State Unveils 300,000 Verified Jobs Abroad, Promotes Secure Employment For Youth

The National Government through the Ministry of Labour and Social Development has unveiled 300,000 job opportunities abroad through the National Employment Authority Portal.

Speaking during a tree planting exercise at Taita Taveta University on Saturday where over 5,000 tree seedlings were planted, the Principal Secretary (PS) for Labour and Skills Development at the Ministry of Labour and Social Development Shadrack Mwadime highlighted significant progress in Kenya’s employment sector.

The PS stated that the National Employment Authority portal currently boasts 300,000 job opportunities uploaded by private recruitment agencies as a result of the Ministry’s insistence on transparency and accessibility in job postings.

Mwadime encouraged Kenyans interested in establishing private recruitment agencies to seize the opportunity, emphasizing that this is a promising avenue for creating employment opportunities abroad.

He acknowledged the mistrust among the youth, who often dismissed overseas job offers as scam
s due to past experiences with fraudulent conmen.

‘There are many job opportunities opening up abroad, but when you try to advise a youth, they think these are scams. Many youths have been cheated by conmen and have lost their money. That might be the reason they shun online job opportunities because they have lost confidence,’ said Mwadime.

To counter this, Mwadime reiterated that the government has taken stringent measures to ensure that labour migration is organized and secure by ensuring a thorough vetting process of private recruitment agencies, which he said has reduced the number of overseas employment agencies from approximately 1,000 to about 500.

‘This is what we are telling our young people, when you access the National Employment Authority website, you will see recruitment agencies marked with red. Leave them. Their legal status is questionable. But the ones that are in black are okay. You can apply through them and get the job abroad,’ said the PS.

Mwadime stressed that the government’s strat
egy is not to encourage permanent migration but rather temporary employment abroad.

He said that this approach aims to boost the domestic economy, as returning workers invest their earnings in local projects, benefiting sectors such as construction and small businesses.

‘We want them to go for two or three years and bring back the money to their country. When they construct houses or start businesses, our children who have remained here will also benefit. A Kenyan who is abroad and thinking of constructing a mansion or warehouse will hire a mason from here, use sand from here, and buy building stones from here. The money will circulate in our economy,’ he added.

The PS stated that by sending youths abroad for two to three years, the initiative seeks to emulate traditional exports, such as tea and coffee, positioning the Kenyan workforce as a valuable economic asset.

‘It is a deliberate strategy of sending our youths abroad. It’s like export. The way we export tea and coffee, it’s how we are sending our yo
uths, a major export. They go, look for money abroad, and bring it back to their home country,’ he noted.

The Principal Secretary’s speech emphasized the government’s commitment to fostering organized labour migration, enhancing economic growth, and restoring confidence among the youth in pursuing legitimate job opportunities abroad.

Source: Kenya News Agency

FAWEK Sensitizes Boys And Young Men On Their Role To Champion Girl’s Rights, End Teenage Pregnancy

In an effort to reduce cases of teenage pregnancy and to champion girl’s rights, the Forum for African Women Educationalists in Kenya (FAWEK) in partnership with Mastercard Foundation held a boys and young men’s sensitization conference in Thika, Kiambu County.

FAWEK Murang’a and Kiambu County Coordinator Pauline Masese said the sensitization exercise sought to create a pool of boys and young men with changed attitudes and behaviors, advocating against teenage pregnancy in the country.

‘Male engagement is pivotal in creating changed attitudes and behaviors among young men,’ said Masese adding that this would have a ripple effect in getting more positive young men more involved in advocating against teenage pregnancy.

Addressing the over 50 participants drawn from stakeholders, including government representatives, community leaders, boda-boda operators, chiefs, religious leaders, and students Masese said despite significant strides in gender equality and human rights, many cultures still harboured retrogre
ssive practices that perpetuated discrimination and inequality.

‘The societal landscape is constantly evolving, and it is imperative to involve all members of the community in fostering an environment of equality and progress,’ said Masese adding that boys and young men played a critical role in this transformation.

She said empowering boys and young men to speak against inequalities and challenge retrogressive cultures is a vital step toward building a more equitable and progressive society.

‘This exercise will provide them with the tools and support needed to become advocates for change and champions of equality,’ said Masese, while speaking during the two days’ boys and young men’s sensitization conference in a Kiambu Hotel.

