Launch of YouthADAPT Challenge 2023: Empowering Africa’s Female Tech Innovators to tackle Climate Change

YouthADAPT Challenge 2023 is launched by the African Development Bank, the Africa Climate Change Fund and the Global Center on Adaptation.

Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, Oct. 23, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program, a joint initiative of the African Development Bank (“the Bank”) and the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) has launched a call for applications for the third edition of the YouthADAPT Challenge, with support from the Africa Climate Change Fund (ACCF) hosted by the Bank.

YouthADAPT is an annual competition that invites young entrepreneurs leading micro, small, and medium enterprises in Africa to submit innovative solutions and business ideas that can drive climate change adaptation and resilience across the continent.

This year’s call is dedicated to female-owned enterprises pioneering Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies such as artificial intelligence; big data analytics; virtual reality; robotics; Internet of Things; quantum computing; additive manufacturing; blockchain and fifth generation wireless for climate adaptation.

The winners will be awarded $100,000 each and will receive training, mentorship and coaching to support their climate change adaptation solutions and business ideas in their communities and across Africa. They will also join the YouthADAPT Alumni Network to learn from dynamic community of youth entrepreneurs throughout Africa.

To be eligible, applicants must be between the ages of 18 to 35. Their ventures should be youth-led and offer tangible solutions to real-life climate challenges. They must be registered and operational in Africa, with at least two years worth of accounts.

Apply by visiting the application portal.  The closing date for applications is 5th November 2023 at 5:00pm GMT
An information session is scheduled for October 23, 2023 at 11 am GMT, aimed at sharing details about the YouthADAPT Challenge 2023. This session will cover eligibility criteria, the application process, important deadlines, and the advantages of participation, such as grants, mentorship, and business development services.


African Development Bank

  • Joash Ntenga Moitui,  Communications and Knowledge Management, Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program:

Africa Climate Change Fund

Global Center on Adaptation

  • Alex Gee, Head of Communications, Global Center on Adaptation:

Notes to Editors
About African Development Bank
The overarching aim of the African Development Bank Group is to spur sustainable economic development and social progress in its regional member countries, thus contributing to poverty reduction. The Bank Group achieves this goal by mobilizing and allocating resources for investment in regional member countries and providing policy advice and technical assistance to support development efforts. In 2015, all multilateral development institutions agreed on the same set of objectives, the Sustainable Development Goals. Learn more:

About Africa Climate Change Fund
The Africa Climate Change Fund (ACCF or Fund) is a multi-donor trust fund well positioned to contribute to the achievement of the African Development Bank (AfDB)’s goal to triple its climate financing efforts and foster its drive for a climate-resilient Africa. Visit ACCF’s website:

About the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA)
The Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) is an international organization that works as a solutions broker to accelerate action and support for adaptation solutions, from the international to the local, in partnership with the public and private sectors. For more information, please go to

Alexandra Gee
Global Center on Adaptation

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8963575

La décarbonation de l’acier en passe de redéfinir les chaînes d’approvisionnement d’ici à 2050

Selon un rapport de Wood Mackenzie, de nouveaux complexes métalliques verront le jour à mesure que l’industrie sidérurgique accélérera ses efforts de réduction des émissions de carbone

LONDRES, HOUSTON et SINGAPOUR, 19 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Selon le dernier rapport Horizons de Wood Mackenzie, l’industrie sidérurgique devrait subir une transformation significative qui accompagnera l’accélération des efforts de décarbonation. Le rapport ayant pour titre Metalmorphosis : comment la décarbonation transforme l’industrie sidérurgique, met en évidence l’émergence de nouveaux complexes métalliques, la survenue d’une nouvelle forme de production de l’acier ainsi que de nouveaux modèles du commerce mondial.

Selon le dernier rapport de Wood Mackenzie, la technologie du four à arc électrique (EAF), l’utilisation accrue de matières premières écologiques et l’évolution des politiques en matière de carbone joueront un rôle crucial dans cette transformation. La production par EAF à faible intensité de carbone représente 28 % de la production mondiale d’acier et devrait atteindre 50 % d’ici à 2050. Un investissement de 130 milliards de dollars US sera nécessaire pour atteindre cet objectif.

