Verifone lance une nouvelle marque

Verifone dévoile une nouvelle marque et un site Web d’entreprise inédit afin d’illustrer son offre de plateforme de paiements de premier ordre

CORAL SPRINGS, Floride, 01 juill. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Aujourd’hui, Verifone change d’image de marque pour mettre en lumière ses solutions de paiement innovantes en introduisant un nouveau logo, une nouvelle identité de marque et un site Web mondial inédit de manière à s’aligner sur une vision actualisée. Verifone est désormais l’« expert en commerce et architecte des paiements » partenaire de toutes les entreprises dans le monde. Le portefeuille robuste de produits et services de Verifone tient cette promesse en couvrant les solutions de paiement numérique, les dispositifs de paiement sécurisés, les paiements en tant que service hébergés sur le cloud, l’acquisition de marchands, la technologie de point de vente, les connaissances commerciales avancées via la science des données, les pratiques de services gérés et plus encore.

Après avoir reconstitué l’intégralité de son offre et de sa culture d’entreprise sous un nouveau leadership, l’identité renouvelée de la marque correspond à l’innovation et la passion d’une nouvelle Verifone. La reconnaissance et la confiance que les consommateurs accordent au nom Verifone devaient être préservées tout en mettant simultanément en lumière la focalisation accrue de Verifone sur le numérique, son approche priorisant l’avenir et sa position de leader sur la place de marché. La nouvelle iconographie communique la nature connectée, modulaire et évolutive des paiements dans la vie moderne, et elle présente le rôle architectural que joue Verifone dans les paiements et le commerce. Tous ces éléments sont réunis sur le nouveau site Web mondial de Verifone où les consommateurs, marchands et autres parties prenantes se voient présenter une nouvelle expérience Verifone plus intuitive. La nouvelle marque est extensible à travers les unités commerciales et sur toute la planète.

Avec un demi-billion de dollars de transactions qui traversent son cloud via des dispositifs de paiement ou des sites Web et applications soutenus par Verifone, Verifone permet véritablement un commerce mondial. Verifone se démarque dans le domaine des paiements où la plupart des entreprises doivent toujours assembler des offres fragmentées de différents fournisseurs pour répondre aux besoins complexes de la clientèle. Verifone est le seul fournisseur à disposer d’un ensemble d’outils flexible et complet qui rationalise et réduit les coûts de toute entreprise pour l’acceptation de paiements.

« Le monde du commerce évolue constamment, et c’est cet environnement dynamique que nous avons simplifié et que nous continuons de révolutionner. Verifone s’est lancée dans l’espace des technologies financières il y a plus de 40 ans, faisant rapidement évoluer ses offres de services pour répondre aux besoins de toutes les petites et grandes entreprises », a déclaré Mike Pulli, PDG de Verifone. « Nous sommes le partenaire de commerce indispensable pour les entreprises du monde entier, car nous proposons des solutions avec une architecture préparée pour l’avenir. Notre nouvelle marque correspond à notre réflexion accordant la priorité au numérique, notre état d’esprit axé sur les employés et notre innovation accélérée. Nos clients, de même que leurs clients, comptent sur Verifone chaque jour. »

Ces dernières années, Verifone s’est intensément concentrée sur la création de nouvelles capacités et fonctions de paiement innovantes, étendant considérablement la pile de solutions et ouvrant de nouveaux marchés. En raison de l’expertise commerciale de la société, ses solutions peuvent facilement être adaptées sur presque tous les marchés verticaux. Depuis les détaillants complexes opérant dans l’omnicommerce à l’échelle mondiale jusqu’au moindre fournisseur local présentant ses produits lors d’un marché agricole, Verifone prépare les piles technologiques et les écosystèmes de paiement pour l’avenir.

Pour découvrir la nouvelle identité de Verifone, visionnez la vidéo de présentation et consultez son nouveau site Web mondial d’entreprise à l’adresse De nouveaux sites Web nationaux entreront en service au cours des semaines et mois à venir.

À propos de Verifone

Verifone est l’architecte de paiements façonnant les écosystèmes des expériences de commerce en personne et en ligne, comprenant tout ce dont les entreprises ont besoin, des dispositifs de paiement sécurisés aux outils d’e-commerce, en faisant l’acquisition de services, de connaissances commerciales avancées et bien plus encore. En tant que leader mondial des technologies financières, Verifone alimente la croissance de l’omnicommerce pour des sociétés dans plus de 165 pays et se voit accorder la confiance des institutions financières de premier plan, des petites entreprises et des marques les plus connues dans le monde. La plateforme Verifone se base sur quatre décennies d’innovation et de sécurité sans concession, gérant annuellement plus de 12 milliards de transactions équivalant à plus de 500 milliards de dollars sur les canaux physiques et numériques.

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Verifone Lança Nova Marca

Verifone revela nova marca e site corporativo para exemplificar sua oferta de plataforma de pagamentos líder da classe

CORAL SPRINGS, Flórida, July 01, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Verifone se renova para destacar suas soluções de pagamento inovadoras, introduzindo um novo logotipo, identidade de marca e site global para se alinhar com uma visão atualizada. A Verifone agora é parceira “Payments Architect and Commerce Expert” (Expert de Arquitetura de Pagamentos e Comércio) para todas as empresas em todos os lugares. O robusto portfólio de produtos e serviços da Verifone cumpre essa promessa, pois abrange soluções de pagamento digital, dispositivos de pagamentos seguros, Pagamentos como Serviço hospedados na nuvem, aquisição de comerciantes, tecnologia de ponto de venda, insights avançados de negócios por meio da ciência de dados, práticas de serviços gerenciados e muito mais.

Depois de recriar a oferta e toda a cultura da empresa sob a nova liderança a identidade da marca renovada combina com a inovação e a dedicação de uma nova Verifone. O reconhecimento e a confiança do consumidor no nome Verifone precisavam ser preservados, com o destaque simultâneo do foco digital elevado da Verifone, a abordagem voltada para o futuro e a posição de liderança no mercado. A nova iconografia transmite a natureza conectada, modular e em evolução dos pagamentos na vida moderna, sendo um exemplo do papel arquitetônico que a Verifone desempenha nos pagamentos e no comércio. Tudo isso acompanha o novo website global onde consumidores, comerciantes e outras partes interessadas são introduzidos a uma experiência nova e mais fácil de usar da Verifone. A nova marca se aplica a todas as unidades de negócios e em todo o mundo.

Com meio trilhão de dólares em transações na sua nuvem nos dispositivos de pagamento ou sites e aplicativos da Verifone, a Verifone realmente viabiliza o comércio global. A Verifone se destaca no espaço de pagamentos, onde a maioria das empresas ainda junta ofertas fragmentadas de vários provedores para atender às necessidades complexas dos clientes. A Verifone é o único provedor com um conjunto de ferramentas abrangente e flexível que agiliza e reduz os custos para qualquer empresa aceitar pagamentos.

“O mundo do comércio está em constante evolução, e é esse ambiente dinâmico que simplificamos e continuamos a revolucionar. A Verifone entrou no espaço Fintech há mais de quatro décadas, evoluindo rapidamente as ofertas de serviços para atender às necessidades de todas as grandes e pequenas empresas”, disse Mike Pulli, CEO da Verifone. “Somos o parceiro comercial essencial para empresas em todo o mundo, com a nossa oferta de soluções com uma arquitetura à prova do futuro. Nossa nova marca representa o nosso pensamento digital, nossa mentalidade focada nos funcionários e nossa inovação acelerada. Nossos clientes e clientes dos nossos clientes confiam na Verifone todos os dias.”

A Verifone tem se concentrado intensamente em recursos e capacidade de pagamento novas e inovadoras nos últimos anos, expandindo significativamente o conjunto de soluções e permitindo a abertura de novos mercados. A experiência em comércio da empresa significa que suas soluções podem ser facilmente adaptadas em quase todas as verticais. De varejistas complexos, globais e de omni-commerce a um fornecedor local em um mercado de agricultores, a Verifone prepara os ecossistemas de pagamento e conjuntos de tecnologia para o futuro.

Para ver a nova identidade da Verifone, assista ao vídeo do lançamento e visite o novo site corporativo global em Novos sites específicos de cada país serão lançados nas próximas semanas e meses.

Sobre a Verifone

A Verifone é a arquiteta de pagamentos que molda os ecossistemas para experiências de comércio online e presencial, incluindo tudo o que as empresas precisam – desde os dispositivos de pagamento seguros a ferramentas de eCommerce, aquisição de serviços, insights avançados de negócios, e muito mais. Como líder global em FinTech, a Verifone impulsiona o crescimento do omni-commerce para empresas em mais de 165 países, e conta com a confiança das marcas, pequenas empresas e grandes instituições financeiras mais conhecidas do mundo. A plataforma Verifone foi criada com o nosso histórico de quatro décadas de inovação e segurança intransigente, que atualmente gerencia anualmente mais de 12 bilhões de transações no valor de mais de US $ 500 bilhões em canais físicos e digitais.

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Mamfehene organizes an experiential educational tour for BECE candidates

Osabarima Ansah Sasraku, Mamfehene who is also the Kyidomhene of Akuapem has organised an experiential educational tour for Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) candidates in the area to some selected Senior High schools (SHS) and the University of Ghana.

The objective of the tour is to inspire the final year students who are candidates for the 2023 BECE scheduled for August, to have exposure to higher education as well as stimulate their imagination to strive for higher education and not end after the BECE.

The candidates were drawn from Mamfe Methodist Junior High Schools (JHS), Mamfe Presby JHS and Saforo M/A JHS and they toured the Mamfe Methodist Girls SHS, Okuapeman SHS, Presbyterian Boys SHS, Legon, in Accra.

The Mamfehene said the tour was part of several strategies devised by the Kyidomman Council including the presentation of critical textbooks to the final-year students, to improve the standards of education in the area and to ensure that the final year JHS students continue the full cycle of the education ladder and not to end after the BECE.

In spite of the several high-grade schools located on the Akuapem ridge, records show that most children do not make the grades to be admitted to these schools and that had been a source of worry to many including the traditional authority.

According to Mamfehene, a survey at the various public basic schools showed that most of the students had not visited any senior high school in their lifetime and also had low confidence which he described as not too good for improved standards.

‘We hope that this gesture would broaden their horizon and inspire them to study hard and make the grades to be enrolled in first-class schools, and we also hope to demystify the myth that first-class schools like Legon Presbyterian Senior High School, are reserved for a certain class of students,’ he said.

Mr David Odjidja, Headmaster, Presbyterian Boys SHS, described the tour as a novelty which would go a long way to build the confidence of the students as well as make an impact on the students to learn hard and enter SHS.

He commended the Mamfehene for the initiative adding that the grade A schools like PRESEC were not a preserve for a certain class of people but the backgrounds of many people especially in public schools outside Accra limited them from accessing admission and was optimistic that it would change the narratives come September admissions.

‘I have no doubt this exposure given to the students is going to be a game-changer. I am looking forward to most of the boys coming here in the next academic year and also having further engagement with the chief to sustain the goal,’ said the headmaster.

During their tour, the students visited science laboratories, Information Communication Technology (ICT) Laboratories and other facilities at the schools and the Balme Library at the University of Ghana.

Source: Ghana News Agency

Navy debunks report of alleged absurdity in Admiralty University

The Nigerian Navy has described the report of an alleged absurdity in Admiralty University of Nigeria (ADUN), Ibusa, Delta, as misleading and the handiwork of mischief-makers.

Naval spokesman, Commodore Ayo Vaughan, who debunked the report in a statement on Sunday in Abuja, faulted most of the issues raised in the report.

According to him, the said report revealed the ignorance and unethical tendency of the writer, his sponsors and unpatriotic collaborators.

The director of information, who cleared the air over the ownership status of ADUN, said that Nigeria Navy (NN) bought the interests of Hellenic Education Nigeria Limited (HENL) to convert it to a Public University similar to NDA, and Nigerian Army University.

He, therefore, described as malicious and baseless, allegations claiming that all was not well with the institution, hence the Secretary to the Government of the Federation should cause President Bola Tinubu to intervene and appoint Principal/Management Officers the university.

Vaughan said what the university was in need of was a speedy completion of the processes of its takeover by the Federal Ministry of Education and change of status by NUC.

He the university also needed the constitution of its Governing Council in accordance with Section 9 of the ADUN Establishment Act 2022, not the kind of arbitrary interventions canvassed by the writer.

He explained that ADUN was established in 2017 as a Public Private Partnership between the NN (represented by Navy Holdings Limited (NHL)) and Hellenic Education Nigeria Limited (HENL).

He said that it was issued a provisional licence as a private university by National Universities Commission (NUC) on Dec. 19, 2017, and commenced academic activities in January 2019.

“Due to irreconcilable differences between the partners, the NHL decided, in the national and public interest, to buy off the interest of HENL and convert it to a public university.

”By mutual consent, NHL and HENL dissolved the partnership on March 21, 2022, and in December 2022, the National Assembly passed a bill to convert the university to a conventional public university.

”This bill was assented to by former President Muhammadu Buhari GCFR on Feb. 8, as the Admiralty University of Nigeria, Ibusa (Establishment) Act 2022.

“The change of status of a university from private to public is not an event but a process involving key Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs).

”In furtherance of this process, NHL has caused multiple high-level engagements between the NN and both the Federal Ministries of Education and Defence as well as the NUC.”

He explained that the Federal Ministry of Education had commenced the process of conversion, but to date it is yet to take the university on strength and the NUC is yet to change its status as a federal public university.