She said men were expected to shift from negatively being responsible for teenage pregnancies and instead tap into their potential to prevent pregnancies through abstinence from sex and/or practicing safe sex.

‘Boys and young men, as future leaders and influencers, need to be empo
wered to challenge these practices,’ she said, adding that they have provided them with the tools and support needed to become advocates for change and champions of equality.

On his part, Thika West Deputy County Commissioner James Wanyoike said as an administration, they were making sure that all school going children were in school despite their backgrounds.

Wanyoike said that the government is ensuring that there is one hundred transition percent of the pupils from one class to the next by working with the chiefs, assistant chiefs and school head teachers in putting measures to ensure no child drops out of school.

‘The community is faced with challenges including teen pregnancy, drugs and substance abuse, gender based violence among others,’ said Wanyoike adding that the government is taking measures to curb such menace to ensure learners stay in school.

On his part, Rurii Secondary School Tuseme club patron Dickson Mugo said FAWEK advocates for gender equity and equality in education in Kenya by foste
ring positive policies, practices and attitude towards girl’s education.

Mugo said that since the introduction of Tuseme club, the school has seen positive changes in the students’ behaviours in terms of curbing the matter of teen pregnancy.

He said that from the year 2021 to 2023 they started sensitizing the boys on their role in preventing teen pregnancy and empowering the girls and they have seen the number of cases reduce.

‘After Covid 19 in 2021 when our pupils sat for their KSCE, we had seven girls who were pregnant,’ he said adding that in the year 2022, they had two cases and the next year they had none.

FAWEK is partnering with Mastercard Foundation in the Imarisha Msichana programme which aims to significantly reduce the incidence of teenage pregnancy in Kenya.

The Imarisha Msichana Project is being implemented in select schools through Tuseme Clubs and other key interventions.

The programme is being implemented in 20 counties in Kenya namely; Murang’a, Kiambu, Nakuru, Nairobi, Machakos, Elgey
o Marakwet, Garissa, Bungoma, Kakamega, Nyeri, Migori, Kajiado, Narok, Homa-Bay, Trans-Nzoia, Nyandarua, Busia, Meru, Siaya, and Turkana.

Source: Kenya News Agency

‘By planting, We Are not Only Greening but Also Energizing All Sectors of Economy’: PM Abiy

Addis Ababa: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said that ‘by planting (seedlings), we are not only greening the country but also energizing all sectors of the economy.’

The Green Legacy planting for this Ethiopian year was launched in Hayk City of South Wolo Zone, Amhara Region, today.

The prime minister wrote on his FaceBook that ‘this year’s Green Legacy planting cycle (has been launched) in the Hayk City of South Wolo Zone, Amhara Region.’

He added that ‘by planting, we are not only greening the country but also energizing all sectors of the economy.’

Recall that the premier said during the Green Legacy pre-launch program held at the Office of the Prime Minister late last week the country’s goal for this year is to reach 40 billion seedlings from the overall target of 50 billion.

This means there is a need to collectively plant 7.5 billion seedlings this planting cycle, he added.

Ethiopia’s forest coverage has increased to 23.6 percent by 2023 from 17.2 in 2019, it was learned.

Source: Ethiopian News Agenc

Embrace Dialogue And Maintain Peace-Gen Z Advised

The Kenya Internally Displaced Persons Organization (KIDPO) has called for a national conversation between the leaders and the young people who went to the streets to protest against the Finance Bill 2024.

KIDPO has also urged the young people to give dialogue a chance while allowing President William Ruto to act on their grievances.

KIDPO Patron Mr. Peter Tena observed that further escalation, such as threats to occupy certain government offices were unnecessary at this point as the government had demonstrated commitment to initiate dialogue with Gen Z and communicate openly the next steps.

Tena indicated that President Ruto’s efforts of reviving the economy and unifying the country were dependent on peace and noted that absence of peace renders everything else impotent.

‘The government has acknowledged their unity and demands, and it is now time to allow the government to implement a fair Bill that does not burden citizens,’ stated the Patron.

Speaking to journalists in Nakuru, Tena affirmed that citiz
ens needed to uphold peace and respect rule of law as they could only enjoy legal or constitutional rights in a country that exists and functions.