Cette évolution vers un acier à moindre intensité de carbone entraînera une demande de matières premières plus écologiques, telles que le fer à réduction directe (DRI) et d’une ferraille de qualité supérieure. Wood Mackenzie prévoit que la proportion de ces matières premières dans la demande totale de métaux passera de 36 % à 54 % d’ici à 2050, ce qui entraînera la création de nouveaux complexes de production, de traitement et de négociation pour le fer et la ferraille à faible teneur en carbone.

L’augmentation des volumes de production de fer DRI et la croissance des échanges vont créer des opportunités tant en termes d’investissement que de revenus sur la chaîne de valeur prise dans son ensemble. Wood Mackenzie prévoit un doublement de la capacité de fer DRI d’ici 30 ans, ce qui nécessiterait un investissement estimé à 80 milliards de dollars. Cette projection ne prend pas en considération les investissements potentiels en direction de l’hydrogène vert, des fonderies de fer DRI à faible teneur, des plateformes de granulés et du transport maritime.

Wood Mackenzie indique que l’emplacement des nouveaux complexes verts de fer à réduction directe (DRI) sera déterminé en fonction de leur proximité avec la production d’hydrogène à faible teneur en carbone. Ce point se révèle particulièrement important compte tenu des incertitudes qui entourent le transport et le stockage de l’hydrogène commercialisé. Le Moyen-Orient et l’Australie sont bien positionnés pour tirer parti de cette opportunité, et le nombre de projets dans ces régions est en augmentation.

La qualité primera sur la quantité à mesure que le coût de l’acier à faible teneur en carbone augmentera. Sur les marchés où les prix du carbone sont élevés, l’importation de DRI vert pour fabriquer de l’acier à faible teneur en carbone à l’aide de fours à arc électrique deviendra plus avantageuse que l’importation d’acier fini provenant de producteurs à forte intensité d’émissions tels que la Chine et l’Inde.

La décarbonation de l’industrie sidérurgique, qui représente actuellement environ 8 % des émissions mondiales de carbone, est un objectif ambitieux mais réalisable. Grâce à des niveaux d’investissement et des politiques de soutien adéquats, cette transformation a le pouvoir de redéfinir les schémas commerciaux et la chaîne de valeur.

Remarque :
pour plus d’informations, nous vous invitons à cliquer ici. Pour obtenir le rapport et organiser une rencontre avec les auteurs, nous vous invitons à contacter l’équipe des relations avec les médias de Wood Mackenzie.

À propos de Wood Mackenzie
Wood Mackenzie est le spécialiste mondial des énergies renouvelables, de l’énergie et des ressources naturelles. Les données sont notre force. Mise en œuvre par les hommes et les femmes. En pleine révolution énergétique, les entreprises et les gouvernements ont besoin d’informations fiables et exploitables pour mener à bien la transition vers un avenir durable. C’est pourquoi nous intervenons sur l’ensemble de la chaîne d’approvisionnement avec une ampleur et une profondeur inégalées, grâce à plus de 50 ans d’expérience dans le domaine des ressources naturelles.

Contacts :
Hla Myat Mon
Direction des RP – APAC

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000865009

A descarbonização do aço redefinirá as cadeias de suprimentos até 2050

O relatório da Wood Mackenzie afirma que novos centros metálicos emergirão à medida que a indústria siderúrgica acelera os esforços de redução de carbono

LONDRES, HOUSTON e SINGAPURA, Oct. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — De acordo com o último relatório Horizons da Wood Mackenzie, a indústria siderúrgica deverá passar por uma transformação significativa, à medida que os esforços para a descarbonização aceleram. Intitulado Metalmorfose: como a descarbonização está transformando a indústria do ferro e do aço, o relatório destaca o surgimento de novos centros metálicos e a reformulação da produção de aço e dos padrões de comércio globais.

