Cancer Survivors Support Group Launched In Nandi

Nandi County Government has launched a cancer survivors support group where residents will be sharing their personal experiences.

Over 128 survivors who converged at Kapsabet County Referral Hospital during the launch of the program said the support group will serve as a welcoming space for cancer patients and survivors in the county, enabling them to engage in a close-knit community engagement.

The group will also be a platform that will provide patients and survivors with the opportunity to get moral support from people who are actually going through the same situation, or people who have great knowledge and experience in providing emotional and psychological support.

‘This group aims at instilling persistence and hope in breast cancer patients, while providing them with all types of assistance needed,’ said Stella Birgenfrom Barton a breast cancer survivor.

Birgen began her treatment at Kapsabet Referral Hospital in 2021, undergoing eight cycles of chemotherapy. She said the support she received from h
ealthcare professionals and loved ones have been crucial in her fight against cancer.

According to her, cancer patients experience lack of attention, slow processing speed, memory dysfunctions, loneliness, anxiety and distress among other things which have a negative effect on the quality of life.

As a cancer survivor, Birgen has encouraged everyone to prioritize cancer screening, emphasizing that it can affect anyone regardless of age. Her own experience with breast cancer has shown her the importance of getting screened regularly, early detection and prompt treatment.

Jane Chepkoech, a resident of Kabutei and a cervical cancer survivor called on the County Government to provide financial support for cancer patients.

She highlighted the financial burden of treatment, stressing that it is costly and often difficult for patients to afford.

Speaking at the same event, Nandi Deputy Governor Dr Yulita Mitei said, ‘As a County Government, we are committed to enhancing access to cancer screenings and treatment
s for our residents. While we strive to bring these services closer, we also encourage our residents to utilize the oncology center at Kapsabet County Referral Hospital for comprehensive care and specialized treatment options’.

She went on ‘Together, we celebrate life, inspire hope, and reaffirm that no one has to face cancer alone.’

Nandi County Executive Committee Member for Health (CECM) Ruth Koech asserted that cancer diagnosis and treatment is an overwhelming process for the patients and their loved ones adding that the treatment of cancer is a journey right from the diagnosis to treatment and even after survival.

‘This cancer support group is extremely helpful for patients to get motivated and inspired every step of the way. We aim to combat cancer jointly by encouraging the patient and their families, and friends to be courageous and positive during the treatment process. At Kapsabet Oncology, we are committed to offering best clinical expertise, and service excellence for our patients in the County
,’ she said.

Koech said this is a platform that not only provides a safe space for survivors to share their experiences but also promotes a sense of belonging and solidarity. By offering emotional support, practical advice, and a network of understanding peers, the support group empowers survivors to navigate challenges with resilience and optimism.

‘When we first set up the cancer center in Kapsabet, we noticed many patients who came to us were already in advanced stages of cancer, often stages 3 and 4. This showed the treatment process that people were not getting diagnosed early enough or seeking treatment early. It’s a reminder of the importance of awareness and early detection in fighting cancer effectively. Our goal now is to improve access to screening and education,’ she said.

The CECM emphasized the importance of women in the community taking proactive steps against breast cancer, adding that it is leading in all types of cancer in the County.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Nandi Youths Asked To Register Entrepreneur Groups

Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) for long have not been fully been recognized is key driver in our economy despite significant role in growing small economies in rural and urban set ups.

Recognizing their significance, the government has taken proactive steps to elevate their status and support their development.

Mr. Chumba Collins officer in charge of MSMEs in Nandi County emphasizes the commitment of the institution to prioritize the vulnerable groups includes women, persons with disabilities, and youth ensuring they have opportunities to thrive in society.

Chumba however decried that only 20 groups have been registered in Nandi saying MSMEs structure only supports youths, women and vulnerable persons registered groups.

He clarified that their office assists entrepreneurs by providing equipment and tools needed for their daily businesses for instance modern sewing machines for those interested clothes designs.

According to him, they also welcome business ideas from individual and offer fina
ncial support to registered groups with achievable business financial plans.

