What Nigerians need to know about Dominica’s Citizenship by Investment Programme

Roseau, July 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nigeria is currently facing economic challenges, despite having the largest economy in Africa. The country’s debt grew a staggering 500 per cent under the former President, Muhammadu Buhari. The World Bank revised Nigeria’s gross domestic product (GDP) earlier this year, in the recent Nigeria Development Update (NDU).

The NDU report is released biannually by the World Bank and evaluates Nigeria’s current economic and social developments and long-term prospects on a global scale. The report also focuses on Nigeria’s economic and policy issues and analyses medium-term development challenges.

These economic and political challenges are causing Nigerian citizens to face great uncertainty, many of whom are hoping to see positive changes with the new president, Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

Nigerians are continuously seeking alternative methods to protect themselves and their families’ future, and one economical way of achieving this can be through the investment migration industry. Several factors influence Nigerians’ choices in selecting a host country’s CBI programme. Nigerians desire their dual citizenship to ensure economic and political stability in a host country that creates safety and security for both personal and business activities.

The Commonwealth of Dominica offers Nigerians opportunities that include encouraging and supporting business growth and a family-friendly environment.

Nigerians can access these opportunities through Dominica’s Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Programme and obtain dual citizenship in exchange for contributing investments towards one of the programme’s investment options. There are additional requirements when applying for dual citizenship, which include background and due diligence checks that may have additional fees applied.

Access to quality healthcare and educational facilities is important for Nigerians and their families, these facilities have international standards that offer advanced medical practices and schools that encourage further studies in Dominica or anywhere else around the world.

Dominica’s dual citizenship has one of the most affordable CBI programmes in the Eastern Caribbean region.

How do Nigerians benefit from Dominica’s CBI Programme?

Dual citizenship is a key to opening possibilities that come with Dominica’s dual citizenship, Nigerians can become part of the greater global community and increase their chances of ease of access to global markets that they were unable to previously.

Dominica is an English-speaking country, making it easier to communicate with the locals and with the Government of Dominica.

Nigerians can establish their businesses and expand their existing business ventures in Dominica. This will open more possibilities for creating permanent jobs and support local entrepreneurs with their small businesses.

Dominica offers offshore financial services to Nigerians who want to make international transactions and remittances back home. The CBI programme forms avenues for wealth management services and opportunities to protect assets and generational wealth.

The country also has many projects that are currently running through Dominica’s CBI, which will yield profitable results in their developing stages once completed, these will support the economic development of the country and improve the livelihoods of all citizens.

Nigerians can visit and live in Dominica with their family members whom they had applied for dual citizenship. Dominica is a tropical island paradise with picturesque landscapes and endless leisure activities for the whole family to enjoy.

Nigerian applicants are not required to undergo a series of exams to apply, nor do they need to live in Dominica for some time to qualify for dual citizenship.

Investment options available for dual citizenship

Nigerians can choose from the Economic Diversification Fund or Dominica’s Real Estate investment options. These investment options are also efficient for large families.

The Economic Diversification Fund (EDF) is a non-refundable contribution towards financially supporting private or public initiatives in Dominica. These initiatives include construction and development projects, renovation of hospitals, ecotourism, and agriculture. The contribution funds depend on the number of family members included in the applicant:

  • The main applicant is ₦77,000,000 (US$100,000)
  • A married couple’s contribution is ₦15,000,000 (US$150,000)
  • A family of four contributions is ₦134,000,000 (US$175,000)
  • For any additional family member under 18 years of age is ₦19,000,000 (US$25,000)
  • And for any additional family member 18 years of age and over is ₦38,000,000 (US$50,000)

Dominica’s Real Estate investment option has government-approved luxurious properties around the country that offer exceptional returns on investments. From ₦153,000,000 (US$200,000). Any real estate properties purchased must own for a minimum of three years, or five years should the future purchaser be a CBI applicant. Dominica’s real estate fees are as follows:

  • The main applicant is ₦19,000,000 (US$25,000)
  • For a family of four is ₦26,000,000 (US$35,000)
  • For a family of five is ₦38,000,000 (US$50,000)
  • For any additional family member is ₦19,000,000 (US$25,000)

Dominica has award-winning luxury properties such as the Secret Bay. The eco-luxury resort featured in Travel + Leisure as the ‘#1 Best Resort Hotel in the Caribbean, Bermuda, and the Bahamas‘ in 2022 and is expanding its amenities and villas that are expected to be available from 2025, Dominica’s CBI investors contribute to Secret Bay’s success, as it offers high returns on investments. There are other luxury resorts and villas can cater to the needs of Nigerian investors’ long-term investment goals, such as Jungle Bay, and InterContinental Dominica Cabrits Resort and Spa.