O último relatório da Wood Mackenzie diz que a tecnologia do forno elétrico a arco (FEA), o aumento do uso de matérias-primas verdes e as políticas de carbono em evolução desempenharão um papel fundamental nesta transformação. A produção intensiva de FEA com baixas emissões de carbono representa 28% da produção global de aço, com previsão de aumentar para 50% até 2050. Um investimento de US$ 130 bilhões será necessário para alcançar esta meta.

A transição para a produção de aço menos intensiva em carbono irá direcionar a demanda por matérias-primas mais ecológicas, como o ferro-esponja (DRI) e a sucata de alta qualidade. A Wood Mackenzie prevê que a porção destas matérias-primas na demanda de metais totais aumentará de 36% até 54% até 2050, levando à criação de novos centros de produção, processamento e comércio de ferro e sucata com baixa emissão de carbono.

O aumento da produção e do comércio de DRI criará investimentos e oportunidades de geração de receita ao longo da cadeia de valor. A Wood Mackenzie prevê uma duplicação da capacidade de DRI dentro de 30 anos, o que requer um investimento estimado de US$ 80 bilhões. Esta projeção não inclui investimentos potenciais em hidrogênio verde, fundições para DRI de baixa qualidade, centros de pelotas e transporte.

A Wood Mackenzie indica que a localização de novos centros verdes de Ferro de Redução Direta (DRI) será determinada com base em sua proximidade à produção de hidrogênio de baixo carbono. Isso é particularmente importante, considerando as incertezas que envolvem o transporte e o armazenamento de hidrogênio comercializado. O Oriente Médio e a Austrália estão bem posicionados para se beneficiarem desta oportunidade, e o número de projetos nestas regiões está aumentando.

A qualidade prevalecerá sobre a quantidade, à medida que o custo do aço com baixo teor de carbono aumenta. Em mercados com altos preços de carbono, importar DRI verde para fabricar aço com baixo teor de carbono utilizando FEAs se tornará mais vantajoso do que importar aço acabado de produtores com altas emissões, como a China e a Índia.

Descarbonizar a indústria de ferro e aço, que atualmente é responsável por aproximadamente 8% das emissões globais de carbono, é uma meta desafiadora, mas alcançável. Com os níveis corretos de investimento e políticas de apoio, esta transformação pode redefinir os padrões de comércio e a cadeia de valor.

Notas do editor:
Leia mais informações aqui. Para solicitar o relatório e agendar uma entrevista com os autores, entre em contato com a equipe de assessoria de imprensa da Wood Mackenzie.

Sobre a Wood Mackenzie
A Wood Mackenzie é a consultoria de visão global para energias renováveis, energia e recursos naturais. Orientada por dados. Movida por pessoas. No meio de uma revolução energética, as empresas e os governos necessitam de visões confiáveis e viáveis para liderar a transição para um futuro sustentável. É por isso que cobrimos a cadeia de suprimentos completa com amplitude e profundidade sem precedentes, apoiados por uma experiência de mais de 50 anos em recursos naturais.

Hla Myat Mon
Gerente de RP – APAC

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000865009

Sabin Vaccine Institute Begins Phase 2 Clinical Trial for Marburg Vaccine in Uganda

Clinical Trial Preparation
Staff at Makerere University Walter Reed Project preparing for Sabin’s Phase 2 Marburg vaccine clinical trial.

Staff at Makerere University Walter Reed Project preparing for Sabin’s Phase 2 Marburg vaccine clinical trial.

WASHINGTON, Oct. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Sabin Vaccine Institute has launched a Phase 2 clinical trial for its vaccine candidate against the lethal Marburg virus. Healthy volunteers received the single-dose vaccine at Makerere University Walter Reed Project (MUWRP) in Kampala, Uganda today.