At the same time, they help entrepreneurs connect with markets and provide marketing skills through trade shows and exhibitions. This support aims to help businesses thrive and grow in the community.

Chumba appealed to youths, women and the vulnerable groups to register their businesses and seek for trainings and funding from MSMEs.

He revealed that registered entrepreneurs groups in Nandi have benefited from chick hatching incubators and dairy milk coolers. Many youths were also trained in different fields of interest at various institutions. Additionally, they have been connected to market opportunities to sell their goods and services effectively.

The National Affordable Housing Project in Emgwen Constituency within Kapsabet town has involved the youths groups in various skilled trades such as masonry, welding, carpentry, plumbing, and electrical engineering this being one of the key government agenda of job creation.

This in
itiative not only supports the housing projects but also contributes to the development of skills and economic opportunities among young people.

Chumba highlighted programs working with MSMEs in supporting youth entrepreneurs skills and cited the Kenya Youths Empowerment and Opportunities Project (KYEOP) and the National Youth Opportunities Program (NYOTA) as playing key roles.

These programs he said have helped many youths to showcase their abilities and gain access to funds.

The goal is to empower youth to start and grow their businesses, fostering economic independence and contributing to national development efforts, he said adding that the programs are pivotal in providing crucial support for youth entrepreneurship across Kenya.

One of the major challenges facing MSMEs is insufficient funding, which fails its crucial activities according to Chumba. This lack of adequate financial resources limits its ability to support and promote entrepreneurs effectively.

Another challenge is the reluctance of man
y associations and entrepreneurs to register with the SMEMs structure.

Chumba encouraged the youths within Nandi to visit their office to pursue their dreams as young entrepreneurs in order to achieve the agenda of strengthened youth entrepreneurship across Kenya.

Source: Kenya News Agency

CEMASTEA Unveils 5-Year Strategic Plan To Steer STEM Education

Centre for Mathematics Science and Education and Technology in Africa (CEMASTEA) has begun on significant steps towards achieving excellent capacity in developing science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education following the launch of the Strategic Plan 2023-2027.

Education Cabinet Secretary Ezekiel Machogu, in a speech read on his behalf by the Director of Projects Coordination in the Ministry of Education, Elija Mungai, underscored the importance of the 5-year plan in enhancing STEM education and socio-economic development.

The CS said the plan is very crucial in defining CEMASTEA’s role in enhancing STEM education in Kenya as it will address the skill gap crisis existing globally where businesses fail to attract the right talents in STEM-based careers.

Machogu commended the stakeholders for drafting the plan, saying it will revolutionize the education system by enhancing training, research, and innovation.

‘We believe, as a sector, that CEMASTEA is one of the key institutions that wi
ll revolutionize how STEM education is implemented at the school level,’ he said.

CS commended CEMASTEA while urging CEMASTEA to continue providing capacity building for STEM teachers, training curriculum implementers on gender responsive pedagogy, and providing specialised STEM teaching and learning resources.

He revealed that the National Curriculum Policy promotes enrolment in STEM subjects, as reflected in the Basic Education Curriculum Framework, which recommends 60% of learners from Junior School to transition to the STEM Pathway in Senior School.

The CS reiterated the government commitment to supporting and expanding the number of students pursuing advanced degrees and careers in STEM fields by promoting the participation of women and marginalised communities, expanding the STEM-capable workforce, and increasing STEM literacy for all students, including those not pursuing STEM-related careers.

Machogu urged the Board, Management, staff, and stakeholders of CEMASTEA to ensure successful implementati
on of the Plan to meet high expectations and reflect the institution’s rich experience in the quality of outcomes at the end of the strategic period to boost education in Kenya.

While assuring the government support, the CS said, ‘I therefore urge the Board, Management, and staff of CEMASTEA, as well as the stakeholders, to spare no effort in ensuring successful implementation of this Plan to enable CEMASTEA to meet high expectations already placed on the Centre.’

CEMASTEA is a Pan-African institution serving Kenya and other African countries. It serves as the official headquarters of the Strengthening Mathematics and Science Education in Africa (SMASE-Africa) Association as well as the Secretariat for the Inter-Country Quality Node on Mathematics and Science Education for the Association for Development of Education in Africa (ADEA ICQN-MSE) on behalf of the ministry.

