SAP Fioneer lança produto bancário personalizado para PMEs

WALLDORF, Alemanha, June 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A SAP Fioneer, fornecedora líder global de soluções e plataformas de software de serviços financeiros, anunciou o lançamento de sua Fioneer SME Banking Edition. A solução permitirá que bancos e neobancos ofereçam recursos bancários em uma abordagem digital e orientada por dados, adaptada às necessidades financeiras de pequenas e médias empresas (PMEs) – um segmento de mercado historicamente carente.

O setor das PMEs é um componente vital da economia global, representando 99% das empresas do Reino Unido e da UE e empregando cerca de 16,4 milhões e 84 milhões de pessoas, respectivamente.* Apesar de representarem uma proporção significativa do PIB e da mão de obra, as PMEs têm tradicionalmente lutado para aceder a serviços financeiros que satisfaçam as suas necessidades específicas, uma vez que os riscos e custos associados percebidos são considerados demasiado elevados.

A Fioneer SME Banking Edition aborda esses desafios conectando bancos a fontes de dados externas, como Open Banking, registro central de empresas, comércio eletrônico e dados de Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), para produzir informações úteis que ajudam significativamente as PMEs a se manterem na vanguarda. Isso proporcionará às PMEs uma elevada transparência quanto ao fluxo de caixa e fornecerá informações aos bancos, permitindo, por exemplo, opções de financiamento inteligentes, oferecendo mais variedade e aumentando o número de empresas que os bancos podem atender.

Como uma solução única de ponta a ponta, a Fioneer SME Banking Edition abrange recursos front-to-back e se integra perfeitamente a qualquer sistema bancário central. Ele permite que os bancos ofereçam serviços que vão além dos produtos bancários tradicionais, como empréstimos e depósitos. Os bancos poderão ampliar sua oferta com serviços integrados e aconselhamento financeiro mais sólido diretamente para as PMEs. A solução também pode ser facilmente integrada e conectada a ecossistemas por meio de APIs pré-configuradas.

Charlie Platt, Diretor Executivo de Bancos da SAP Fioneer, comenta sobre o lançamento: “As PMEs representam a força vital da economia e é fundamental que elas possam acessar os serviços financeiros que merecem. Através da nossa SME Banking Edition, os bancos poderão criar experiências bancárias comercialmente viáveis, exclusivas e melhores para as PMEs que as ajudarão a manter-se na vanguarda em um ambiente económico desafiador.”

“O lançamento da nossa Fioneer SME Banking Edition reforça significativamente a forma como os bancos interagem com as PMEs. Utilizando nossa tecnologia comprovada, estamos ajudando os bancos a atenderem melhor as PMEs em um cenário econômico dinâmico. Inspirando-nos no mercado B2C, estamos capacitando os bancos a aumentar suas ofertas de serviços para PMEs”, acrescenta Dirk Kruse, CEO da SAP Fioneer.

*Estimativas da população empresarial para o Reino Unido e regiões 2022 (Governo do Reino Unido), Statista 2022

Sobre a SAP Fioneer

A SAP Fioneer foi lançada em 2021 como uma joint venture entre a líder global de tecnologia SAP e o investidor empreendedor Dediq para se tornar a fornecedora líder mundial de soluções e plataformas de software para serviços financeiros. Com um amplo ecossistema de parceiros, mais de 800 clientes de serviços financeiros e mais de 1.000 funcionários, a SAP Fioneer é uma empresa global presente em 17 países na Europa, América do Norte e Latina, Oriente Médio e Ásia-Pacífico.

Ao combinar a velocidade e a agilidade de uma start-up com os recursos comprovados de uma empresa de software de primeira linha, a SAP Fioneer permite que bancos, seguradoras e concorrentes executem, transformem e cresçam enquanto atendem às suas necessidades de velocidade, escalabilidade e eficiência de custos por meio de inovação de negócios digitais, tecnologia em nuvem e soluções que cobrem processos bancários e de seguros de ponta a ponta.

Para mais informações, visite Siga a SAP Fioneer no Twitter e no LinkedIn.