Chantal Mabanga
Commonwealth of Dominica
+44 (0) 207 318 4343

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8873917

Recursion annonce sa collaboration avec NVIDIA qui investit 50 millions de dollars pour l’accélération de la mise au point de d’innovants modèles de base dans la découverte de médicaments basée sur l’IA

Les deux sociétés vont collaborer à l’élaboration de logiciels destinés aux sociétés biotechnologiques et pharmaceutiques afin de créer plus rapidement des traitements améliorés pour les patients

SALT LAKE CITY, TORONTO et MONTRÉAL, 13 juill. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Recursion (NASDAQ: RXRX), société biotechnologique au stade clinique chef de file dans le décodage biologique pour l’industrialisation de la découverte de médicaments, a annoncé aujourd’hui un investissement de 50 millions de dollars de NVIDIA, effectué sous forme de Placement privé dans les sociétés ouvertes (PPSO) Recursion a également annoncé son intention, en collaboration avec NVIDIA, d’accélérer le développement de ses modèles biologiques et chimiques basés sur l’IA afin de les optimiser et de les distribuer aux sociétés biotechnologiques en utilisant les services infonuagiques de NVIDIA.

« Notre collaboration avec NVIDIA représente l’union de deux sociétés de premier plan pour contribuer à résoudre l’un des plus grands défis au monde, la découverte de médicaments », a déclaré Chris Gibson, cofondateur et chef de la direction de Recursion. « Grâce à notre puissant ensemble de données et aux capacités informatiques accélérées de NVIDIA, nous avons l’intention de créer des modèles biologiques et chimiques de base, et ce, à une échelle sans précédent relativement à ce qui a été fait dans le domaine biologique ».

Recursion prévoit d’utiliser son vaste et exclusif ensemble de données biologiques et chimiques, dépassant 23 pétaoctets et 3 000 milliards de gènes et de relations des gènes et des composés consultables, afin d’accélérer la formation de modèles de base sur le nuage NVIDIA DGX™ en vue d’une éventuelle licence commerciale/diffusion sur BioNeMo, le service infonuagique de NVIDIA pour l’IA générative dans le domaine de la découverte de médicaments. NVIDIA aidera également à optimiser et à faire évoluer les modèles de base Recursion en s’appuyant sur la pile IA et l’expertise informatique complète de NVIDIA. BioNeMo a été annoncé au début de l’année comme un service infonuagique pour l’IA générative destinée à la découverte de médicaments, offrant des outils pour personnaliser et déployer rapidement des modèles biomoléculaires de pointe à l’échelle, spécifiques à un domaine, par le biais de services API en nuage. Recursion prévoit d’utiliser ce logiciel pour soutenir sa réserve de projets interne ainsi que ses partenaires actuels et futurs.

« L’IA générative est un outil innovant pour découvrir de nouveaux médicaments et traitements », a déclaré Jensen Huang, fondateur et chef de la direction de NVIDIA. « Nous sommes ravis de collaborer avec l’équipe de classe mondiale de Recursion, qui effectue un travail innovant en biologie et chimie numériques avec NVIDIA DGX et le logiciel NVIDIA AI afin d’accélérer le développement des plus grands modèles d’IA générative biomoléculaire au monde et la découverte de médicaments pour les sociétés biotechnologiques et pharmaceutiques »

Recursion, par  l’acquisition récente de Valence Discovery, vise à accélérer le développement de nouvelles technologies pour alimenter l’industrie biopharmaceutique, tout en démocratisant l’accès aux modèles à grande échelle qui ont un impact maximal sur la découverte de médicaments.

À propos de Recursion 
Recursion (NASDAQ: RXRX) est une société biotechnologique en stade clinique, chef de file dans son domaine, qui décode les données biologiques pour industrialiser la recherche de nouveaux médicaments. Pour s’acquitter de sa mission, Recursion OS, plateforme mise au point à partir de technologies variées, étend continuellement l’un des plus grands ensembles de données chimiques et biologiques au monde. Recursion s’appuie sur des algorithmes d’apprentissage automatique sophistiqués pour extraire de son ensemble de données une collection de billions de relations consultables dans les domaines de la biologie et de la chimie, qui ne sont pas limitées par les biais humains. Par la possession et l’exploitation de l’un des plus puissants des superordinateurs au monde, et des recherches expérimentales menées une échelle expérimentale massive – jusqu’à des millions d’expériences en laboratoire humide hebdomadaires – et une échelle de calcul massive, Recursion unit la technologie, la biologie et la chimie pour faire progresser l’avenir de la médecine.

Recursion est basée à Salt Lake City, où elle est membre fondateur de BioHive, le collectif de l’industrie des sciences de la vie de l’Utah. Recursion possède également des bureaux à Toronto, Montréal et dans la région de San Francisco Bay. Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site www.Recursion.com, ou connectez-vous sur Twitter et LinkedIn.

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Énoncés prospectifs
Ce document contient des informations qui incluent ou sont basées sur des « Énoncés prospectifs » au sens du Securities Litigation Reform Act de 1995, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter, celles concernant l’accélération et l’avancement du développement des modèles de fondation de l’IA, ainsi que l’optimisation, l’octroi de licences et la distribution de ces modèles; l’utilisation du logiciel BioNeMo pour soutenir le pipeline interne de Recursion ainsi que les partenaires industriels actuels et futurs de Recursion ; Recursion accélérant le développement de nouvelles technologies grâce à l’acquisition de Valence Discovery; ainsi que toutes les autres déclarations qui ne constituent pas des faits historiques. Les énoncés prospectifs peuvent inclure ou non des mots d’identification tels que « prévoit », « fera », « s’attend à », « anticipe », « a l’intention de », « croit », « potentiel », « continue » et des termes similaires. Ces énoncés sont soumis à des risques connus ou inconnus et à des incertitudes qui pourraient faire en sorte que les résultats réels diffèrent matériellement de ceux exprimés ou sous-entendus dans ces énoncés, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter : les défis inhérents à la recherche et au développement pharmaceutiques, y compris le calendrier et les résultats des programmes précliniques et cliniques, où le risque d’échec est élevé et où l’échec peut survenir à n’importe quel stade avant ou après l’approbation réglementaire en raison d’un manque d’efficacité suffisante, de considérations de sécurité ou d’autres facteurs; notre capacité à exploiter et à améliorer notre plate-forme de découverte de médicaments; notre capacité à obtenir un financement pour les activités de développement et d’autres objectifs de l’entreprise; le succès de nos activités de collaboration; notre capacité à obtenir l’approbation réglementaire des médicaments candidats et à les commercialiser; notre capacité à obtenir, maintenir et appliquer les protections de la propriété intellectuelle; les cyberattaques ou autres perturbations de nos systèmes technologiques; notre capacité à attirer, motiver et retenir des employés clés et à gérer notre croissance; l’inflation et d’autres questions macroéconomiques; et d’autres risques et incertitudes tels que ceux décrits sous la rubrique « Facteurs de risque » dans les documents que nous avons déposés auprès de la U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Securities and Exchange Commission, y compris notre rapport annuel sur le formulaire 10-K. Toutes les déclarations prospectives sont basées sur les estimations, projections et hypothèses actuelles de la direction, et Recursion ne s’engage pas à corriger ou mettre à jour ces déclarations, que ce soit à la suite de nouvelles informations, de développements futurs ou autres, sauf dans la mesure où la loi applicable l’exige.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8873841

Religious Leaders in Malawi Protest Same-Sex Marriage

Religious leaders in Malawi led street protests Thursday against same-sex marriage, as a Dutch citizen and a transgender Malawian challenge laws in Malawi’s High Court against same-sex relations.

Hundreds of people in Malawi’s commercial capital, Blantyre, gathered Thursday to protest what they call the potential legalization of same-sex marriage in the country.

The protesters came from both of the country’s major religions — Christianity and Islam.

Archbishop Thomas Luke Msusa led the protests in Blantyre. He said same-sex marriages are a sin, and allowing such unions would lead to the extinction of the human race.

“If we change the way we live as a family, it means we will cease to exist,” he said. “If we continue to marry a man with a man, surely the offspring, no children will come, then no life in the world, no life in Malawi.”

The nationwide protests come as the Constitutional Court in Malawi continues to hear a case in which Dutch national Jan Willem Akstar and transgender Malawian woman Jana Gonani argue that Malawi’s anti-homosexuality laws violate their fundamental rights, including privacy and dignity.

Homosexuality is an offense in Malawi and punishable by a maximum prison sentence of 14 years.

However, civil society organizations have voiced concerns about discrimination faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) individuals in the country.

Michael Kaiyatsa, executive director of the Center for Human Rights and Rehabilitation, said religious leaders have a right to hold demonstrations about anything they feel is a sin, but they should also consider the rights of other groups.

“Our concern as human rights organizations is that this will have negative implications not only on the rights of LGBT persons, but it will also have negative implications on efforts to fight HIV,” Kaiyatsa said. “Because, what it will do is to roll back the gains that we have made on HIV among men who have sex with men, for example.”

Kaiyatsa said studies have shown that the prevalence rate of HIV and AIDS in those who engage in same-sex acts is about 40 percent, so discriminating against them would likely push the number even higher.

Eric Sambisa, executive director for Nyasa Rainbow Coalition, which fights for the rights of LGBTQ people in Malawi, said it is sad that religious leaders are fostering discrimination.

“The church is a powerful organization in society,” he said. “And seeing the church being in the forefront to demonstrate can actually fuel violence against an already disadvantaged community. So, it’s sad that this is happening like this.”

Sambisa told VOA that he has gone into hiding following death threats from anonymous callers. The threats came a few weeks after his office was burned down in Blantyre.

At Thursday’s demonstration, protesters presented a petition to the office of the district commissioner, in which they appealed to lawmakers never to accept any bill or pass any law aimed at legalizing same-sex marriage.

Source: Voice of America

Igembe North Residents Happy That Renovation Of A Local Road Has Kicked Off

Residents of Igembe North are a happy lot after the area MP Julius Taitumu launched the renovation of Kaelo-Antubetwe road.

The road has been in a deplorable condition for many years and thus impended on movement of people and goods.

While officially launching the project recently Taitumu noted that the long-awaited renovation, being funded by the local NGCDF would transform the road into a modern one thus facilitating easy transportation of goods and people.

The MP added the project demonstrates the National government’s commitment towards taking development to every part of the country order to improve respective communities’ living standards.

Taitumu who has tirelessly advocated for the rehabilitation of the road assured residents of his commitment to ensure it is completed on time.

He urged the residents to support the implementation of the project and to be patient during the construction period, as temporary inconveniences may arise such as traffic diversions.

Residents, who have long endured the consequences of the road’s pathetic condition thanked the Government for the project saying it would enhance development.

A trader at Kaelo market Jane Muthoni said local businesses would thrive due to improved connectivity adding that she will now expand her business which has suffered for long due to poor roads.

‘Our businesses have suffered for a long time but now we are happy we will be able to order large stocks compared to the little we order currently as lorries cannot access this region,’ she maintained.

The construction and maintenance works will encompass resurfacing the road, reinforcing bridges and culverts, and installing proper drainage systems to mitigate the impact of heavy rains.

It will also see road safety measures, such as signage and speed bumps erected to ensure the safety of motorists and pedestrians.

Source: Kenya News Agency

IGAD Member States Meeting In Nairobi To Discuss Accurate Migration Data

Member States in the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) region are required to have accurate and comprehensive migration and displacement data for effective response, whenever challenges and opportunities are presented by migration.

Head of Statistics, Planning Coordination and Partnership Division at IGAD, Charles Ogolla said the availability of accurate, reliable and timely data will enable the region to better understand migration and displacement patterns, to analyze social and economic implications and devise evidence-based strategies to ensure the well-being and interaction of migrants.

‘It is through availability of accurate data that we can be able to develop evidence based policies and national development plans to achieve the prospects of the IGAD region,’ he said.

Ogolla stated that by May 2023, the region hosted over 4.59 million registered refugees and asylum seekers, with an estimated 12.15 million internally displaced persons.

The Head of Statistics said immigration is an ever evolving global phenomenon that touches the lives of millions of people around the world, including the IGAD region, emphasizing that at an accurate and timely data will enable policy makers, researchers and practitioners respond effectively.

Ogolla was speaking during the Harmonization and Improvement of Production and Utilization of Migration Data in the 4th IGAD Migration Data Technical Working Group Workshop held at a Nairobi hotel.

The three-day workshop that brought together experts and stakeholders in the field of migration and displacement to discuss, analyze and improve the quality and reliability of migration and displacement statistics was attended by members of IGAD, African Union and United Nations.

‘This 4th working group meeting provides us with an opportunity to share knowledge, exchange best practices and address the challenges associated with migration and displacement statistics in the region,’ he added.

IGAD addresses migration and displacement agenda through the Regional Migration Policy Framework (RMPF), which offers a comprehensive policy approach to govern migration and displacement challenges within the region.

At the same time, Ogolla urged the technical working group to ensure that the production of migration and displacement statistics is optimized, as well as ensure enhancement in coordination of migrations and displacement statistics at both continental, regional and national.

Speaking at the event, the African Union Institute for Statistics Statafric Statistician, Samson Bel-Aube said it is important to set up an information system on migration in Africa and for the African Statistics system to have high quality, reliable and updated migration statistics at the national, regional and continental level for development of targeted policies, better planning and better decision making

He said the African Union Commission through the implementation of the African Charter on Statistics and the Strategy for Harmonization of Statistics (SHaSA) Member states of the African Union have been supported through a number of initiatives on the development and harmonization of migration of statistics in Africa.

In her remarks, the Regional Data Hub Coordinator Laura Nistri, from the UN International Organization for Migration said unsettled conflicts, unprecedented drought conditions and socioeconomic challenges continue to fuel high levels of internal displacements and cross border movement, which she attributed to vulnerabilities and inequalities in the region.

She however, noted that despite the unsettled conflicts, migration has contributed positively in the areas of transfer of skills, knowledge and remittances and the creation of diverse and vibrant communities in the East and Horn of Africa region.

‘Facilitation of free movement of goods, services and people has the potential to catalyze socio-economic opportunities, move households out of poverty and increase the shared prosperity of countries and their citizens,’ stated Nistri.

Some of the achievements the committee has done include the establishment of the IGAD Statistic Committee, operationalization of thematic working groups on migrations and displacement statistics, production and dissemination of the IGAD migration statistics report and enhancement of the South to South Cooperation (SCC) amongst member states.

Source: Kenya News Agency

CS Njeru Roots For The Affordable Housing Scheme

The Government is committed to extending its partnerships with the private sector in order to make the proposed Affordable Housing Programme (AHP) a reality for many Kenyans.

Lands, Public Works, Housing and Urban Development Cabinet Secretary Zachariah Mwangi Njeru said our country`s urban population growth has outstripped the development of urban housing and infrastructure, resulting in a distressing backlog of about two million houses, which translates into a housing demand of 250,000 annually, against a supply of 50,000 units, mostly targeting the high end market.

‘Therefore, the Affordable Housing Program (AHP) by the government in partnership with County Governments and the Private Sector couldn’t have come at a better time,’ Njeru stated.

The CS was speaking during an Affordable Housing Retreat (AHR) in Naivasha to deliberate on the implementation plan for the AHP.

The three-day meeting aimed at helping improve and involve some key stakeholders from both the public and private sector in the delivery of the program. It brought together various sector players who support the housing sector such as Water, Roads and National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) among others.

The forum will also give an opportunity to the participants to identify best practices for creating cost effective designs for housing, even as the quality and expected standards are maintained.

They will then come up with a comprehensive report that will map the delivery of the affordable housing program and its key objectives of housing delivery, job creation and development of industries as components of the housing program.

Njeru, who was accompanied by the Housing Principal Secretary Charles Hinga said the new constitution envisages that every Kenyan has a right to accessible, adequate housing and reasonable standards of sanitation and on the same breadth, it gives the State the responsibility to take legislative, policy measures including setting standards for the realization of these rights.

‘It therefore rests on our shoulders the objective of finding solutions that will not only increase the development of housing stock in the country, but to also avail them at cost effective prices to increase affordability for Kenyans,’ the CS affirmed.

Consequently, Njeru noted that the program will not only provide decent housing for the people, but it will also create significant employment opportunities for youth and women in the construction industry.

The ring fencing of selected items for our Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) will create an industry that will see the MSME’s corporatizing, he added.

At the same time, the CS revealed that a recent study by the State Department for Housing and Urban Development identified 1,400 informal settlements in our Country and growing. It also indicated that 65 per cent of Kenyans living in urban areas, live in these slums, where they can’t access basic services and amenities and are prone to rising cases of violence and crime, while paying a premium price to access services such as water and electricity.

Njeru observed that in their intervention measures to bridge the housing deficit, the government has provided land for free, provided tax waivers and provided incentives to the Jua Kali sector, adding that this year alone, they have commissioned several Affordable Housing projects across the country.

He cited the Ruiru, Shauri Moyo, Starehe, Homa bay and Embu housing projects that are at various stages of development, while others are projected to commence soon.

‘Recently, we revamped the Boma Yangu portal under the e-Citizen platform providing all Kenyans with a comprehensive gateway to home ownership. For a Kenyan to be a beneficiary, they must register on Boma Yangu through the USSD code *832# or the web portal and start saving to own a house,’ Njeru added.

He stated that 42 county governments have signed MOUs with the National Government for the AHP projects in their areas.

Last month, President Dr. William Ruto said the plan of creating a new generation of homeowners under the Affordable Housing Programme (AHP) was on course despite the emerging opposition voices.

The president noted that the government’s goal is to construct 250,000 houses every year for low income-earners, adding that the programme also targets the over 6.5 million Kenyans living in slums and informal settlements.

Source: Kenya News Agency