There are currently no vaccines or antiviral treatments approved to treat Marburg virus disease. Marburg is a filovirus, in the same family as the virus that causes Ebola. Like Ebola, Marburg virus disease spreads between people via direct contact with the blood or other bodily fluids of infected people, is highly virulent, and causes hemorrhagic fever. The disease has a fatality rate of up to 88%.

Based on the ChAd3 platform, Sabin’s single-dose investigational Marburg vaccine was found to be promising in Phase 1 clinical and non-clinical studies, with results showing it to be safe, while eliciting rapid and robust immune responses.

Dr. Betty Mwesigwa, deputy executive director of MUWRP, is the principal investigator for the Kampala portion of the Sabin-sponsored trial. Participants will also be enrolled a few weeks later at a second site at the Kenya Medical Research Institute in Siaya, Kenya, with Dr. Videlis Nduba as principal investigator. In all, 125 volunteers will participate in the trial.

“We have an extraordinary opportunity here to improve our preparedness to save lives and protect people from a deadly and unforgiving disease that typically strikes under-resourced countries first and most,” says Amy Finan, Sabin’s Chief Executive Officer. “Sabin’s Phase 2 clinical trial builds on a solid safety and immunogenicity foundation and we are hoping it will generate the information needed to move the vaccine toward licensure.”

The number of Marburg outbreaks in Africa has climbed steadily in recent years. Two outbreaks of Marburg virus disease have occurred already this year: Equatorial Guinea reported its first ever documented Marburg outbreak, which killed 12 people, followed by Tanzania, where six people succumbed to the virus. Communities in Uganda and Kenya are familiar with Marburg virus disease, having been ravaged by outbreaks over multiple years in the last few decades.

“Makerere University Walter Reed Project (MUWRP) is delighted to partner with the Sabin Vaccine Institute to launch the clinical testing for a preventive Marburg vaccine,” says Dr. Mwesigwa. “Most Marburg virus disease outbreaks have originated in Africa. Uganda alone has registered 4 outbreaks of the disease. We urgently need a vaccine against Marburg because of its potential to cause epidemics with significant death rates. It is imperative for us to test candidate vaccines in Uganda, a country prone to these outbreaks. This work will contribute new knowledge to inform the scientific discovery for an effective vaccine against the deadly Marburg virus.”

The Phase 2 clinical trial for Sabin’s Marburg vaccine will continue to evaluate safety and immunogenicity for the vaccine, this time among a larger group of individuals. This is a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study, meaning that neither the participants nor the researchers will know whether trial participants receive a vaccine dose or a placebo dose until after the trial is over, an approach used to help reduce experimental bias.

Participants in the clinical trial will be monitored for a full year and will include both younger (18-50 years) and older age groups (51-70 years). Interim results are expected next year. In addition to the current trial in Uganda and Kenya, Sabin plans to conduct a similar Phase 2 clinical trial for Marburg in the U.S.

The Marburg vaccine trials are supported by the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), part of the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, under multi-year contracts between the organizations, including most recently a $36.4 million award for vaccine development and production.

Similarly, BARDA has invested in Sabin for advancing ChAd3 Sudan ebolavirus vaccine candidate, including awarding $28 million this August for Phase 2 clinical trials in the U.S.

To date, Sabin has received around $215 million in contract awards from BARDA for furthering vaccine research and development against Sudan ebolavirus and Marburg virus diseases.

BARDA and Sabin began working together in September 2019 to develop the two monovalent vaccine candidates. Sabin’s Sudan ebolavirus vaccine candidate was the first to arrive in Uganda last year during the disease outbreak that left 55 people dead. Sabin has also initiated plans for a Phase 2 Sudan ebolavirus vaccine clinical trial in Uganda and Kenya.

This project has been supported in whole or in part with federal funds from the Department of Health and Human Services; Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response; Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), under contract numbers 75A50119C00055 and 75A50123C00010.