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SAP Fioneer lance une offre bancaire sur mesure pour les PME

WALLDORF, Allemagne, 27 juin 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — SAP Fioneer, l’un des principaux fournisseurs mondiaux de solutions et de plateformes logicielles pour les services financiers, a annoncé le lancement de Fioneer SME Banking Edition, sa solution bancaire pour les PME. La solution permettra aux banques et néobanques d’offrir des capacités bancaires dans le cadre d’une approche privilégiant le numérique, axée sur les données et adaptée aux besoins financiers des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME), un segment du marché historiquement négligé.

Or, le secteur des PME est une composante essentielle de l’économie mondiale, représentant 99 % des entreprises du Royaume-Uni et de l’UE et employant environ 16,4 millions et 84 millions de personnes respectivement.* Bien qu’elles représentent une part importante du PIB et de la main-d’œuvre, les PME ont traditionnellement eu du mal à accéder à des services financiers répondant à leurs besoins uniques, les risques perçus et les coûts associés étant jugés trop élevés.

La solution Fioneer SME Banking Edition relève ces défis en connectant les banques à des sources de données externes telles que l’Open Banking, le registre du commerce et des sociétés, et aux données de commerce électronique et de planification des ressources de l’entreprise (ERP), afin d’obtenir des informations exploitables qui aident réellement les PME à tirer leur épingle du jeu. Les PME bénéficieront ainsi d’une transparence claire sur leurs flux de trésorerie, ce qui permettra aux banques par exemple de disposer d’options de financement intelligentes, d’offrir une plus grande variété et d’augmenter le nombre d’entreprises que les banques peuvent servir.

En tant que solution unique de bout en bout, Fioneer SME Banking Edition couvre les capacités front-to-back et s’intègre de manière transparente avec tout système bancaire de base. Elle permet aux banques d’offrir des services qui vont au-delà des produits bancaires traditionnels tels que les prêts et les dépôts. Les banques pourront élargir leur offre en proposant des services intégrés et des conseils financiers plus solides directement aux PME. La solution peut également être facilement intégrée et connectée aux écosystèmes grâce à des API préconfigurées.

Charlie Platt, Directeur général des services bancaires chez SAP Fioneer, commente le lancement : « Les PME sont le moteur de l’économie et il est essentiel qu’elles puissent accéder aux services financiers qu’elles méritent. Grâce à la solution bancaire Fioneer pour les PME, les banques seront en mesure de créer pour les PME des expériences bancaires uniques, commercialement viables et de meilleure qualité, qui les aideront à conserver une longueur d’avance dans un environnement économique difficile ».

« L’introduction de notre solution Fioneer SME Banking Edition renforce considérablement la façon dont les banques collaborent avec les PME. Grâce à notre technologie éprouvée, nous aidons les banques à mieux servir les PME dans un environnement économique dynamique. En nous inspirant du marché B2C, nous permettons aux banques d’améliorer leur offre de services aux PME », ajoute Dirk Kruse, PDG de SAP Fioneer.

* Estimation du nombre de salariés des entreprises au Royaume-Uni et dans les régions 2022 (Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni)Statista 2022

À propos de SAP Fioneer

Lancée en 2021, SAP Fioneer est une coentreprise entre le leader mondial de la technologie SAP et l’investisseur et entrepreneur Dediq, qui vise à devenir le premier fournisseur mondial de solutions et de plateformes logicielles pour les services financiers. Grâce à un vaste réseau de partenaires, plus de 800 clients dans le secteur des services financiers et plus de 1 000 collaborateurs, SAP Fioneer est une entreprise mondiale présente dans 17 pays en Europe, en Amérique du Nord, en Amérique latine, au Moyen-Orient et en Asie-Pacifique.

En conjuguant la vitesse et l’agilité d’une start-up avec les capacités éprouvées d’un éditeur de logiciels de premier plan, SAP Fioneer permet aux banques, aux compagnies d’assurance et aux challengers de fonctionner, de se transformer et de se développer tout en répondant à leurs besoins de rapidité, d’évolutivité et de rentabilité grâce à l’innovation commerciale numérique, à la technologie cloud et à des solutions qui couvrent les processus bancaires et d’assurance de bout en bout.

Pour plus d’informations, consultez Suivez SAP Fioneer sur Twitter et sur LinkedIn.

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NIPDB commended for efforts to uplift MSMEs

Erongo Region Governor Neville Andre Itope has praised the Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB) for its efforts in supporting the growth of the entrepreneurial community and ensuring benefits trickle down to society.