The government’s Vision 2030 Medium-Term Plan IV, which embodies the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA), CS added, prioritises
STEM education for inclusive growth. This is a key focus under the Human Capital Development in the Social Sector Pillar, which aims to strengthen STEM skills and reduce the cost of strategic projects requiring expatriates’ expertise.

‘Africa and Kenya, included, rely on expatriates to deliver projects that require related knowledge and skills. As a result, investments in strategic projects become expensive,’ he said.

The CS said the Ministry has collaborated with CEMASTEA to develop a Sector Policy on STEM Education and Training, to enhance well-coordinated, inclusive, equitable, quality, and relevant STEM education and training.

On his part, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), of the Centre for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education in Africa (CEMASTEA), Jacinta Akatsa, said the launch of the strategic plan is a well-thought-out and focused move, as it will address the existing gaps and spearhead the Centre into the next high level towards meeting the expectations of the nation and the Centre.

‘The s
trategic plan is very crucial, as it will steer the Centre into the next high level,’ she said.

The CEO added that the plan will open new horizons and platforms for the Centre to achieve its mission to provide continuous competencies for sustainable development through STEM education.

Among the strategic goals are enhancing quality teaching and learning, increasing partnerships, linkages, and collaborations, as well as strengthening STEM education, training, and research in Africa for innovative transformation.

She commended stakeholders for developing a sustainable plan that aligns with national development priorities, including Vision 20230, MTP-IV, BETA, SDGs, AU Agenda 2063, and EAC Vision 2050, as it boosts experiential learning, innovation, creativity, and attraction to STEM-related disciplines.

On his part, Director Teacher Professional Management Teachers Service Commission, Dr. Reuben Nthamburi, commended CEMESTEA for developing the plan, adding that it helps transform the education system by ena
bling the government to achieve the STEM agenda.

Nthamburi pointed out that 60% of the STEM skills are required by the students to succeed in schools, emphasising the need for CEMESTEA to support teachers through upskilling.

Adding that, ‘We stand with CEMESTEA to ensure teachers succeed’.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Green Legacy Initiative Bringing About Tangible Results in Enhancing Forest Cover

Addis Ababa: The Green Legacy Initiative, considered as a massive reforestation campaign of Ethiopia has been playing a paramount role in protecting the ecosystem and increasing the forest cover, the Ethiopian Forestry Development underscored.

For the past five years, Ethiopia has diligently pursued an annual planting program under the Green Legacy Initiative, initiated by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in 2019, it was indicated.

As a result of the initiative, Ethiopia’s Forest Cover report indicates that by 2023, the country’s forest cover had increased to 23.6% from 17.2% in 2019.

Approached by ENA Ethiopian Forestry Development Director-General, Kebede Yimam underlined the need for reducing poverty and ensuring economic growth through a proper utilization of natural resources.

Acknowledging Ethiopia’s potential natural resources, the forest resource in particular, he reminded that it had been neglected for many years due to improper protection and cutting down of wood for shelter construction and firewood.

The director-general referred a study conducted from 2000 to 2013, which figured out that the annual deforestation rate in Ethiopia is estimated at 92,000 hectares. And another study from 2014 to 2019 points out that deforestation decreased to 38, 0000 hectares.

Most importantly, Kebede emphasized on the declined Ethiopia’s annual deforestation rate which has decreased to 27,703 hectares.

For him, those countries that do not manage and use their natural resources in an appropriate way are exposed to unprecedented ecological risk.

Degradation of forested lands, unbalanced use of natural resources and high population growth are the reasons for various disasters, Kebede said.

The Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative which has been becoming a critical demonstration in the endeavors of withstanding climate change impacts, the director-general elaborated that it has played an important role to increase forest cover.

As green development is important for the safety of the ecosystem and sustainable development by
increasing the forest cover, he urged the entire society to contribute their fair share in planting and maintaining saplings.