He expressed sorrow over the loss of lives and emphasized that it was essential to focus on preserving stability and ensuring that any further actions are pursued through democratic and inclusive processes.

This approach, added the Patron, is vital to prevent the country from descending into a cycle of instability and authoritarianism, which could exacerbate corruption, and economic mismanagement, and worsen living conditions for its citizens.

‘To our young generation, the nation is yours and your families are our families and we thank you for being our children but we also have a nation which belongs to all of us. Let us all share by listening to one another and we want to listen to you,’ said Tena.

The Patron said young people should not go to the streets to demonstrate, as no protests have led to any good but loss of lives and property then violence, adding
that it starts small then it becomes uncontrollable.

Tena however said the exercise of this democratic right to demonstrate should be performed with decency and respect for the rule of law.

He welcomed the President’s stance saying that Gen Z constitute a large percentage of the population and their voice is critically important in seeking solutions to national issues.

Tena called on other leaders across the political divide to emulate the President and listen to the youth and urged Kenyans in general to embrace the divine invitation of ‘come, let’s reason together’ for the common good of all.

He reminded leaders that their power is derived from the people, stressing the importance of adhering to democratic principles. He urged leaders to exercise restraint and engage with the populace.

‘I call for calm and for the leadership to show restraint and do the right thing by listening to the people and not being antagonistic to them. Violence on either side is not the answer,’ he stated.

He acknowledged the c
hallenges of leading the country and called for wisdom and civility to prevail.

KIDPO Governing Council Member Reverend Harrison Kimani Mwangi also called for dialogue and understanding, reiterating the need for leaders to engage in constructive conversation with the people.

‘I pray for peace and understanding on the part of every Kenyan and for all of us to remember that Kenya is bigger than any one of us; there is nothing cast in stone that cannot be changed,’ he explained.

Rev. Mwangi further called on the elected leaders to realize that the people of Kenya are supreme and they should be accountable to them.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Former African footballers, Artists and Fashion Designers Visit GERD

Addis Ababa: Former African footballers, famous artists and fashion designers from the continent have visited the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) today.

The celebrities were briefed about the construction process and the project’s development implication to Ethiopia by Minister of Tourism, Nasise Chali and Minister of Irrigation and Lowlands, Abreham Belay.

The former African footballers, famous artists and fashion designers are in Ethiopia to participate in the ‘Shenen Africa Festival’ which was opened on Friday at the Adwa Victory Museum in the capital.

Former Nigerian national football team striker Nwankwo Kanu and other African former football players as well as celebrated actors, social media influencers, designers, models, technology experts, businesspeople, diplomats and other professionals from Africa are participating at the festival.

Ambassador Nasise underscored in her opening remark yesterday the significance of sports and art to enhance interaction among the people of Africa.

The fest
ival is also believed to provide golden opportunity to promote tourism attractions in Addis Ababa.

Ethiopian coffee varieties, a fashion show, and other activities are scheduled for the festival, which will take place in until coming Sunday.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

State Allocates Sh7.4 Billion For Junior Secondary Schools’ Infrastructure

The Cabinet Secretary for Education Ezekiel Machogu has announced the allocation of Sh7.4 billion to enhance educational infrastructure by constructing more classrooms, laboratories and procure science related learning materials in preparation to receive more students in Junior Secondary Schools across the country.

Speaking at the 47th Kenya Secondary School Heads Association (KESSHA) National Conference held at Sheikh Zayed Hall, Mombasa, Machogu noted that this development aimed at accommodating the growing number of students in line with improving the quality of science education across the country.

‘Already, we are providing Sh3.5 billion to primary schools for building 1,000 additional classrooms countrywide. A further Sh3.9 billion, to be topped up by the National Government-Constituency Development Fund, has also been provided for the construction of classrooms at the constituency level through NG-CDF,’ noted the CS

The CS urged the principals to work closely with the government to guarantee success
in the education sector.

‘The roll out of the CBC especially in senior schools requires we all work together with you principals as the primary actors. The government is committed to providing you with all the support possible to guarantee success,’ said the CS.

On his part, the Mombasa Governor Abdulswammad Shariff Nassir highlighted the tremendous support that the County Government is currently offering to schools in an effort to ensure that every child enjoys their right to education.

Source: Kenya News Agency