About the Sabin Vaccine Institute

The Sabin Vaccine Institute is a leading advocate for expanding vaccine access and uptake globally, advancing vaccine research and development, and amplifying vaccine knowledge and innovation. Unlocking the potential of vaccines through partnership, Sabin has built a robust ecosystem of funders, innovators, implementers, practitioners, policy makers and public stakeholders to advance its vision of a future free from preventable diseases. As a non-profit with three decades of experience, Sabin is committed to finding solutions that last and extending the full benefits of vaccines to all people, regardless of who they are or where they live. At Sabin, we believe in the power of vaccines to change the world. For more information, visit and follow us on X, @SabinVaccine.About Sabin’s Vaccine R&D Using the ChAd3 Platform.

About Sabin’s Vaccine R&D Using the ChAd3 Platform

In August 2019, Sabin announced exclusive agreements with GSK for Sabin to advance the development of the prophylactic candidate vaccines against the deadly Ebola Zaire, Ebola Sudan and Marburg virus. The three candidate vaccines were initially developed collaboratively by the U.S. National Institutes of Health and Okairos, which was acquired by GSK in 2013. The candidate vaccines, based on GSK’s proprietary ChAd3 platform, were further developed by GSK, including the Phase II development for the Ebola Zaire vaccine. Under the agreements between GSK and Sabin, Sabin exclusively licensed the technology for all three candidate vaccines and acquired certain patent rights specific to these vaccines.

About the Makerere University Walter Reed Project

MUWRP is a non-profit biomedical research organization with a mission to mitigate disease threats through quality research, health care and disease surveillance. The project’s scope includes among others; clinical research in infectious and non-infectious diseases such as HIV, Ebola, Marburg, COVID-19, Influenza and Influenza-like illnesses, and neglected tropical diseases such as Schistosomiasis, among others. A major part of the clinical research are clinical trials, where the MUWRP has conducted more than 12 phase I and II vaccine clinical trials including the first Ebola vaccine trial in Africa.

Media Contact:
Monika Guttman
Media Relations Specialist
Sabin Vaccine Institute
+1 (202) 662-1841

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8952340

Steel decarbonisation to redefine supply chains by 2050

Wood Mackenzie report says new metallic hubs will emerge as steel industry accelerates carbon abatement efforts

LONDON and HOUSTON and SINGAPORE, Oct. 19, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — According to the latest Horizons report from Wood Mackenzie, the steel industry is set to undergo a significant transformation as decarbonisation efforts accelerate. Titled Metalmorphosis: how decarbonisation is transforming the iron and steel industry the report highlights the emergence of new metallic hubs and the reshaping of steel production and global trade patterns.

Wood Mackenzie’s latest report says electric-arc furnace (EAF) technology, increased use of green feedstock, and evolving carbon policies will play a crucial role in this transformation. Low-carbon intensive EAF production accounts for 28% of global steel output, projected to rise to 50% by 2050. An investment of US$130 billion will be required to achieve this goal.

The shift towards less carbon-intensive steel will drive the demand for greener feedstocks such as DRI (Direct Reduced Iron) and high-grade scrap. Wood Mackenzie predicts that the share of these feedstocks in total metals demand will increase from 36% to 54% by 2050, leading to new production, processing, and trading hubs for low-carbon iron and scrap.

DRI production and trade rise will create investment and revenue generation opportunities across the value chain. Wood Mackenzie forecasts a doubling DRI capacity within 30 years, requiring an estimated US$80 billion investment. This projection does not include potential investments in green hydrogen, smelters for low-grade DRI, pellet hubs, and shipping.

Wood Mackenzie indicates that the location of new green Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) centres will be determined based on their proximity to low-carbon hydrogen production. This is particularly important given the uncertainties surrounding the transportation and storage of traded hydrogen. The Middle East and Australia are well-positioned to take advantage of this opportunity, and the number of projects in these regions is increasing.

Quality will take precedence over quantity as the cost of lower-carbon steel rises. In markets with high carbon prices, importing green DRI to manufacture low-carbon steel using EAFs will become more favourable than importing finished steel from emissions-intensive producers like China and India.

Decarbonising the iron and steel industry, which currently accounts for approximately 8% of global carbon emissions, is a challenging but achievable goal. With the right levels of investment and policy support, this transformation has the potential to redefine trade patterns and the value chain.