“In the meantime, and in deference to Section 38 of the ADUN Establishment Act 2022, the Chief of the Naval Staff (CNS) constituted the Transitional Governing Council (TGC) to govern the University before the coming into force of the Act.

“The NN through the NHL is resourcing the university and with the instrumentality of the council, management and leadership has nurtured the university to stability.

“On March 23, the incumbent Vice Chancellor, Prof. Paul Omojo Omaji, applied for a renewal of his appointment for a further period of five years in accordance with his contract.

”This was in anticipation of the expiration of his tenure on June 30, The TGC on April 14, considered this request for contract renewal but turned it down in view of the transition of the university.

”However, the TGC in its wisdom was unwilling to leave a leadership vacuum in the university.”

According to him, it therefore, in the overall interest of the university, approved a six-month extension of contract during which time the NHL is to intensify efforts to effect the change of status of the university so that necessary actions and due processes can be taken to appoint a substantive Vice Chancellor.

” This approval was endorsed by the CNS who is the de-facto Proprietor on June 9 and re-affirmed by the TGC on June 14.

“The university is currently in a delicate period of transition being midwived by the NN through the NHL.

”This is akin to the transitions of erstwhile military tertiary institutions such as the Nigerian Defence Academy, Air Force Institute of Technology, Kaduna and Nigerian Army University, Biu.

“It is absurd that the writer would refer uncharitably to the former president as ‘not to have given a hoot’ to governance and then advised his successor to arbitrarily intervene in a budding tertiary institution against the spirit and letters of its establishment law.”

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

UNDP Hails China’s Renewable Energy Promotion in Ethiopia

UNDP has hailed its partnership with China in promoting affordable renewable energy in the Global South, highlighting a project with Ethiopia that seeks to expand access to renewable energy in the country, according to CGTN.

UNDP Ethiopia Deputy Resident Representative Cleophas Torori underscored the importance of the innovative project, Biogas, Biomass and Solar Trilateral Cooperation – Transitioning to Sustainable Energy Uses in the Agro-industry between China and Ethiopia, in promoting the transfer of renewable energy technology to Ethiopia.

“We are very privileged to be working in support of this trilateral partnership under a framework that we value at the UNDP, which is promoting South-South Cooperation,” Torori said.

Torori said the project has been implemented based on the technological advancement that China, in particular, made in recent years in the renewable energy development sector.

“China is advanced in some of the technologies that Ethiopia, as a developing country, could very much benefit from under the South-South cooperation framework, and that is what this project is about,” he said.

According to a recent UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs report, Ethiopia has one of the biggest electricity access deficits. The report highlighted that the top 20 access-deficit countries account for 81 percent of the global population without access to clean technology and fuels.

Ethiopia is currently implementing a 10-year development plan that articulates a commitment to universal access to clean, reliable and affordable energy by 2030.

Torori said the trilateral project mainly aims to reduce the burden and close the energy access gap, particularly in the rural parts of Ethiopia, where energy deficits exist.

“There is a lot that is happening under this project (in terms of) expanding access to renewable energy in Ethiopia,” he said.

The project is in line with the SDGs, particularly concerning Goal 7 on promoting affordable, clean, renewable energy access and Goal 17 on promoting partnerships, he said, adding that “there is no partnership than what we have here.”

As part of the UNDP-supported project, Ethiopia and China have recently launched a joint research and extension center, which is expected to serve as a research, training and demonstration platform to enhance the capacity to access renewable energy technologies in Ethiopia and facilitate the realization of the SDGs.

He noted that the unique partnership is building a critical mass of experts that can manage and sustain similar initiatives in the future.

“We have come a long way under the trilateral project,” Torori said, stressing the need to further strengthen the partnership so as to reduce poverty and improve the livelihoods of people in the developing world.

Noting that the project is expected to benefit up to 50,000 households in Ethiopia, once it is fully completed, Torori said, “This is extremely important because here we have an opportunity to learn from the knowledge exchange and technical input from China, and we have a critical mass of Ethiopians that have begun to be trained (through the project).”

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

PM Abiy Says Revitalizing School Systems Part of Nation Building Endeavors

A national education campaign which intends to improve standards of schools is parts of the endeavors to build a competitive nation which all citizens should participate, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has officially launched the Education for Generations national campaign today. On the occasion, the premier pointed out that the campaign to improve the standards of schools in Ethiopia largely needs the participation of communities and former students.

The national campaign is parts of the efforts to building a competitive country and thus requires the strong cooperation and participation of all citizens, he added.

The campaign intends to improve the standards of more than 50,000 schools across Ethiopia. It also aims to mobilize ideas, resources and energy to revitalize school systems.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency