LeddarTech lance LeddarVision « Surround », son dernier logiciel de fusion de bas niveau et de perception, dédié aux applications ADAS automobiles de niveau 2/2+

La solution LeddarVision de LeddarTech plusieurs fois primée

La technologie LeddarVision récompensée à Tech.AD USA et CES 2023

QUÉBEC, 27 mars 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech®, chef de file de calibre mondial dans les technologies logicielles pour systèmes avancés d’aide à la conduite (systèmes ADAS) et de conduite autonome (systèmes AD), annonce le lancement de son troisième produit depuis décembre avec le LeddarVision™ Surround (LVS-2+). Ce produit est une solution logicielle complète de fusion des données de capteurs et de perception dédiée aux applications ADAS haut de gamme de niveau 2/2+ d’aide à la conduite sur autoroute et de sécurité 5 étoiles NCAP 2025 et GSR 2022.

LeddarVision Surround (LVS-2+) est le dernier-né des solutions de fusion bas niveau des données de capteurs et de perception développées autour du logiciel primé LeddarVision de LeddarTech. Le LVS-2+ élargit l’offre de produits actuelle de l’entreprise, s’ajoutant au LeddarVision LVF-E (d’entrée de gamme) et au LVF-H (de niveau premium), deux solutions à vue frontale qui visent les applications ADAS d’entrée de gamme à supérieures.

Le LVS-2+ étend efficacement la configuration de capteurs 1V2R-1V5R (c.-à-d., 1 caméra + 2 à 5 radars) de la famille de produits à vue frontale LVF à une configuration 5V5R (c.-à-d., 5 caméras + 5 radars). Cette configuration bonifiée prend en charge des fonctionnalités ADAS comme l’aide à la conduite en embouteillage et l’aide à la conduite sur autoroute en permettant le changement de voie automatisé, le dépassement ainsi que la régulation de vitesse adaptative sur une plus grande plage de vitesse.

Une solution à haute performance et économique

  • La technologie de fusion de bas niveau LeddarVision repousse les limites du progrès technologique en augmentant la portée effective des capteurs.
  • La technologie utilisée combine de manière optimale les modalités de la caméra et du radar en procurant une performance élevée tout en réduisant les exigences de chaque modalité et le coût total de la détection.
  • Une précision supérieure dans la séparation des objets et dans la mesure de la position longitudinale sur autoroute permet une mise en œuvre plus performante de la fonction de régulation de vitesse adaptative.
  • Assistance sur autoroute de niveau 2/2+, incluant les fonctions de régulation de vitesse adaptative jusqu’à 160 km/h, centrage sur la voie, assistance active au changement de voie, aide à la conduite en embouteillage et aide à la conduite sur autoroute, y compris l’assistance automatique au changement de voie.


  • Le LVS-2+ s’adresse aux applications répondant aux exigences de sécurité 5 étoiles NCAP 2025 et GSR 2022.
  • Comprend une fonction de redondance intégrée pour pallier les éventuelles défaillances ou dégradations des capteurs ou contradictions entre ces derniers.
  • Prend en charge la détection des attributs de la scène globale pour les fonctionnalités d’aide à l’analyse ODD, de vérification de l’état des capteurs et d’autodiagnostic.

Flexible et modulaire

  • Une plateforme logicielle de fusion de données et de perception complète à vue périphérique qui vise les applications ADAS de niveau 2/2+ d’entrée de gamme à supérieures d’aide à la conduite sur autoroute.

Échantillons disponibles : communiquez avec LeddarTech pour des échantillons « A » du LVS-2+ ou du LVF-E/LVF-H. La disponibilité de l’échantillon « B » du LVS-2+ est prévue pour la fin du troisième trimestre 2023.

« LeddarTech s’engage à soutenir les fournisseurs automobiles de rang 1 et 2 et les équipementiers avec des solutions et des produits logiciels qui supportent des fonctions de sécurité bonifiées et permettent de réduire les coûts de développement globaux », a déclaré le chef de la direction de l’entreprise, Charles Boulanger. « En décembre, nous avons lancé nos produits LVF, à vue frontale, destinés aux applications ADAS de niveau 2/2+ d’aide à la conduite sur autoroute. Conformément à notre engagement à l’égard du développement soutenu de nouveaux produits, notre toute dernière solution, LeddarVision Surround (LVS-2+), augmente encore notre offre logicielle pour nos clients avec des produits qui résolvent davantage de problèmes de sécurité grâce à un logiciel évolutif de fusion de bas niveau et de perception offrant des performances supérieures à moindre coût », a conclu M. Boulanger.