In a speech delivered on his behalf at the launch and handover ceremony of the Know2Grow NextGen Entrepreneurs Showcase 2023 in Swakopmund on Tuesday, Itope emphasised the importance of Namibians contributing to the overall success of Namibia’s entrepreneurial youth.

The event, which is the brainchild of the NIPDB, was first held in Tsumeb in 2022 with the aim of providing a platform for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) to showcase their businesses and engage with others.

“We aim to foster a sustainable ecosystem that empowers our entrepreneurs, drives economic growth, and creates a more equitable and inclusive future for all youth who have embarked on, or intend to embark on, the journey of entrepreneurship. The entrepreneurial event serves as a testament to our collective commitment to nurturing entrepreneurship and providing opportunities for the next generation of visionaries and trailblazers. Therefore, as a nation, let us remember that success is not solely measured by financial gains but also by the positive impact we make on our society,” stressed Itope.

The second edition of the showcase, scheduled to take place in Swakopmund in November, will be held under the theme: ‘Sustaining communities, unlocking growth, and promoting inclusivity.’

Dino Ballotti, NIPDB’s Executive Director of MSME Development, Innovation, and Acceleration, acknowledged the youth unemployment crisis and said the NIPDB is aware of it.

“The unemployment pandemic provides opportunities for us to implement targeted solutions such as this showcasing, which we believe creates scaling opportunities for MSMEs. In turn, this will generate new job opportunities and inspire young people to be entrepreneurial,” expressed Ballotti.

He further stated that this year’s theme is intentional as it fosters a sustainable ecosystem, promoting the flourishing of communities through the support and advancement of MSMEs.

Coca-Cola Africa Namibia, the main sponsor of the showcase, donated N.dollars 550 000, while the Swakopmund Municipality contributed N.dollars 10 000 towards the event.

Source: The Namibia Press Agency

State Steps Up War On Illicit Brews, Drug Use In Nyanza

The government has stepped up measures to curb the illicit trade of alcohol and drugs in the Nyanza region. This follows a resurgence of alcohol in sachets and the illegal trade of bhang and other substances in the area. Nyanza Regional Commissioner (RC) Flora Mworoa said a multi-agency team has been established to crack down on individuals and unscrupulous businessmen engaged in the trade. Mworoa said the drugs get to the region through the porous borders and Lake Victoria, adding that officials from the two countries have been incorporated into the team to curb the menace. She said the Ministry of Interior, which is spearheading the exercise, has roped in the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to monitor the movement of people and goods through the lake. ‘IOM is doing a good job. Last month they did a study on this issue, and we expect to meet in August to discuss the findings of their report,’ she said. She added that security agencies have been put on high alert to ensure that those involved in the illicit trade are brought to book. ‘The Ministry of Interior is working very closely with the Kenya Coast Guard, Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), and the Immigration Department to deal with this menace,’ she said. The RC said drug abuse continues to affect families in the area due to the illicit trade, adding that the majority of those addicted were youths. Speaking during the International Day Against Drug Abuse (IDADA) celebrations at Karanda Primary School in Nyando Sub-County, Mworoa said stigma for drug addicts was the biggest challenge in rescuing those affected. She urged families to embrace them and take them for treatment and rehabilitation to help win the war against drugs. ‘So many people out here are addicted to drugs, but due to stigma, most families are unable to bring them out,’ she said. According to a survey carried out last year by NACADA in collaboration with the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics and the Tobacco Control Board, the Nyanza region was ranked 4th in terms of alcohol and tobacco abuse. NACADA representative Samson Onyango said the report also revealed that cases of illicit brews were high in the area, with children under six exposed to alcohol. The agency, he said, was reaching out to parents and school-going children to reverse the tide. Through partnership with the County Government of Kisumu, a rehabilitation centre has been established in the area and will soon open its doors to assist drug addicts.

Source: Kenya News Agency

Nakuru Show Promotes Climate Change Mitigation

Farmers visiting the Nakuru Show will learn how to combat climate change through conservation tillage and the adoption of climate-resilient crops. Exhibitors, who will be showcasing climate-resilient farming practices, have their stands and demonstration farms ready for the event that opens its doors on July 12, 2023. Among the crops on display are short-rainfall maize varieties, wheat, sorghum, and millet, among other drought-resistant crops. Sunflower and Canola plants, which are known for their pure, refined edible oils, are nearing harvesting, and the farmers will get an opportunity to learn about their cultivation. Nakuru Agricultural Society of Kenya Show Chairman Dr. Perminus Migwi noted that more than 80 exhibitors had signed up and had their stands ready for the event. ‘Drought has been a major problem in our country. Our county too has suffered immensely, with the current food shortage being the reason for our emphasis on climate-resilient agriculture in an effort to combat climate change. ‘This year’s event has attracted new exhibitors, among them the Export Processing Zone Authority, the Central Rift Valley Water Works Agency, Gacheha Farm, among other government parastatals and private agencies, to showcase new technologies in farming. ‘Livestok Breeders will also have an opportunity to engage specialists in embryo transfers and other breeding technologies that will enable them to improve their breeds for productivity,’ added Dr. Migwi, noting that more than 150 exhibitors were expected. Dr. Migwi added that entry at the gates had been made easier by the installation of the fibre optics, with mobile money payment platforms open to allow easy processing of payment receipts and tickets. ‘Judging for exhibitors will be made on July 11, and the best exhibitor will be awarded on the official opening day,’ revealed Dr.Migwi while calling on exhibitors and members of the public to turn up in large numbers for this year’s show. The Show’s Marketing executive, David Mwangi, while calling on members of the public to book the dates, disclosed that Sh250 will be charged at the gate, with children being charged Sh200 as an entry fee. ‘Special parties will be accorded subsidized rates. Stringent security measures are in place to prioritize safety for guests on that day. Public health services will guarantee clean water and healthy food in various exhibition stands for a better event experience,’ he added. The show will be officially opened by the President on July 14, 2023, with various leaders expected to grace the events on various days of the week. Family fun days on Saturday and Sunday, July 15th and 16th, respectively, will be the peak of the event. ‘The COVID years kept us off, but we are back across the country, and Nakuru will exhibit in a big way. Traditional exhibitors are still here, and they will make our show a significant contributor to the agricultural sector. ‘We are prepared to give the showgoers an easy time to enjoy the show. A lot of events and entertainment will be going on at the arena, and there is a lot to learn. It is a one-stop laboratory, especially for learners undertaking the CBC curriculum,’ added Dr. Migwi.

Source: Kenya News Agency

State Guarantees Speedy Completion Of Lower Nzoia Irrigation Project

A delegation from the Prime Cabinet Secretary’s office led by Head of Government Delivery Services (GDS), Ms. Agnes Odhiambo, has reaffirmed that the Government is committed to ensuring speedy completion of National Government projects, irrespective of when they were initiated. This was assured when the Head of Government Delivery Services made a visit to Siaya County, where she visited Ugunja on a project field verification exercise to inspect the Lower Nzoia Irrigation Scheme and the Nzoia Bridge, checking the progress on the completion of the Nzoia Bridge and the Siaya-Bondo Water Project. Accompanying the Head of Government Delivery Services were Siaya County Commissioner Jim Njoka, Government Delivery Services Directors Silvance Osele, Shitati Orlando, Melchyzedek Ochengo, and Brigid Nzioka. A total of 12,600 registered farmers have so far benefited from irrigation and drainage services in the first phase of The Lower Nzoia Irrigation Project, with 8,400 from Siaya and 4,200 from Busia counties, respectively. The project, which is 70 per cent funded by the World Bank/IDA and 30 per cent by KfW at a cost of about Sh3.8 billion, commenced in 2018, and the first lot is expected to be completed by September 2023, occupying 2,535 Ha in Siaya and 1,508 Ha in Busia. The whole project, once complete, will bring the total to an estimated 10,000 Ha across the two counties. According to the engineers in charge of the project, Lot 1 is at 83.3 per completion, and at the time of the visit by the Delivery Service team, most of the works were complete, such as the main canals and aqueduct, with the major remainder being the construction of tertiary canals at 30 per cent completion. The project is expected to support the cultivation of high-value crops such as fruits and vegetables on about 5,000 acres and rice in rotation with soybeans, maize, and other legumes occupying the remaining 5,000 acres. The Nzoia Irrigation Scheme is expected to triple the number of farmers and production from approximately 10,000 to 30,000 direct and indirect beneficiaries. The team later planted trees at Nyadorera Irrigation Scheme offices as per the Presidential Directive to plant 15 billion trees across the Country.

Source: Kenya News Agency