According to the director-general, the survival rate of planted seedlings is significantly increasing.

Kebede believed that this happened following the community’s awareness on the importance of forests is growing and the culture of properly caring for saplings has developed.

Speaking on year’s Green Legacy pre-launch program said a paradigm last week, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed noted that our goal for this year is to reach 40 billion seedlings from our overall target of 50 billion, which means we need to collectively plant 7.5 billion seedlings this planting cycle.

Dessie City Inaugurates over Half Billion Birr Worth Infrastructure Dev’t Projects

Addis Ababa: Dessie city, the South Wollo Zone of the Amhara Region has inaugurated today over 500-million birr worth of infrastructure projects aimed at addressing long overdue development demands in the city.

Dessie, located about 400 kilometers north of the capital Addis Ababa, the city’s inhabitants have been demanding better infrastructure development including roads, housings and other necessary projects.

Considering today’s inaugurated projects as a response from the regional and federal governments, the development infrastructures are anticipated to significantly improve the living standards of the community.

The inaugural ceremony of the newly built infrastructure projects was attended by the Deputy Chief Administrator of Amhara Region Abdu Hussain, Deputy Mayor of Dessie City Administration, Samuel Molalign and other federal and regional officials.

Among the unveiled major infrastructures development projects are bus stations, asphalt roads built in different areas of the city, public pharmacies
and other development projects, ENA reporter witnessed that.

Recall that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed visited development projects in and around the city of Dessie and met with the residents yesterday.

The premier wrote on X that he observed many impressive works being carried out everywhere in the city during the visit.

Speaking at the inaugural ceremony, Managing Director of Dessie city Administration Infrastructure Department, Kasim Abera said the development projects have been constructed with the participation of the government and society.

According to him, the asphalt roads were built from Koshin-Ber-Gerado to Piasa- Medhanialem, Wolo Hotel-Mayor’s Office and its surrounding areas.

Kasim recalled that the development works that have been completed for inauguration were the age-old development demands of the society.

And he said those projects have been realized through a coordinated effort to speed up development along with maintaining the peace and stability of the city.

Ethiopia’s Chemical Industry Corporation Obtains 5 Billion Birr Revenue

Addis Ababa: Chemical Industry Corporation disclosed that it has secured 5 billion Birr in revenue from its industrial chemical input products over the past eleven months.

Given the government’s priority, Ethiopia has been becoming an attractive destination for chemical trade.

In this regard, the country’s chemical industry is diverse and demands chemicals for food, beverage and textiles.

Ethiopia’s Chemical Industry Corporation oversees Muger Cement Factory, Adami Tulu Pesticide Processing Factory, Awash Melkasa Chemical Factory, Batu Caustic Soda Factory and Rubber Tree Development and Production Project, it was indicted.

Speaking to ENA the Corporation CEO, Hundessa Dessalegn said the corporation supplies the chemical products from its factories to the domestic and foreign markets.

Hundessa pointed out that Corporation is playing a paramount role in the country’s economy by increasing the productivity and profitability of fertilizer inputs, rubber tree products, cement and other related chemical produ

As one of the nation’s enterprises, the CEO pointed out that the Chemical Industry Corporation has generated five billion Birr in the past 11 monts of the 2023/24 budget year.

The revenue has shown a 28.9 percent increase compared to the same period last year, he indicated.

He also noted that the Corporation is delivering products that it has partially or fully processed in the rubber tree cultivation to the customers. An expansion project is being implemented to increase its capacity in this sphere, Hundessa said.

For Instance, it is cultivating rubber trees on more than 6,000 hectares of land in Oromia region and Southwest Ethiopia region.

Indicating that half a million rubber trees have been planted through this project initiative, the CEO noted that the corporation is anticipated to harvest up to 30 tons of rubber trees in just one month.

He further explained that in addition to covering the national demand in the sector, the rubber tree development and production project is imperative to maxim
ize foreign currency earnings by exporting products to the international market.

The Chemical Industry Corporation is a government enterprise that provides chemical inputs to producers engaged in agriculture, health, construction, manufacturing and other sectors.