LeddarTech procédera au lancement officiel du LVS-2+ lors de l’événement Automotive Tech.AD Berlin le 27 mars 2023.

À propos de LeddarTech

LeddarTech, une entreprise mondiale de logiciels fondée en 2007, développe et propose des solutions de perception logicielles complètes qui permettent le déploiement d’applications ADAS et de conduite autonome. Le logiciel de classe automobile de LeddarTech applique l’intelligence artificielle avancée et des algorithmes de vision numérique afin de générer des modèles 3D précis de l’environnement, pour une meilleure prise de décision et une navigation plus sûre. Cette technologie performante, évolutive et économique, permet la mise en œuvre efficace de solutions ADAS pour véhicules automobiles et hors route par les équipementiers et fournisseurs de rang 1 et 2.

Détentrice de plus de 150 brevets accordés ou déposés, l’entreprise a contribué à plusieurs innovations liées à des applications de télédétection et qui améliorent les capacités des systèmes d’aide à la conduite et de conduite autonome. Une plus grande prise de conscience est essentielle pour rendre la mobilité plus sûre, efficace, durable et abordable : c’est ce qui motive LeddarTech à devenir la solution logicielle de fusion des données de capteurs et de perception la plus largement adoptée.

Renseignements complémentaires disponibles sur www.leddartech.com et sur LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook et YouTube.

Contact :
Daniel Aitken, vice-président, Marketing, communications et relations avec les investisseurs mondiaux, LeddarTech Inc.
Tél. : + 1-418-653-9000 poste 232 daniel.aitken@leddartech.com

Contact relations investisseurs et site web : InvestorRelations@leddartech.com

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, VAYADrive, VayaVision et les logos associés sont des marques de commerce ou des marques déposées de LeddarTech Inc. et de ses filiales. Tous les autres noms de marques, noms de produits et marques sont ou peuvent être des marques de commerce ou des marques déposées utilisées pour désigner les produits ou les services de leurs propriétaires respectifs.

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8793884

Curia collabore avec Corning pour faire avancer les programmes de développement et fabrication en flux continu dans le domaine biopharmaceutique

Cette collaboration marque la première installation mondiale du système de production G1 de Corning afin de soutenir une production de substances actives chimiques de plus haute qualité en utilisant une technologie de chimie en flux intrinsèquement plus sûre

ALBANY, N.Y., 24 mars 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Curia, une organisation de recherche, développement et fabrication en sous-traitance de premier plan, a annoncé aujourd’hui une collaboration avec Corning Incorporated pour étendre et accélérer les programmes de développement et fabrication en flux continu auprès des secteurs chimiques et biopharmaceutiques dans le monde entier. La collaboration avec l’équipe Advanced-Flow™ Reactor (AFR) de Corning inclut la première installation du système de production G1 de l’entreprise, conçu pour la production industrielle continue de substances actives.

La chimie en flux continu est cruciale pour le développement et la fabrication de substances actives et d’intermédiaires pharmaceutiques, et fournit des avantages par rapport au traitement par lots traditionnel. C’est une technologie intrinsèquement plus sûre qui offre une production de matériaux plus rapide et plus robuste avec une plus haute sélectivité des produits souhaités.

« L’innovation dans le développement et la production de médicaments requiert une sécurité à haute vitesse », a déclaré Christopher Conway, président de la recherche et du développement chez Curia. « La mise en œuvre du Production Reactor G1 de Corning dans notre installation d’Albany étend notre capacité à fournir des solutions évolutives qui répondent aux exigences complexes de l’industrie pharmaceutique en matière de développement et de fabrication. En employant une technologie avancée et des workflows standardisés, Curia offre une chimie en flux continu, du développement ciblé à l’échelle commerciale, et ce dans le monde entier. »

Le réacteur de production G1 comprend un ensemble actualisé de lignes de dosage et de contrôles permettant des opérations continues et une conformité aux bonnes pratiques de fabrication.

