Alternative Justice System To Address Land Issues, Governor Barchok

Bomet Governor Hillary Barchok has committed to providing land for the planned establishment of courts in each of the five subcounties in Bomet.

Prof. Barchok said the move was aimed at bringing justice closer to the people.

The governor, who was speaking Thursday at Bomet Law Court grounds, said there were thorny issues in society that the courts could not conclusively handle using the laws of Kenya.

He cited land succession issues, which he termed high-voltage disputes among beneficiaries, saying many conflicts ended in murder.

Governor Barchok said litigation over succession issues in court was not only expensive but usually took a long time.

‘To address such issues, the courts have put in place an alternative justice system, one that usually involves a mediator,’ he said.

‘The mediator usually brings the disputing parties to a round table where they can reach an amicable solution, and thus justice is served to everyone.’

Therefore, he said, to enhance the Alternative Justice System, the County Gov
ernment of Bomet was committed to strengthening village councils led by village managers who were to resolve such issues before they reached the courts.

Barchok joined the host, Lady Justice Roseline Korir, representatives from the Law Society of Kenya, officials from the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, and representatives from the Office of the Attorney General during the open day as part of the transformative agenda under the Social Transformation through Access to Justice.

Source: Kenya News Agency