Editor’s notes:
Read more information here. To request the report and arrange an interview with the authors, please contact Wood Mackenzie’s media relations team.

About Wood Mackenzie
Wood Mackenzie is the global insight business for renewables, energy and natural resources. Driven by data. Powered by people. In the middle of an energy revolution, businesses and governments need reliable and actionable insight to lead the transition to a sustainable future. That’s why we cover the entire supply chain with unparalleled breadth and depth, backed by over 50 years’ experience in natural resources.

Hla Myat Mon
PR Manager – APAC

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000864826

L’édition 2023 de la Semaine du Climat de la région Moyen-Orient/Afrique du Nord ou la mise en lumière du rôle capital du Forum sur les Minéraux du Futur dans la création de chaînes de valeur minières responsables pour une transition énergétique saine

RIYAD, Arabie Saoudite, 18 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — La Semaine 2023 du Climat de la région MOAN organisée à Riyad a mis en évidence le rôle déterminant du Forum sur les Minéraux du Futur (ci-après « FMF ») dans la conception de solutions d’avenir dédiées au monde minéral.

Animé par Aldo Pennini, directeur de la stratégie, des programmes et du contenu du FMF, le panel rassemblait d’éminents experts, parmi lesquels Son Excellence Abdulrahman Al Belushi, sous-ministre adjoint chargé du développement minier au ministère de l’industrie et des ressources minérales, Monsieur l’ingénieur Saud Al-Mandil, vice-président du département technologie et R&D chez Ma’aden, le Docteur Thamer Aldaajani, directeur général de la recherche minière et des hydrocarbures à la Cité du roi Abdulaziz pour la science et la technologie ; Ali Al-Mutairi, directeur exécutif du FMF, le Docteur Abdullah Al-Nabhan, directeur principal de l’enquête et de l’exploration à la Commission géologique saoudienne, et le Professeur Jim Skie, président du Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC).

« Les minéraux représentent une source essentielle à de nombreuses industries et projets », a déclaré Son Excellence Abdulrahman Al Belushi, en soulignant particulièrement la nécessité d’adopter des politiques durables permettant de minimiser l’impact environnemental au bénéfice de la communauté.

Saud Al Mandil a pointé l’engagement de Ma’aden en faveur de la durabilité dans le secteur minier. Ma’aden se donne pour vocation de réduire l’impact environnemental par une gestion responsable des ressources naturelles, conformément à l’engagement du Royaume envers l’Accord de Paris sur le climat.

Thamer Aldaajani a mis en relief le rôle central de la recherche dans la compréhension de l’impact économique et environnemental sur les ressources minérales, et dans l’amélioration de leurs chaînes de valeur. Il a reconnu les enjeux du secteur minier face à la difficulté d’équilibrage entre extraction des minéraux et préservation de l’environnement.

Ali Al-Mutairi a résumé la mission du FMF en déclarant : « Le FMF vise à façonner l’avenir des minéraux dans un contexte de transition énergétique en ouvrant la voie au dialogue et à la collaboration multipartites. Le Forum sert de plateforme internationale et permet aux acteurs du secteur minier d’explorer de nouvelles terres d’opportunités dans une super région minière qui s’étend de l’Afrique à l’Asie occidentale et centrale ».

Abdullah Al-Nabhan a développé la formation géologique du bouclier arabo-nubien, en soulignant l’importance de ses riches ressources minérales vertes dans la transition énergétique. En parallèle, le Professeur Jim Skea a annoncé la toute première intégration du rôle des minéraux dans la transition énergétique dans le prochain rapport pluriannuel du GIEC.

La troisième édition du FMF, sous mécénat du Gardien des deux Saintes Mosquées, Sa Majesté le Roi Salmane ben Abdelaziz d’Arabie saoudite, se tiendra du 9 au 11 janvier 2024 au Centre international de conférences du Roi Abdulaziz de Riyad.

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