« Collaborer avec une entreprise axée sur l’innovation comme Curia aidera à favoriser des avancées dans l’industrie du traitement chimique », a commenté Alessandra Vizza, directrice commerciale des Advanced-Flow Reactors chez Corning. « La mise en œuvre du système de production G1 de Corning peut offrir une variété d’avantages. Ce système est une technologie intrinsèquement plus sûre qui aidera Curia à réduire le délai d’accès au marché avec un traitement des substances actives et chimiques de plus haute qualité, une efficacité accrue de la synthèse des substances actives et chimiques, et des coûts de production inférieurs. »

« Par ailleurs, les avantages de la technologie AFR de Corning en termes d’économie d’espace, de conservation d’énergie et de réduction des déchets peuvent aider les clients à réduire l’impact environnemental de leur activité de fabrication – un attribut clé alors que le domaine continue de prendre de l’élan aux États-Unis et dans le monde entier », ajoute Mme Vizza.

L’expertise de Curia et son réseau mondial d’installations, associés à la technologie de flux continu de Corning, peuvent aider à stimuler l’efficacité des entreprises et, au final, améliorer la vie des patients.

À propos de Curia
Curia est une organisation de recherche, développement et fabrication en sous-traitance de premier plan qui fournit des produits et services allant de la R&D aux clients pharmaceutiques et biopharmaceutiques en passant par la fabrication commerciale. Basés sur 29 sites à travers les États-Unis, l’Europe et l’Asie, les près de 4 000 employés de Curia aident les clients de l’entreprise à passer de la curiosité à la guérison. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur CuriaGlobal.com.

À propos de Corning Incorporated
Corning (www.corning.com) est l’un des plus grands innovateurs de la planète en science des matériaux, possédant 170 ans d’expérience en inventions qui changent la vie. Corning applique son expertise sans égale dans la science du verre, la science de la céramique et la physique optique, ainsi que dans ses capacités riches en fabrication et ingénierie, afin de développer des produits novateurs qui transforment les industries et améliorent la vie des gens. Corning réussit en investissant de manière soutenue dans la RD&E, par une combinaison unique d’innovation des procédés et des matériaux, et au moyen de relations profondes et basées sur la confiance avec ses clients, qui sont des leaders mondiaux dans leurs secteurs. Les capacités de Corning sont polyvalentes et synergiques, permettant à l’entreprise d’évoluer pour répondre aux besoins changeants du marché, tout en aidant ses clients à saisir de nouvelles opportunités dans les secteurs dynamiques. Aujourd’hui, les marchés de Corning comprennent les communications optiques, l’électronique mobile de grande consommation, l’affichage, l’automobile, le solaire, les semi-conducteurs et les sciences de la vie.

Contact chez Curia :
Sue Zaranek
+1 518 512 2111

Contact chez Corning :
Sarah Pakyala
+1 607 974 4902

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8795139

Curia Colabora com a Corning no Avanço dos Programas Biofarmacêuticos de Desenvolvimento e Fabricação de Fluxo Contínuo

A colaboração é a primeira instalação global do sistema de produção G1 da Corning para suporte de fabricação de produtos químicos API de alta qualidade, com o uso de tecnologia de química de fluxo inerentemente mais segura

ALBANY, N.Y., March 24, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  A Curia, uma organização líder em pesquisa, desenvolvimento e fabricação de contratos, anunciou hoje uma colaboração com a Corning Incorporated para a aceleração de programas de desenvolvimento e fabricação de fluxo contínuo para indústrias química e biofarmacêutica em todo o mundo. A colaboração com a equipe do Advanced-Flow™ Reactor (AFR) da Corning inclui a primeira instalação do sistema de produção G1 da Corning, projetado para a produção industrial contínua de insumos farmacêuticos ativos (API).

A química de fluxo contínuo é fundamental para o desenvolvimento e fabricação de intermediários e APIs farmacêuticos, e oferece vantagens em comparação com o processamento em lote tradicional. É uma tecnologia inerentemente mais segura, que proporciona uma produção de material mais rápida e robusta com uma maior seletividade dos produtos desejados.

“A inovação no desenvolvimento e produção de medicamentos exige segurança em alta velocidade”, disse Christopher Conway, presidente de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento da Curia. “A implementação do G1 Production Reactor da Corning nas nossas instalações em Albany expande nossa capacidade de fornecimento de soluções escaláveis que atendam aos requisitos complexos de desenvolvimento e fabricação da indústria farmacêutica. Com o uso de tecnologia avançada e fluxos de trabalho padronizados, a Curia oferece química de fluxo contínuo, desde o desenvolvimento direcionado até a escala comercial em todo o mundo.

