eastern Africa Standby Force Director Brigadier General Paul Kahuria Njema told ENA that Ethiopia is one of the leading members of the Eastern African Standby Force.

The EASF draws its membership from 10 active member states, including Burundi, Comoros, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Seychelles, Somalia, Sudan, and Uganda.

The director explained that cross-border crimes extend beyond national borders, encompassing transnational challenges that affect not only the Eastern African region but also the entire continent and the world.

The region is not also exempt from challenges, as certain parts of our region are affected by cross-border and transnational crimes, he noted.

According to him, “Ethiopia is a crucial member of the Eastern Africa Standby Force and collaborates closely with other nations to continue the fight against terrorism.”

Ethiopia has the longest history
of combating terrorism in the region, Brigadier General Njema stated, adding that he is looking forward to having Ethiopia involve itself in all the operations that the standby force is going to undertake.

“I know they are going to do that because it (Ethiopia) is a very critical member of this organization. So, it is a very committed member of my organization.”

The director further elaborated that the region is now confronted with the resurgence of piracy.

“We realize that the maritime sphere is an area that needs to be addressed; and we are looking for having a command post exercise so that we can bring our forces together to address that very important sphere of operation.”

In this regard, the standby force is looking forward to receiving support from member states to enhance patrol capabilities and ensure the security of vital sea lanes of communication.

These lanes are crucial for regional trade, providing a safe environment for all businesses to operate, the director pointed out.

Ethiopia hosts th
e critical infrastructure of the Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF), with its headquarters and logistical base situated in the country, it was learned.

EASF is a regional organization whose mandate is to enhance peace and security in the eastern Africa region.

It was established as a regional mechanism to provide capability for rapid deployment of forces to carry out preventive deployment, rapid intervention, peace support/stability operations and peace enforcement.

The standby force has been fully operational since 2014 and stands ready to undertake any deployment as needed.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

New Asset Recovery Draft Bill Aims to End Economic Crimes in Ethiopia

Addis Ababa: Minister of Justice Gedion Timotiwos revealed that the newly drafted Asset Recovery Bill aims to end crimes and establish a healthy economic system in Ethiopia.

The minister briefed journalists today on the purpose of the bill and its consequential impact on stabilizing the country’s political-economic landscape.

Gedion said economic crimes have resulted in a serious damage to the country. In this regard, the draft bill is indispensable as it attempts to overcome such economic challenges, he added.

The minister believes that the new bill will discourage individuals, who have been persistently engaged in economic crimes through human trafficking, money laundry and illicit financial activities.

He said that ‘unverified wealth’ is also directly impacting the financial system of the country, its tax system, foreign currency earnings, and circulation of money among others.

The crimes have become obstacles to attract foreign investment in the financial sector and other areas, he added.

‘They (cri
mes) need to be stopped somewhere. We need to stop people from accumulating wealth through illicit means,’ Gedion underscored.

Thus, he stated that the Asset Recovery draft bill is a key legal tool to stop the aforementioned crimes which have cost the country dearly.

Gedion added that Ministry of Justice has taken the experiences of various countries and considered international conventions in the course of preparing the draft bill.

The bill has been referred to the House of People’s Representatives (HPR) for approval.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Draft Asset Recovery Bill Would Allow Ethiopia to Run Rule-based Economy, Says Justice Minister

Addis Ababa: The draft asset recovery bill submitted to the legislature would allow Ethiopia to establish a rule-based economic system, Justice Minister Gedion Timothewos said.

Briefing the media, the minister stated that the bill presented to the House of People’s Representatives will be consequential to see a healthy economic system in Ethiopia.

Explaining the need for the bill, Gedion noted that economic related crimes have been on the rise in the country.

‘Crimes committed by such individuals for economic profit and money are becoming more frequent, sophisticated and more complex. It has (therefore) become essential to prevent and control criminals so that no person can get economic benefits from illegal activity,’ he underscored.

According to the minister, a person who engages in economic crime will not be only prosecuted but his wealth linked with illegal activities will be confiscated.

The bill also brings about a major shift in the legal approach to dealing with ‘unexplained wealth.’

Under the d
raft asset recovery proclamation, the burden of proof would rest on individuals or institutions to explain the legitimacy of acquired assets, he elaborated.

Individuals and entities would prove the sources of their unexplained assets by presenting documents, and prosecutors may grant an extension of up to six months.

Investigations can be initiated based on information from credible sources, financial intelligence services, or reports from financial institutions, it was learned.

The justice minister believes that Ethiopia, by effectively implementing the asset recovery proclamation, could create a more efficient and effective system for combating financial crimes.

Moreover, the draft bill meets the international obligations that Ethiopia has to fulfill, he added.

In doing so, the country helps to implement international and United Nations conventions to prevent corruption and other economic crime, according to Gedion.

The minister further recalled that the current legal framework of Ethiopia for unexpla
ined wealth does not embrace sections of the society other than civil servants.

The new draft asset recovery bill will be addressing the gap.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency