Governor Lomorukai Lobbies For Unity Among Leaders

Turkana Governor Jeremiah Lomorukai has reiterated his commitment to championing unity of purpose among all leaders in Turkana County.

Speaking in Lokichar, Sunday, at a fundraiser towards the completion of Lokichar Full Gospel Church, Governor Lomorukai emphasized his willingness to collaborate with leaders across political divides.

‘I have successfully brought together leaders from various political backgrounds, and I’m eager to engage with the remaining leadership to ensure a unified vision of this County,’ he said.

The Governor said his diligence and religious background had informed his long career in leadership that dates back to 2002.

He challenged political leaders to embrace tolerance and assured of his readiness to collaborate with anyone committed to the cause of unity, regardless of their social standing.

The County Boss thanked the Church, which he noted had greatly influenced his political journey and assured the clergy that his position as Governor would not change his support for the Chur

‘I want to thank the Regional Bishop and the clergy for the respect you have continuously given me to support the development of the church. We will not tire of supporting God’s work,’ he declared. The Governor was accompanied by his spouse, Lillian Ekamais.

Bomet Senator Hillary Sigei who represented the Chief Guest Cabinet Secretary for Roads Kipchumba Murkomen said the CS had assured him that funds had been set aside to repair roads damaged by floods.

He voiced support for President Ruto’s Administration and underscored the need for unity among leaders for success in development programmes’ implementation.

Senator James Lomenen highlighted the urgency of addressing strife in parts of Turkana South caused by banditry, while Woman Representative Cecilia Ishuu urged the National Government to prioritize assistance for flood victims in Turkana.

Turkana East Legislator Nicholas Ngikor called for focus among leaders and promised to take the lead in the push for unity, while his Turkana Central counterpa
rt Emathe Namuar rallied support for President Ruto’s Administration.

Other speakers included Turkana South MP Ariko Namoit and a host of Members of County Assembly led by Lokichar MCA, Samuel Lomodo.

Source: Kenya News Agency