O reator de produção G1 inclui um conjunto atualizado de linhas e controles de dosagem que permitem operações contínuas e conformidade com os padrões cGMP.

“A colaboração com uma empresa focada na inovação como a Curia ajudará a impulsionar os avanços da indústria de processamento químico”, disse Alessandra Vizza, diretora de negócios da Corning Advanced-Flow Reactors. “A implementação do sistema de produção G1 da Corning pode trazer uma série de benefícios. O sistema é uma tecnologia inerentemente mais segura que ajudará a Curia a reduzir o tempo de comercialização com processamento químico e API de alta qualidade, maior eficiência da síntese química e API, e menores custos de produção.”

“Além disso, os benefícios de economia de espaço, economia de energia e redução de resíduos da Tecnologia AFR da Corning podem ajudar os clientes a reduzir o impacto ambiental das suas unidades de fabricação – um atributo fundamental com este campo continuando a ganhar força nos EUA e em todo o mundo”, disse Vizza.

A experiência e a rede global de instalações da Curia, juntamente com a tecnologia de fluxo contínuo da Corning, podem ajudar a impulsionar a eficiência dos negócios e, em última análise, melhorar a vida dos pacientes.

Sobre a Curia
A Curia é uma organização líder em pesquisa, desenvolvimento e fabricação de contratos que fornece produtos e serviços de P&D por meio da fabricação comercial para clientes farmacêuticos e biofarmacêuticos. Os quase 4.000 funcionários da Curia em 29 locais nos EUA, Europa e Ásia ajudam seus clientes a avançar da curiosidade para a cura. Saiba mais em CuriaGlobal.com.

Sobre a Corning Incorporated
A Corning (www.corning.com) é uma das principais inovadoras do mundo em ciência de materiais, com um histórico de 170 anos de invenções que mudam as vidas. A Corning aplica sua experiência incomparável em ciências do vidro, da cerâmica e física óptica, juntamente com sua profunda capacidade de fabricação e engenharia, para desenvolver produtos que definem categorias que transformam indústrias e melhoram a vida das pessoas. A Corning tem grande sucesso nos seus investimentos sustentados em PD&E, uma combinação única de inovação de materiais e processos, e relacionamentos profundos com base na confiança com clientes que são líderes globais nos seus setores. Os recursos da Corning são versáteis e sinérgicos, e permitem que a empresa evolua para atender às mudanças das necessidades do mercado, além de ajudar seus clientes a aproveitar novas oportunidades dos setores dinâmicos. Os mercados da Corning incluem comunicações ópticas, eletrônicos de consumo móveis, displays, automotivos, solares, semicondutores e ciências da vida.

Contato da Curia:
Sue Zaranek
+1 518 512 2111

Contato da Corning:
Sarah Pakyala
+1 607 974 4902

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8795139

Ethiopia and the Netherlands Endorse the Launch of a Groundbreaking Private Sector Water Management Initiative by Nedamco Africa to Improve Water Needs for Over 10 Million People

The Governments of Ethiopia and The Netherlands endorse the Nedamco Africa Water Management Initiative

Left to Right: H.E. Dr. Eng. Habtamu Itefa Geleta, Minister for the Ministry of Water and Energy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; Mrs. Kitty van der Heijden, Director-General, International Cooperation at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands; Mr. Michael Kogeler – Chief Executive Officer, Nedamco Africa.

“In a joint press statement today, the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, along with their partners, endorsed the launch by Nedamco Africa of an innovative initiative to implement Water Management through a fully digital approach. This groundbreaking endeavor has the potential to significantly improve the water quality, facilitate direct access, and increase the availability of water volumes for approximately 10 million individuals residing in the metropolitan area of Addis Ababa.”

NEW YORK, March 24, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today at the UN23 Water Conference in New York, H.E. Dr. Eng. Habtamu Itefa Geleta, Minister for the Ministry of Water and Energy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, and Kitty van der Heijden, Director-General International Cooperation at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, endorsed the launch of the Ethiopian SDG6 Water Management initiative. The initiative has the aim to improve the water needs of millions of people and will be based on digitally verifiable outcomes focused on the reduction of non-revenue water, increase of water quality, increased access to water, and higher availability of water. In a “first-ever”, leveraging the latest available technologies, the solution will measure, report, and verify outcomes of Water Management, starting in Addis Ababa, a city of 10 million inhabitants, starting in a sub-set of the city, using Digital Twins in a fully digital and transparent manner. This project is a collaboration of the Ethiopian local and federal government and multiple innovators in the profit and non-profit sectors like Microsoft, Bentley Systems, Deltares and VEI. The launch is endorsed by the Dutch Government. The SDG6 Water Management initiative has the potential to be rolled out to over nineteen other countries in fifty-five cities, improving the water needs of half a billion people.

Changing lives – African water challenges – In this era of climate disruption, African cities are grappling with a plethora of water-related challenges that are impacting the lives of their residents. The lack of infrastructure and investment is one of the main obstacles, resulting in restricted access to clean and safe water for many people. In addition, water pollution and contamination are prevalent, especially in informal settlements where residents have limited means of obtaining clean water. Furthermore, climate change and rising water demand are putting additional pressure on already scarce water resources, compounding the existing water challenges in African cities. These challenges must be addressed with innovative and sustainable solutions that improve access to safe water and ensure the long-term sustainability of water resources.

“We Africans are highly affected by the carbon emission released by the developed nations, and we are way behind to achieve the SDGs with the current pace unless we deploy new technologies and innovations. By synergizing the vision and mission of the two most committed and robust partners on the planet, along with the latest digital technologies available for water management at scale, we have a unique opportunity and responsibility to transform the daily lives of hundreds of millions of people in Africa, who are suffering a lot in search of clean water. Therefore, call to action for Africans to join for cooperation and integration to transform the lives of our citizens,” stated H.E. Dr. Eng. Habtamu Itefa Geleta, Minister for the Ministry of Water and Energy of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

True impact through results-based financing – The parties are adopting a results-based financing approach. Through collaboration, knowledge sharing, and the use of innovative technologies and best practices, we aim to unite the world around water and pool global resources and expertise. The innovative solution, jointly developed by Dutch and international water eco-system players will help us overcome the water challenges that we face worldwide. The SDG6 Water Management initiative will ensure that partnerships between governments, businesses, and civil society are forged, leading to sustainable and equitable use of water that benefits all.

“Water management is at the heart of our nation’s identity. We have been facing the challenges of water for centuries, and through collaboration and innovation, we have found ways to turn these challenges into opportunities. In the Netherlands, I am proud to say that we have a long history of working together to manage our water resources. From our world-renowned systems of dykes and pumps, to our innovative approaches to water treatment and reuse, we have shown that it is possible to turn the challenges of water into opportunities for progress and prosperity. By working together, the world can do the same. Together, we can build a future where everyone has access to the clean water they need to thrive, where our rivers and lakes are protected from pollution and overuse, and where we are able to adapt to the changing demands of a rapidly changing world,” said Kitty van der Heijden, Director-General International Cooperation at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.

Technology for good – Digital twin technology has the potential to significantly enhance water management in Africa, leading to better outcomes for communities in need. By creating a virtual replica of physical assets, such as water distribution systems, digital twins can be used to analyze, monitor, and optimize water usage and distribution in real-time. This, in turn, can lead to more efficient and effective management of water resources, reducing waste and improving water security. Digital twin technology can also help detect and prevent water leaks and other issues, thereby enhancing the access to clean water for communities, which is especially critical in areas with water scarcity. Additionally, digital twin technology can aid in the development of new water infrastructure projects, such as reservoirs, by simulating and assessing these projects in a virtual environment. This approach can provide valuable insights into the potential impact and effectiveness of these projects, reducing the risk of failure and improving outcomes.

Anke den Ouden, General Manager of Microsoft Netherlands, stated, “The introduction of digital twin technology in water management has the potential to significantly improve access to clean water and water security in Africa. It can optimize water usage and distribution, leading to a better quality of life for people in the region. We at Microsoft are proud to be a part of this initiative.”

Impact Investments for a better world – Nedamco Africa is a company that invests in, and is fully committed to making a positive impact on Africa and the global environment. They recognize the crucial role that water management plays in the sustainability of the continent and are focused on finding innovative solutions to the challenges facing Africa’s water supply. Nedamco Africa’s investment strategy prioritizes the measurement of impact over financial returns, emphasizing sustainable solutions that benefit the environment and communities in Africa. They invest in cutting-edge technologies, such as cloud skills, digital twins, and climate-friendly solutions to create a lasting positive impact. In water management, Nedamco Africa is working to improve access to safe drinking water, reduce water waste, and promote water conservation. Nedamco Africa is a driving force for impact investments that contribute to creating a better world for everyone.

Michael Kogeler, CEO of Nedamco Africa, expressed, “With a complete commitment to Africa and the planet, Nedamco Africa is at the forefront of impact investments that prioritize sustainability and positive impact. Our emphasis on innovative technologies and measurement of the impact of our investments is driving positive change and creating a better future for Africa and the world.”

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/b5195295-2181-4470-8e4c-80fb8959bc4e

PR Contact: Michael Kogeler
+971 559661304

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000800016

Curia Collaborates with Corning to Advance Biopharmaceutical Continuous-Flow Development and Manufacturing Programs

Collaboration marks the first global installation of Corning’s G1 production system to support higher-quality API-chemical production using inherently safer flow-chemistry technology

ALBANY, N.Y., March 23, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Curia, a leading contract research, development and manufacturing organization, today announced a collaboration with Corning Incorporated to expand and accelerate continuous-flow development and manufacturing programs for the chemical and biopharmaceutical industries globally. The collaboration with Corning’s Advanced-Flow™ Reactor (AFR) team includes the first installation of Corning’s G1 production system, designed for the continuous industrial production of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API).

Continuous flow chemistry is critical for the development and manufacture of pharmaceutical intermediates and APIs, and provides advantages compared with traditional batch processing. It is an inherently safer technology that delivers faster and more robust material production with a higher selectivity of desired products.

“Innovation in drug development and production calls for safety at high speed,” said Christopher Conway, president, Research & Development, Curia. “The implementation of Corning’s G1 Production Reactor at our Albany facility expands our capability to provide scalable solutions that address complex development and manufacturing requirements facing the pharmaceutical industry. Using advanced technology and standardized workflows, Curia offers continuous flow chemistry from targeted development to commercial scale globally.”

The G1 production reactor includes an updated set of dosing lines and controls that enable continuous operations and compliance to cGMP standards.

“Collaborating with an innovation-focused company like Curia will help drive advancements in the chemical-processing industry,” said Alessandra Vizza, business director, Corning Advanced-Flow Reactors. “The implementation of Corning’s G1 production system can deliver a host of benefits. The system is an inherently safer technology that will help Curia reduce time to market with higher-quality chemical and API processing, increased efficiency of chemical and API synthesis, and lower production costs.”

“Additionally, the space-saving, energy-conserving, and waste-reducing benefits of Corning’s AFR Technology may help customers reduce the environmental impact of their manufacturing business – a key attribute as the field continues to gain momentum in the U.S. and around the world,” said Vizza.

Curia’s expertise and global network of facilities, combined with Corning’s continuous flow technology, can help drive business efficiencies and, ultimately, improve patients’ lives.

About Curia
Curia is a leading contract research, development, and manufacturing organization providing products and services from R&D through commercial manufacturing to pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical customers. Curia’s nearly 4,000 employees at 29 locations across the U.S., Europe, and Asia help its customers advance from curiosity to cure. Learn more at CuriaGlobal.com.

About Corning Incorporated
Corning (www.corning.com) is one of the world’s leading innovators in materials science, with a 170-year track record of life-changing inventions. Corning applies its unparalleled expertise in glass science, ceramic science, and optical physics along with its deep manufacturing and engineering capabilities to develop category-defining products that transform industries and enhance people’s lives. Corning succeeds through sustained investment in RD&E, a unique combination of material and process innovation, and deep, trust-based relationships with customers who are global leaders in their industries. Corning’s capabilities are versatile and synergistic, which allows the company to evolve to meet changing market needs, while also helping its customers capture new opportunities in dynamic industries. Today, Corning’s markets include optical communications, mobile consumer electronics, display, automotive, solar, semiconductors, and life sciences.

Curia Contact Information:
Sue Zaranek
+1 518 512 2111

Corning Contact Information:
Sarah Pakyala
+1 607 974 4902

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8794440

GMAC Task Force Revamps Business Education Admissions Reporting Standards

Revision aims to support business schools in today’s ranking efforts and help prospective candidates compare programs on leveled playing field

RESTON, Va., March 23, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), a global association representing leading business schools, today released an updated version of the Graduate Management Education Admissions Reporting Standards. The revision, led by a task force of 14 GMAC member schools, aimed to ensure the standards align with the shifting landscape of graduate business education and today’s best practices of identifying gender, race and ethnicity, and undergraduate majors, among other criteria commonly used in the admissions process.

According to GMAC’s annual survey on prospective students worldwide, candidates rely heavily on school websites and rankings in their program selection process. The 2023 survey of thousands of business school aspirants – to be published early next month – shows that school websites and published program rankings were the top two factors in the decision making of individuals considering applying for graduate business degrees. Informed by this finding, GMAC believes it is vitally important that the information presented to prospective students is anchored in a common definition of the terms used by schools and various publications in collecting the data for reporting.

“This work, initiated in response to a strong desire for consistency and transparency from the business school community we serve, is being done to create trust with and among business school admissions professionals, especially those who are new to the field. Without a doubt, adopting the standardized reporting criteria at a large scale would allow prospective students and rankings organizations alike to compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges across the wide spectrum of program options available in the market today,” said Joy Jones, CEO of GMAC. “On behalf of the Council, I extend our sincerest gratitude to the task force for the time, effort, and care dedicated to revising and promoting the standards.”

“The task force invested many hours reviewing survey questionnaires and collecting data, as well as discussing proposed revisions over calls and with stakeholders at conferences, to address the tough questions from the business school community on how we can better reflect the many changes in the industry – and the society – we encounter today. For example, there is a growing acknowledgement and respect for identity preferences and an interest in segments like first generation and military students,” said Marci Armstrong, professor of practice, marketing at Southern Methodist University’s Cox School of Business and co-chair of the task force revising the standards. “Rest assured, we were fully aware of the stakes at hand and did not just rubber-stamp the new standards.”

In 2019, GMAC formed a task force to revise the MBA Reporting Criteria – first published by GMAC in 2000 and adopted by approximately 200 business schools – into Graduate Management Education Admissions Reporting Standards. The standards, subsequently endorsed by GMAC members in the summer of 2020, were meant to be revisited every two years to ensure they continue to guide business schools in distributing reliable, accurate, useful, and comparable admissions data for prospective students and rankings organizations. A new task force was organized at the beginning of 2022 to tackle the review and revision of the standards in three sections – school and program information, application process, and admissions reporting and class profile, supplemented by region and areas of study classifications.

“In the past three years – particularly in response to the global pandemic – our industry has innovated and grown tremendously. A prime example is the delivery of online programs,” said Nita Swinsick, associate dean of graduate & executive degree programs admissions at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business and co-chair of the task force. “While the traditional on-campus, two-year MBA remains the most sought-after graduate management degree, there are a great number of programs offering a wide range of flexibility and length and still lead to successful business careers.”

“GMAC will continue to be a steward of the standards and will publish a list of schools and corresponding programs that decide to adopt and remain in compliance with the standards. Adopting and complying schools can also receive a badge from GMAC for use in their outreach materials to signal to candidates, ranking publishers and other stakeholders their compliance with the standards,” said Sabrina White, vice president of school and industry engagement at GMAC. “It is our hope that more members of the business school community – as well as ranking publishers – will begin leveraging these standards to benefit the people aspiring to better themselves and the world through graduate management education.”

Business schools, ranking agencies and other stakeholders worldwide that wish to obtain a copy of or start adopting the latest reporting standards may reach out to GMAC at datastandards@gmac.com.

About GMAC

The Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) is a mission-driven association of leading graduate business schools worldwide. GMAC provides world-class research, industry conferences, recruiting tools, and assessments for the graduate management education industry as well as resources, events, and services that help guide candidates through their higher education journey. Owned and administered by GMAC, the Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) exam is the most widely used graduate business school assessment.

More than 12 million prospective students a year trust GMAC’s websites, including mba.com, to learn about MBA and business master’s programs, connect with schools around the world, prepare and register for exams and get advice on successfully applying to MBA and business master’s programs. BusinessBecause and The MBA Tour are subsidiaries of GMAC, a global organization with offices in China, India, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

To learn more about our work, please visit www.gmac.com

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